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Поиск книг, содержащих: Material symmetry
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Heinbockel J.H. — Introduction to tensor calculus and continuum mechanics | 244, 246 | Sadd M.H. — Elasticity: theory, applications, and numerics | 72, 283 | Truesdell C.A., Wang C.C. — Rational Thermodynamics | see "Crystalline symmetries", "Isotropy", "Symmetries" | Truesdell C — Rational Thermodynamics | see "Crystalline symmetries", "Isotropy", "Symmetries" | Ericksen J.L. — Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Solids | 30, 79—80, 124—125 | R. A. Dunlap — The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers | 123 |