Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Associated sheaf
Книга | Страницы для поиска | MacLane S., Moerdijk L. — Sheaves in Geometry and Logic | 87, 128, 133, 227 | Milne J.S. — Etale Cohomology. (PMS-33), Vol. 33 | 57, 60—62 | Tennison B.R., Hitchin N.J. (Ed) — Sheaf Theory | 22, 134 | Tamme G. — Introduction to Etale Cohomology | 46 | Kato G., Struppa D.C. — Fundamentals of algebraic microlocal analysis | 65, 106 | Schlichenmaier M. — An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Curves and Moduli Spaces | 119 | Tannenbaum A. — Invariance and System Theory: Algebraic and Geometric Aspects | 11 | Tamme G. — Introduction to Étale Cohomology | 46 |