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Stevens J.P. — Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences |
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A priori ordering, of dependent variables in MANOVA 374
A priori ordering, of predictors in regression analysis 121
Actual alpha 257
Agresti, A. 559 577 596
Ambrose, S. 206
Amlung, S. 420 424
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), adjusted means 342
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), assumptions 347
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), choice of covariates 345
Analysis of covariance, computer example 1 (SAS GLM) — two dependent variables and one covariate 356
Analysis of covariance, computer example 2 (SPSS MANOVA) — 2 dependent variables and 2 covariates 359
Analysis of covariance, computer example 2, homogeneity of regression hyperplanes 355
Analysis of covariance, computer example 2, purposes 340
Analysis of covariance, computer example 2, reduction of error variance 343
Analysis of covariance, computer example 2, use with intact groups 350
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), two way 322—331
Anderson, J. 430
Anderson, N. 324
Anscombe, F. 125
Aptitude treatment interaction 323
Backward selection of predictors 96
Bandalos, D. 433
Barcikowski, R. 260 289 331
Becker, B. 195
Belsey, D. 130 134 135
Beneditti, J. 546
Bentler, P. 429 432 445
Benton, S. 369
Between factor, in repeated measures 493
Big five factors of personality 412
Binomial distribution 561
Bird, K. 218
Bishop, Y. 578 590
Block, J. 412
Bloom's taxonomy 375
Bock, R. 181 244 262 376 382 493
Boik, R. 536
Bollen, K. 414 434 436 427—428 451
Bolton, B. 457
Bonferroni inequality 7
Bonnet, D. 583 586
Boomsma, A. 430
Bootstrapping 468—469
Box test 271
Box, G. 271
Bradley, R. 162
Breckler, S. 452
Brown, M. 149 586
Browne, M. 433
Bryant — Paulson intervals 365
Bryant, J. 362
Bryk, A. 277 351
Byrne, B. 412 445
California Psychological Inventory 396
Canonical correlation, canonical variate-variable correlations 475
Canonical correlation, canonical variates 473
Canonical correlation, computer example (SAS) 476
Canonical correlation, on factor scores 481
Canonical correlation, research applications 472
Canonical correlation, significance tests 473—474
Carlson, J. 331
Carryover effect, in repeated measures 496
Categorical data analysis see “Loglinear analysis”
Cattell, R. 389
Central limit theorem 262
Church, A. 412
Classification problem 301
Cliff, N. 392 393
Clifford, M. 241
Cochran, W. 340 418 451
Cohen, J. 6 11 82 188 191 194—197 201 226
Collapsibility see “Loglinear analysis”
Comnmnality issue 409
Confirmatory factor analysis 411
Conover, W. 269
Contrasts, correlated 235
Contrasts, helmert 231—232
Contrasts, independent 227
Contrasts, SPECIAL 232
Cook's distance 126
Cook, R. 126
Cooley, W. 388
Counterbalancing 495
Covariance matrix 62—63
Covariance structural modeling see “Structural equation modeling”
Covariate by treatment interaction 350
Cramer, E. 484
Crocker, L. 204
Cronbach, L. 1 193 323 336
Cross validation, in discriminant analysis 310
Cross validation, in loglinear analysis 585
Cross validation, in regression analysis 88 115—116
Cross validation, in structural equation modeling 450
Crowder, R. 119
Crystal, G. 81
Daniels, R. 322
Darlington, R. 289 438
DasGupta, S. 245
Data editing 125
Davidson, M. 509
Discriminant analysis, computer example (SPSS) 292
Discriminant analysis, descriptive 285—286
Discriminant analysis, graphing groups 289
Discriminant analysis, interpretation 288
Discriminant analysis, research applications 297
Discriminant analysis, rotation of discriminant functions 296
Discriminant analysis, significance tests 287
Discriminant analysis, stepwise discriminant analysis 296
Distributional tranformations 265
Dizney, H. 92
Draper, N. 82 92 107 127 155
Dummy coding 188
Dunnett, C. 224
Edwards, D. 490
Effect size, multivariate 198
Effect size, univariate 198
Eigenvalues 73
Elashoff, J. 340 350 521
EQS, computer example 445
Error term, for Retelling's T2
Error term, for t test 178
Everitt, B. 262
Exploratory factor analysis 411
Factor indeterminancy 411
Feshbach, S. 80
Fienberg, S. 570 585 596
Finn, J. 155 354 378
Fisher, R. 302
Forward selection 96
Franc, J. 33
Freeman, D. 590
Friedman, G. 23
General linear model 188
Generalized variance 64
Glasnapp, D. 82
Glass, G. 192 218 222 261
Gnanadesikan, R. 263
Goldberg, L. 412
Golding, S. 455
Goodman, L. 596
Gorsuch, R. 386 410
Green, S. 590
Greenhouse — Geisser epsilon 501
Greenhouse, S. 501
Guadagnoli, R. 395 410
Guttman, L. 88
Haase, R. 11
Haberman, S. 584
Hakstian, R. 270
Harman, H. 410
