Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Morrow J., Kodaira K. — Complex Manifolds |
Предметный указатель |
Algebraic, projective 11
Blowing up 17
Bounded domain 144
Bundle, vector 62
Bundle, vector, conjugate 65
Bundle, vector, dual 65
Bundle, vector, quotient 66
Bundle, vector, section 66
Bundle, vector, sub 66
Bundle, vector, tensor product 65
Bundle, vector, Whitney sum 65
Cauchy — Riemann equations 3
Chern class 64 127
Completeness 55
Completeness, theorem of 56
Conjugate tangent bundle 66
Coordinate, local complex 7
Covariant differentiation 106—109
Curvature, Ricci 118
Curvature, tensor 117
de Rham's theorem 72
Deformation 19
Deformation, infinitesimal 36—39
Deformation, small 19
Derivative, exterior 68
Differentiable mapping 10
Differential operator 173
Dolbeault's lemma 74 79
Dolbeault's theorem 80
Dual form 93
Family, complex analytic 18
Family, differentiable 178
Fine resolution 73
Form, differential 67
Germ, function 27
Green's operator 158 176
Group, discontinuous 12
Hartogs' lemma 24
Hermitian metric 83
Hirzebruch, F. 15
Hodge decomposition theorem 114
Hodge metric 134
Holomorphic, function 1
Holomorphic, mapping 10
Implicit Mapping Theorem 7
integral 88
Inverse mapping theorem 6
Jacobian 5
Kaehler, form 84
Kaehler, manifold 84
Kaehler, metric 84
Kodaira, K., embedding theorem 136
Kodaira, K., vanishing theorem 125 131
| Kuranishi, M., theorem of completeness 172
Laplacian 97
Locally trivial 39
Logarithmic transformation 16
Manifold, complex 7
Manifold, Hodge 134
Manifold, Hopf 14
Manifold, Kaehler 84
Meromorphic function 11
Nakano, S., vanishing theorem 132
Newlander — Nirenberg theorem 156
Norm 92
Norm, Sobolev 166
Oriented 88
Osgood's Theorem 2
Partition of unity 61
Poincare's lemma 70
Polycylinder 2
Polydisc 2
Positive line bundle 131
Product, inner 92
Product, wedge 67
Projective algebraic 11
Pseudogroup 8
Quadratic differentials 106
Quadric transformation 17
Quotient space 12
refinement 31
Rigid 45
Semicontinuity, upper 45
Serre duality 104
Sheaf 29
Sheaf, cohomology 31
Sheaf, exact sequence 57
Sheaf, fine 61
Sheaf, homomorphism 56
Sheaf, quotient 57
Sheaf, section 29
Sobelev lemma 166
Stability of Kaehler manifolds 180
Stalk 29
Stokes' theorem 91
Structure, canonical 9
Structure, complex 7
Structure, flat affine 9
Submanifold 11
Subsheaf 56
Surface, Hopf 23
Surface, ruled 15 25 41
Surgery 15
Tangent bundle 66
Tensor bundle 67
Torus 13 21—23
Vector field (holomorphic) 36
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