Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Mapping, linear
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Rudin W. — Principles of Mathematical Analysis | 206 | Heikkila S., Lakshmikantham V. — Monotone Iterative Techniques for Discontinuous Nonlinear Differential Equations | 47 | Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume III: Analysis | 516 | Searcid M. — Metric Spaces | 275 | Akivis M., Goldberg V. — Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps | 11, 23 | Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration | 38 | Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis I(Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics #86), Vol. 1 | 38 | Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 45 | Dudgeon D.E., Mersereau R.M. — Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing | 24, 168, 182 | Fukunaga K. — Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition | 399, 448, 465, 470 | Choquet-Bruhat Y., DeWitt-Morette C., Dillard-Bleick M. — Analysis, manifolds and physics. Part I. | 10 | Boerner H. — Representations of Groups | 3 | Gruenberg K.W., Weir A.J. — Linear Geometry | see "Linear mapping" | Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of mathematics. Volume III. Analysis | 516 | Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 45 | Robertson A.P., Robertson W. — Topological vector spaces | 23 | Marcus M., Minc H. — Introduction to Linear Algebra | 16 | Zorich V.A., Cooke R. — Mathematical analysis II | 49 | Zorich V. — Mathematical Analysis | 49 | Choquet-Bruhat Y., Dewitt-Morette C. — Analysis, manifolds and physics | 10 | Geroch R. — Mathematical physics | 45 |