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Поиск книг, содержащих: Glycols
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Carey F.A., Sundberg R.J. — Advanced organic chemistry (Part B) | see “1,2-diols” | Smith M.B., March J. — March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure | see “Diols” | Sloane N.J.A. — Handbook of Integer Sequences | 627 | Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) | 3:1835—1837, 3:1835t, 3:1836t | Fuhrhop J., Penzlin G. — Organic Synthesis: Concepts, Methods, Starting materials | see “Diols” | Smyth C.P. — Dielectric behavior and structure: dielectric constant and loss, dipole moment and molecular structure | 372 | Jork H. (ed.) — Thin-layer chromatography (Vol. 1a) | 1a 426 | Bijvoet J.M., Kolkmeyer N.H., Macgillavry C.H. — X-Ray Analysis of Crystals | 128 | Kirk R. E. (ed.), Othmer D. F. (ed.) — Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Volume 12 | 353 |