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Stevens J.P. — Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences |
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Olson, C. 191 244—246 262 270 379
Orthoblique (Kaiser — Harris) rotation 392
Orthogonal design 324
Orthogonal polynomials 514
Orthogonal rotations 391
Outliers, detection of 16—17
Outliers, examples 13—16
Overall alpha 7
Overall, J. 324 326
Park, C. 143
Partial correlation 94
Path model (diagram) 413
Pedhazur, E. 82 331 351 392
Personality Research Form 401
Pillai — Bartktt trace 244
Planned comparisons, in repeated measures 534
Planned comparisons, on SPSS 231
Plante, T. 164
Platykurtic 262
Porebski, O. 289
Post hoc procedures, k group MANOVA 217
Post hoc procedures, two group MANOVA 181
Power, in repeated measures 509—511
Power, multivariate 197—201
Power, uivariate 192—194
Power, ways of improving 195
Practical significance 9
Preselection of predictors 121
PRESS statistic 114 118—119
Press, S. 317
Principal components analysis, computer example (SPSS and SAS) — MANOVA on factor scores 407
Principal components analysis, computer example (SPSS and SAS) — regression analysis on factor scores 404
Principal components analysis, computer example, (SAS) — Personality Research Form 401
Principal components analysis, computer example, (SPSS) — California Psychological Inventory 396
Prior probabilities 310
Promax 392
Pruzek, R. 245
Rao's F approximation 212
Redundancy index 483
Reichardt, C. 351
Reliability 29
Reliable factors 395
Rencher, A. 297
Repeated measures, assumptions 500
Repeated measures, compound symmetry 500
Repeated measures, doubly multivariate problems 538—544
Repeated measures, Greenhouse — Geisser epsilon 501
Repeated measures, multivariate approach 497—498
Repeated measures, one between and one within 512
Repeated measures, one between and two within 521
Repeated measures, post hoc procedures 506
Repeated measures, power 509—510
Repeated measures, profile analysis 536—538
Repeated measures, sphericity 500
Repeated measures, totally within 532
Repeated measures, two between and one within 526
Repeated measures, two between and two within 532
Repeated measures, uivariate approach 496—497
Residual plots 110
Ridge regression 93
Robust 257
Robust regression 125
Rogan, J. 502
Rogosa, D. 355
Rosenthal, R. 191
Rotation of canonical variates 485
Rotation of discriminant functions 296
Rouanet, H. 500
Roy — Bose intervals 217
Roy's largest root 244
Roy, S. 376
Rummel, R. 265
Sample size determination, in MANOVA 245—247
Sarason, L. 437
SAS (printouts), classification 304—305
SAS (printouts), classification using the jackknife 309
SAS (printouts), eigenvalues and scree plot 403
SAS (printouts), multiple regression 108
SAS (printouts), multivariate analysis of covariance 359—360
SAS (printouts), one between and two within repeated measures 527—528
SAS (printouts), regression diagnostics 142
SAS (printouts), rotated and sorted rotated loadings 405—406
SAS (printouts), tukey intervals 223 225
SAS (printouts), two group MANOVA 185
SAS, canonical correlation from a correlation matrix 478
SAS, components analysis and then passing factor scores for a MANOVA 409
SAS, components analysis and then passing factor scores for regression analysis 408
SAS, components analysis and varimax rotation from correlation matrix 402
SAS, components analysis and varimax rotation on each set of variables and then passing factor scores for a canonical correlation 409
SAS, components analysis on each set of variables and then passing factor scores for a canonical correlation 482
SAS, control lines for 28
SAS, correlations 28
SAS, discriminant analysis (for classifying subjects) 304
SAS, discriminant analysis via the jackknife 308
SAS, multivariate analysis of covariance 358
SAS, one between and one within repeated measures 515
SAS, one way ANOVA 28
SAS, ordering predictors 122
SAS, simple regression 28
SAS, some basic elements 27
SAS, T test 28
SAS, tukey intervals 224
SAS, two group MANOVA 184
Scandura, R. 367
Scariano, S. 259
Scheffe intervals 217
Schutz, W. 123
Scree test 389
Self concept 412
Semipartial correlations 94
Shanahan, T. 489
Shapiro — Wilk test 264
Sharp, G. 163
Shavelson, R. 412
Shiffer, R. 17
Shin, S. 487
Shrinkage formulas, Stein 114 118
Shrinkage formulas, Wherry 113 117
| SIMPLIS (command language) 419 422
Singer, J. 98
Singular matrix 73
SkiIbeck, W. 251
Smart, J. 299
Smith, A. 396
Smith, G. 155
Sorted loadings 397
SPSS (printouts), discriminant analysis 294—295
