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R. A. Dunlap — The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers
R. A. Dunlap — The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers

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Название: The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers

Автор: R. A. Dunlap


This book is not absolutely perfect, but it is so much better than any other one on the subject that it deserves a 5-star rating. The majority of books on Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio fall into three categories: (1) Books for children, (2) Mystical mumbo-jumbo, and (3) Books claiming you can use Fibonacci numbers to win in the stock market (!). Even Mario Livio's book, which is better than most, uses so much of its space to _debunk_ some of the mystical mumbo-jumbo that it de-emphasizes the wonderful patterns that can be found in the Fibonacci sequence, which is beautiful enough in its mathematical properties that one doesn't need to make such digressions. Dunlap's book, by contrast, _does_ emphasize those patterns. And when it's not directly addressing the Fibonacci sequence's properties, it's discussing things like the golden ratio and Penrose tilings, which are completely within the category of mathematics related to the topic. I really enjoyed the book, even though it has some typographical errors and minor omissions. The formulas collected in the third appendix alone justify buying the book. I could wish that there were more given, but this is the best collection I have seen.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель без номеров страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 170

Добавлена в каталог: 03.05.2021

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abramowitz, M.      61
Additive sequence      7
Angiospermae      123
Asteroidea      125—126
Basis      111
Bees      37—38
Berg, M.      13
Binary numbers      71
Binet      45
Binet formula      45
Blastoid      125
Bonaccio, Filius      35
Bond orientational ordering      119
Boulder Dam      4
Brandmuller, J      1
Buzjani, Abu'l Wafa'al      108—109
Canonical representation      72ff
Carlitz, L.      55
Cephalopoda      135
Cheops      3
Chorbachi, W.K.      108—109
Commensurate projection      89—90
Continued fractions      63ff
Cook, T.A.      135
Coxeter      134
Crinoidea      125
Crowe, D.W.      107
Crystal      111
cube      24—29
Cut angle      90
Darts and kites      102 104—105
Decoration      119
Deflation      48—49 93—94 103 105
Dicotyledonae      123
Diirer, Albrecht      107
Divisibility      55
dodecahedron      24—29
Duals      26
Dunlap, R.A.      2 15 29 61 97
Echinoidea      125—126
Eiffel Tower      4
Electron diffraction      120—121
Equiangular spiral      19—21
Euler’s formula      23
fibonacci      35
Fibonacci equation      11—13
Fibonacci numbers      5 35ff
Fibonacci representation      72ff
Fibonacci search      83
Fibonacci sequence      46—49
Fibonacci spiral      130—135
Fibonacci squares      40—42
Fractional part      79
Gastropoda      135
Geometric sequence      8
Gillings, R.J.      4
Golden gnomon      16 101
Golden gnomon, ratio search      82
Golden gnomon, rectangle      2
Golden gnomon, rhombus      116—117
Golden gnomon, triangle      16 101
Great dodecahedron      30
Great dodecahedron, icosohedron      30
Great dodecahedron, Pyramid      3
Great dodecahedron, stellated dodecahedron      30
Grundbaum, B.      97
Gymnospermae      123
Haigittai, M.      124
Hargittai, I.      1
Harmonices Mundi      107
Hartner, J.      126
Hellenic architecture      17
hexahedron      24
Hippobroma longiflora      124
Hoggatt, V.E., Jr      131
Holden, A.      31
Huntley, H.E.      1
icosahedron      24—29
Incommensurate projection      90—91
Inflation      93—94
Irrcgularia      125
Kepler, Johannes      30 44 106—107
Keplerian solids      32
Lattice      87 101
Leonardo da Vinci      1
Leonardo de Pisa      35
Liber Abaci      35
Loeb, A.L.      108—109
Logarithmic spiral      19—21
Lucas numbers      5
Lucus, Edouard      35 51
March, R.H.      70
Material symmetry      123
Minimization of a function      81—84
Moduli      55—59
Mollusks      135
Monocotyledonae      123
Nautilus pompilius      135
octahedron      24—29
Ophiuroidea      125
Optics      37—39
Optimal spacing      79—81 128—130
Pacioli, Luca      1
Penrose tiling      97ff 115
Penrose, Roger      97 102 106 109 115
Pentagram      30
Pentramites robustus      125
Periodicity of Fibonacci numbers      41—43 58
Phidias      1
PI      5
Pierre, D.A.      82
Pineapple      134
Pinecone      130—131
Platonic solids      23—29 114—115
Poinsot solids      32
Poinsot, Louis      31
POLYGONS      15—17
Prime numbers      56 60
Pteropsida      123
Quasicrystallography      111
Quasilattice      119
Quasiperiodicity      87
Rabbits      35—37
Rational approximants      64—69
Ratios of Fibonacci numbers      42—44
Regularia      125
Resistor network      69—70
Rhombus      99
Rivier, N.      131 133
Rotational symmetry      111
Runion, G.E.      2
Schroeder, M.R.      63
Shepherd, G.C.      97
Small stellated dodecahedron      30
Spacefilling      111
Srinivasan, T.P.      70
Staircase      40
Stegun, I.A.      61
Stelleroidea      125
Sunflower      130—134
Tabemaemontana corymbosa      124
tetrahedron      24—29
Translational symmetry      111
Tribonacci numbers      56 58 61
Trigonometric functions      17—18
Unit cell      111
Vajda, S.      56 73 43
Verheyen, H.F.      3
virus      127
Vorobyov, N.N.      37
Zeckendorf's theorem      73
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