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Heikkila S., Lakshmikantham V. — Monotone Iterative Techniques for Discontinuous Nonlinear Differential Equations |
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-space of real sequences 49
-space of real valued functions 48
-space of vector sequences 480
-space of vector valued functions 465
Almost everywhere (a.e.) 36
Axiom of Choice 6
Axiom, schema of replacement 8
Banach space, ordered 30
Banach space, reflexive 30
Boundary value problem, (BVP), elliptic 285
Boundary value problem, quaslinear elliptic 267
Boundary value problem, second order 218
Boundary value problem, second order, mixed monotone 233
Caratheodory 69 419
Chain 3
Compact 17
Compact, relatively 17
Compact, sequentially 18
Cone, fully regular 28
Cone, normal 28
Cone, order 27
Cone, positive 27
Cone, regular 27
Cone, strongly minihedral 546
Convergence 16
Convergence, strong 28
Convergence, weak 30 463
Cosine family, strongly continuous 435
Coupled quasisolutions of ellitpic BVP system 298
Coupled quasisolutions of finite scalar, BVP system 256
Coupled quasisolutions of finite scale, IVP system 152
Coupled quasisolutions of finite scale, PBVP system 173
Coupled quasisolutions of first order IVP in Banach space 394
Coupled quasisolutions of first order PBVP in Banach space 398
Coupled quasisolutions of infinite scalar, PBVP system 213
Coupled quasisolutions of scalar BVP 234
Coupled quasisolutions of scalar IVP 107
Coupled quasisolutions of scalar PBVP 131
Coupled quasisolutions of second order PBVP in Banach space 406
Coupled quasisolutions of second order, IVP in Banach space 402
Dependence on initial data of IVP in Banach space 334
Dependence on initial data, first order infinite scalar IVP system 187
Dependence on initial data, first order scalar IVP system 143
Dependence on initial data, first order semilinear IVP in Banach space 359 428
Dependence on initial data, first order, scalar IVP 95
Dependence on initial data, higher order IVP in Banach space 373
Dependence on initial data, second order, semilinear IVP in Banach space 450
Dependence on initial values: of first order IVP, IVP in Banach space 334
Dependence on initial values: of first order semilinear, IVP in Banach space 354 417
Dependence on initial values: of higher order IVP in Banach space 369
Dependence on initial values: of second order semilinear IVP in Banach space 439
Derivative 51
Dirichlet boundary conditions 285
Dominated Convergence Theorem 4
Dual space 267
Duality pairing 267
Element, greatest 3
Element, least 3
Element, maximal 3
Embedding, compact 304
Embedding, continuous 31
Equicontinuous 33
Essential supremum 48
Extremal coupled quasisolutions of elliptic BVP system 299
Extremal coupled quasisolutions of finite BVP system 256
Extremal coupled quasisolutions of finite scalar, IVP system 153
Extremal coupled quasisolutions of finite scalar, PBVP system 175
Extremal quasisolutions of first order IVP in Banach space 394
Extremal quasisolutions of first order PBVP in Banach space 398
Extremal quasisolutions of first order, scalar IVP 110
Extremal quasisolutions of infinite scalar, PBVP system 215
Extremal quasisolutions of parabolic IBVP system 326
Extremal quasisolutions of scalar BVP 234
Extremal quasisolutions of scalar PBVP 133
Extremal quasisolutions of second order order, IVP in Banach space 402
Extremal quasisolutions of second order, order PBVP in Banach space 412
Extremal solutions of elliptic BVP 287
Extremal solutions of elliptic BVP system 294
Extremal solutions of first order IVP in Banach space 341
Extremal solutions of first order IVP system in Banach space 370
Extremal solutions of first order PBVP in Banach space 380
Extremal solutions of first order semilinear IVP in Banach space 350
Extremal solutions of first order, finite IVP system 135
Extremal solutions of first order, finite PBVP system 164
Extremal solutions of first order, infinite IVP system 177
Extremal solutions of first order, infinite PBVP system 204
Extremal solutions of first order, scalar IVP 68 86
Extremal solutions of first order, scalar PBVP 121
Extremal solutions of higher order IVP in Banach space 370
Extremal solutions of higher order, scalar IVP 151
Extremal solutions of parabolic IBVP 316
Extremal solutions of parabolic, IBVP system 324
Extremal solutions of quasilinear, elliptic BVP 278
Extremal solutions of second order BVP 225
Extremal solutions of second order PBVP in Banach space 392
Extremal solutions of second order, finite BVP system 241
Extremal solutions of second order, infinite BVP system 248
Finite intersection property 17
Finite systems of first order IVP’s 134 152
Finite systems of first order PBVP’s 164
Finite systems of second order BVP’s 240 255
Finite systems of second order, elliptic BVP’s 292 298
Finite systems of second order, parabolic IBVP’s 321
Fixed point of mapping 7
Fixed point of multifunction 6
Fixed point, coupled 24
Fixed point, extremal 21
Fixed point, extremal coupled 24
Fixed point, greatest 21
Fixed point, least 21
Fixed point, unique 66
Form, bilinear 285
Form, semilinear 268
Function of strong bounded variation 51
Function, -integrable 37
Function, a.e. differentiable 52
Function, absolutely continuous 51
Function, almost left regulated 42
Function, almost right regulated 42
Function, Bochner integrable 38
Function, Borel measurable 47
Function, bounded 37
Function, Caratheodory 46
Function, conjugate 473
Function, countably stepped 38
Function, differentiable 51