SPSS (printouts), doubly multivariate problem 545—550
SPSS (printouts), eigenvalues, communalities, scree plot 399
SPSS (printouts), factorial MANOVA 333
SPSS (printouts), four way-backward elimination 591—592
SPSS (printouts), four way-validation 589
SPSS (printouts), multiple regression 101—104
SPSS (printouts), multivariate analysis of covariance 363—364
SPSS (printouts), multivariate Helmert contrasts 233—234 236
SPSS (printouts), multivariate matched pairs 513
SPSS (printouts), multivariate regression 158
SPSS (printouts), one between and one within repeated measures 517
SPSS (printouts), one between and two within repeated measures 524—526
SPSS (printouts), power analysis 198
SPSS (printouts), profile analysis 540—541
SPSS (printouts), regression diagnostics 140—141
SPSS (printouts), simple regression 83—84
SPSS (printouts), single group repeated measures 504—505
SPSS (printouts), stepdown analysis 380—381
SPSS (printouts), tests of partial association 588
SPSS (printouts), three group MANOVA and all multivariate paired tested 219
SPSS (printouts), three way by gender 581
SPSS (printouts), three way models 571
SPSS (printouts), three way validation 585
SPSS (printouts), three way-backward elimination 594
SPSS (printouts), two between and one within repeated measures 530
SPSS (printouts), two group MANOVA 185
SPSS (printouts), two group MANOVA on transformed variables and Levene tests 275
SPSS (printouts), two group MANOVA with square root transformation 277
SPSS (printouts), two group MANOVA — with generalized variances and Box test 273
SPSS (printouts), two way chi square 568
SPSS (printouts), univariale t tests for significant multivariate pairs 220—221
SPSS (printouts), unrotated and rotated loadings 400
SPSS, components analysis and then passiing factor scores for MANOVA 409
SPSS, components analysis and then passing factor scores for regression 408
SPSS, correlations 31
SPSS, discriminant analysis 292
SPSS, doubly multivariate problem 543
SPSS, factorial MANOVA (unequal cell size) 332
SPSS, factorial univariate ANOVA (equal cell size) 325
SPSS, factorial univariate ANOVA (unequal cell size) 329
SPSS, four way validation of two models 589
SPSS, four way-backward elimination 590
SPSS, helmert contrasts for single group 535
SPSS, multiple regression 106
SPSS, multivariate analysis of covariance 361
SPSS, multivariate Helmert contrasts 232
SPSS, multivariate matched pairs analysis 513
SPSS, multivariate regression 157
SPSS, multivariate special contrasts 237
SPSS, one between and one within repeated measures 515
SPSS, one between and two within repeated measures (screens) 522
SPSS, one way ANOVA 31
SPSS, ordering predictors 122
SPSS, principal components and varimax rotation from correlation matrix 397
SPSS, profile analysis 539
SPSS, simple regression 31
SPSS, single group repeated measures (screens) 503
SPSS, some elements of 30
SPSS, stepdown analysis 380
SPSS, T test 31
SPSS, three group MANOVA and pairwise multivariate tests 219
SPSS, three way chi square 571
SPSS, three way validation 585
SPSS, totally within designs 533
SPSS, two between and one within repeated measures 529
SPSS, two between and two within repeated measures 533
SPSS, two group MANOVA 184
SPSS, two group MANOVA-obtaining generalized variances and Box test 273
SPSS, two way chi square 568
Standard error of correlation 393
Steiger, J. 411
Stein, C. 114
Stepdown analysis, computer example 379—380
Stepdown analysis, examples of 375
Stepdown analysis, type I error rate 376
Stepdown analysis, univariate vs stepdown F's 379
Stevens, J. 22 114 228 242 244 246 286 290 514
Stewart, D. 483
Structural equation modeling, capitalization on chance 450S
Structural equation modeling, caveats 449
Structural equation modeling, equivalent models 451
Structural equation modeling, estimation 429
Structural equation modeling, identification 427
Structural equation modeling, model fit 430
Structural equation modeling, model modification 435
Structural equation modeling, specification search 450
Suppressor variable 124
Tatsuoka, M. 212 287 289 310 473
Tetenbaum, T. 479
Thorndike, R. 353
Timm, N. 156 184
Trend analysis 512 514
Tucker, L. 390
Tukey intervals 217
Type I error 3
Type II error 4
Uniformity 500
Unique sum of squares 324
Varimax rotation 391
Weisberg, S. 93 110 126 132 135
Wickens, T. 559
Wilk's lambda 211
Wilk, S. 264
Wilkinson, L. 123
Windows 35
Within factor, in repeated measures 493
Within matrix, in MANOVA 178 179
Wynd, C. 539 541
Zwick, R. 282 396
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