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Поиск книг, содержащих: Prior probabilities
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Grinstead C.M., Snell J.L. — Introduction to Probability | 145 | Stevens J.P. — Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences | 310 | Nickerson R. — Cognition and Chance The Psychology of Probabilistic Reasoning | 350 | Michie D., Spiegelhalter D.J., Taylor C.C. — Machine learning, neural and statistical classification | 13, 133 | Gabbay D.M. (ed.), Guenthner F. (ed.) — Handbook of Philosophical Logic (Volume 13) | 69, 77 | Blom G., Holst L., Sandell D. — Problems and Snapshots from the World of Probability | 57 | Hodges J. L., Lehmann E. L. — Basic Concepts Of Probability And Statistics | 114, 129 |