Function, Dirichlet 42
Function, essentially bounded 37
Function, Heaviside 281
Function, Lebesgue integrable 38
Function, left regulated 38
Function, Lipschitz continuous 51
Function, measurable 38
Function, monotone 20
Function, N- 472
Function, nondecreasing 20
Function, nonincreasing 20
Function, quasimonotone 134
Function, quasimonotone nonincreasing 134
Function, quasimonotone, nondecreasing 134 338
Function, regulated 38
Function, right regulated 38
Function, standard 47
Function, step 36
Function, stepped 38
Function, strongly measurable 37
Functional, linear 30
Generalized 474
Gronwall’s lemma, generalized 81
Hilbert space 458
| Hilbert space, ordered 458
Holder’s Inequality 466
Infimum 3
Infinite systems of first order, IVP’s 175 193
Infinite systems of first order, PBVP’s 204
Infinite systems of second order, BVP’s 247 261
Infinitesimal generator 435
Initial value problem (IVP), first order differential equation 67 85 331
Initial value problem (IVP), first order partial differential equation 429
Initial value problem (IVP), first order semilinear differential equation 350 415
Initial value problem (IVP), higher order diffential equation 149 366
Initial value problem (IVP), second order hyperbolic differential equation 451
Initial value problem (IVP), second order parabolic differential equation 433
Initial value problem (IVP), second order semilinear differential equation 434
Initial-boundary value, problem (IBVP) 303
Integrability, Bochner 38
Integrability, Lebesgue 38
Integrability, Riemann 40
Inversely well-ordered (i.w.o) 3
Inversely well-ordered (i.w.o), chain of iterations 22
Lattice 3
Least upper bound 3
left-hand 51
Leray — Lions conditions 268 304
Limit, weak 463
Lipschitz boundary 267
Lipschitz condition, generalized 221 337
Lower bound 3
Lower bound, strict 3
Mapping, linear 47
Mapping, mixed monotone 24
Mapping, monotone 20
Mapping, nondecreasing 20
Mapping, nonincreasing 20
Mapping, order bounded 24
Mapping, order-preserving 350
Mapping, truncation 271 307
Maximal or minimal solution of first order IVP in Banach space 356 426
Maximal or minimal solution of higher order, IVP in Banach space 372
Maximal or minimal solution of second order semilinear, IVP in Banach space 447
Mazur’s theorem 46
Measure, -finite 479
Measure, counting 49
Measure, finite 36
Measure, Lebesgue 37
Measure, positive 36
Measure, space 36
Metric space, complete 40
Metric space, ordered 18
Minimum 3
Nagumo condition 221
Norm in 49
Norm in 480
Norm in 48
Norm in 465 468
Norm in Luxemburg 473
Norm in Orlicz — Sobolev space 475
Norm in semimonotone 28
Norm in Sobolev space 475
Norm in space ( ) 57
Norm in space of cont. functions 58
Norm in strictly monotone 456
Norm in uniformly monotone 456
Normed space, complete 30
Normed space, ordered 28
Normed space, weakly complete 465
Null set 36
Operator, coercive 274 309
Operator, Leray — Lions 273
Operator, maximal monotone 309
Operator, pseudomonotone 273
Operator, superposition 44 271 308
Operator, uniformly elliptic 285
Order interval 3
Ordering, partial 2
Ordering, strict 2
Orlicz space 472
Orlicz — Sobolev space 475
Partial differential equation, elliptic 285
Partial differential equation, elliptic system 292
Partial differential equation, first order 429
Partial differential equation, hyperbolic 451
Partial differential equation, parabolic 303 433
Partial differential equation, parabolic system 321
Periodic boundary value problem (PBVP), first order 76 121 380
Periodic boundary value problem (PBVP), mixed monotone 398 406
Periodic boundary value problem (PBVP), second order 386
Relation, antisymmetric 2
Relation, irreflexive 2
Relation, reflexive 2
Relation, transitive 2
right-hand 51
Semigroup, strongly continuous 452
Sequence, approximating 37
Sequence, bounded 28
Sequence, cluster point of 15
Sequence, decreasing 3
Sequence, increasing 3
Sequence, monotone 4
Sequence, nondecreasing 3
Sequence, noninreasing 3
Sequence, order bounded 28
Sequence, transfinite 7
Set, Borel 47
Set, bounded 18
Set, closure 15
Set, cofinal 3
Set, countable 3
Set, directed 3
Set, Lebesgue measurable 37
Set, measurable 36
Set, order bounded 3
Set, separable 17
Sine family, strongly continuous 435
Sobolev space 267 474
Solution of elliptic BVP 286
Solution of elliptic BVP system 292
Solution of first order scalar IVP 68
Solution of higher order IVP in Banach space 367
Solution of higher order scalar IVP 149
Solution of parabolic IBVP 305
Solution of parabolic IBVP system 322
Solution of quasilinear elliptic BVP 268
Solution of second order BVP 218
Solution, extremal see “Extremal solutions”
Solution, extremal mild 421 442
Solution, lower 68 218 269 286 293 305 322
Solution, lower mild 421 442
Solution, maximal 68
Solution, mild 416 430 433 442 451
Solution, minimal 68
Solution, strong 435
Solution, upper 68 218 268 286 293 305 322
Solution, upper mild 421 442
Solution, weak 436
Space ( ) 57
Space of bounded functions, ordered 476
Space of continuous functions, ordered 33 58 478
strong 51
Supremum 3
Topological space, first countable 17
Topological space, ordered 15
UMB-space 456
Uniqueness of solution of first order IVP in Banach space 331
Uniqueness of solution of first order scalar IVP 73
Uniqueness of solution of first order scalar PBVP 77
Uniqueness of solution of first order semilinear, IVP in Banach space 354 416
Uniqueness of solution of higher order IVP in Banach space 368
Uniqueness of solution of second order BVP 220
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