| Harris, R. 180 440
Hat elements 126
Hawkins, D. 297
Hays, W. 191 208 226 228
Helmert see “Contrasts”
Herzberg, P. 117
Hit rate 304
Hoaglin, D. 130
Hoerl, A. 155
Hogg, R. 125 155
Holland, J. 299
Holloway, L. 270
Homogeneity of hyperplanes see “ANCOVA”
Hopkins, J.L. 262
Hotelling — Lawley trace 244
Hotelling's T 176
Hotelling, H. 177
Hoyle, R. 449
Huber, P. 125 155
Huberty, C. 97 285 289 301 316
Huck, S. 340 352
Huitema, B. 340 346 348
Hummel, T. 181
Hutchinson, S. 450
Huynh — Feldt estimator 501
Huynh, H. 502
Hykle, J. 258
Idependence of observations, effect on type I error 259
Idependence of observations, what to do with correlated observations 260
Influential data points 126
Interaction, disordinal 322
Interaction, ordinal 322
Intraclass correlation 259
Jackknife 308
Jacobson, R. 12
Jennings, E. 352
Johnson, R. 181 212 263 278 301 316 538
Jorekog, K. 413 415—416 431
Kaiser rule 389
Kaiser, H. 389 391
Keceles 420
Kennedy, J. 559
Kenny, D. 260
Keppel, G. 493
Kerlinger, F. 186 191
KesseIman, H. 502 518
Kirk, R. 191
Kohlberg's theory of moral development 375
Kohlberg, L. 375
Krasker, W. 125
Kvet, E. 512
Lachenbruch, P. 308
Lagrange multiplier 448
Lauter, J. 209 245
Lawley, D. 456
Least squares criterion 82
Levene test 269
Light, R. 10 195
Lindeman, R. 310
Linn, R. 389
LISREL, computer example 437
Logistic regression 146—153
Loglinear analysis, collapsibility 578
Loglinear analysis, contrasts 590
Loglinear analysis, cross validation 585
Loglinear analysis, for four way tables 586
Loglinear analysis, for three way tables 567
Loglinear analysis, for two way chi square 564
Loglinear analysis, hierarchical models 565
Loglinear analysis, model selection 576
Loglinear analysis, normed fit index 583
Loglinear analysis, odds ratio 582
Loglinear analysis, sampling zeros 596
Loglinear analysis, saturated models 567
Lohnes, P. 212
Lord, F. 93 124
Mahalanobis distance 130
Maiman 420
Mallow's Cp 96
Mallows, C. 96
Marascuilo, L. 590
Mardia, K. 262
Maslach Burnout Inventory 413
Matched pairs, multivariate 512
Matched pairs, univariate 512
Mathematical maximization procedure 88
Matrices, addition 59
Matrices, determinant 64
Matrices, inverse 70
Matrices, multiplication 60—61
Matrices, multiplication by scalar 59
Matrices, SAS IML 76
Matrices, SPSS Matrix 75
Matrices, subtraction 59
Matrices, transpose 57
MAXR procedure 97
Maxwell, S. 352 507 509
McCallum, R. 433 435 450 451
McLean, J. 596
McNeil, K. 297
Measures of association 191
Mendoza, J. 474
Meredith, W. 289
Merenda, P. 472
Milligan, G. 570
Missing data 32—33
Moore, D. 110
Morris, J. 155
Morrison, D. 98 181 246 383 387 390
Mosteller, F. 125 155
Multicollinearity 91—93
Multinomial distribution 561—562
Multiple correlation 88
Multiple regression, caveat on “significance” levels for predictors 107
Multiple regression, checking model assumptions 110—113
Multiple regression, computer example 1, (SPSS) — Morrison MBA data-use of stepwise and backward selection 98—103
Multiple regression, computer example 2, (SAS) — National Academy of Science data-use of stepwise and MAXR 104—107
Multiple regression, controlling order of predictors with SAS and SPSS 121
Multiple regression, importance of order of predictors 119
Multiple regression, mathematical maximization procedure 88
Multiple regression, matrix formulation 86
Multiple regression, model selection 93
Multiple regression, model validation 113—119
Multiple regression, outliers on set of predictors 126
Multiple regression, outliers on y 126
Multiple regression, positive bias of R2 123
Multiple regression, sample size for reliable equation 143
Multiple regression, selection procedures 105
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), assumptions 257
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), homogeneity of covariance matri¬ces 269
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), limiting number of dependent vari¬ables 245
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), multivariate normality 262
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), planned comparisons 225
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), reasons for 225—226
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), test statistics 228—230
Multivariate regression 155
Myers, J. 278 331 496 516
Myers, R. 82 90 114
Nold, E. 110
Nominal alpha 257
Normal probability plots 264
Normality (univariate), assessing 263
Novince, L. 218 359 379 497
Number of factors problem 389—390
Nunnally, J. 88 401 410 509
O'Brien, R. 509 536
O'Grady, K. 10 191
Oblique rotations 392
Odds ratio see “Loglinear analysis”
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