Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Dolbeault's theorem
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Berline N., Getzler E., Vergne M. — Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators | 139 | Kodaira K. — Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures | 134, 139, 140 | Rosenberg J. — Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications | remarks following 3.1.18 | Ward R.S., Wells R.O. — Twistor geometry and field theory | 185, 233, 322, 326, 342, 363 | Morrow J., Kodaira K. — Complex Manifolds | 80 | Fritzsche K., Grauert H. — From Holomorphic Functions To Complex Manifolds | 312 |