Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Levitt, J.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 2) | 329 | Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations | 296 | Erdos P. — Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory | 18 | Erdos P., Graham R.L. — Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory | 18 | Srivas M., Camilleri A. — Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design: First International Conference, FMCAD '96, Palo Alto, CA, USA, November 6 - 8, 1996, Proceedings | 187 | Zelkowitz M., Yovits M. — Advances in Computers, Volume 40 | 74, 125 |