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Cogswell J. Diggins C. Stephens R. |
C++ Cookbook | 2005 |
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Dale N. |
C++ Data Structures (3 edition) | 2003 |
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Kent J. |
C++ Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide | 2004 |
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Joshi M.S. |
C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing (2-nd edition) | 2008 |
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C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing (2nd edition) | 2008 |
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Linden P. |
C++ Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets | 1994 |
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Cline M. Lomow G. Girou M. |
C++ FAQs | 1998 |
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Alexander R. Bensley G. |
C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization | 2000 |
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Miller R. |
C++ for Artists: The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming | 2004 |
18610. |
Broquard V. |
C++ for Computer Science and Engineering (4th edition) | 2006 |
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Davis S.R. |
C++ for Dummies (5th edition) | 2004 |
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Bronson G.J. |
C++ for Engineers and Scientists (3rd EDITION) | 2010 |
18613. |
Llopis N. |
C++ for Game Programmers | 2003 |
18614. |
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C++ for Game Programmers (Game Development Series) | 2003 |
18615. |
Scheinerman E. |
C++ for Mathematicians | 2006 |
18616. |
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C++ for Mathematicians - An Introduction for Students and Professionals | 2006 |
18617. |
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C++ for mathematicians. An introduction for students and professionals | 2006 |
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Deitel P. J. Deitel H. M. |
C++ for Programmers (Deitel Developers) | 2009 |
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Элджер Дж. |
C++ For Real Programmers | n/a |
18620. |
Schildt H. |
C++ from the ground up (Third Edition) | 2003 |
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Dewhurst S.C. |
C++ gotchas: avoiding common problems in coding and design | 2002 |
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Blanchette J. Summerfield M. |
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 | 2004 |
18623. |
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C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 | 2004 |
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C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 | 2001 |
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C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (2nd edition) | 2008 |
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Blanchette J. Summerfield M. |
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, Second Edition (Second Edition) | 2008 |
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Andrist B. Sehr V. |
C++ High Performance (2 edition) | 2020 |
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Deitel H.M. |
C++ How to Program (fifth edition) | 2005 |
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Harvey M. Deitel Paul J. Deitel |
C++ How to Program, Fourth Edition (4 edition) | 2003 |
18630. |
Liberty J. |
C++ in 21 Tagen | 1999 |
18631. |
Lischner R. |
C++ in a Nutshell | 2003 |
18632. |
Milewski B. |
C++ in Action, w. CD-ROM: Industrial-strength Programming Techniques | 2001 |
18633. |
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C++ In Action: Industrial Strength Programming Techniques | 2001 |
18634. |
Milewski B. |
C++ In Action: Industrial Strength Programming Techniques (With CD-ROM) | 2001 |
18635. |
Overland Br. |
C++ In Plain Engish. (third edition) | 2000 |
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Kaiser R. |
C++ mit dem Borland C++ Builder | 2002 |
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Schmidt D. Huston S. |
C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks | 2002 |
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Schmidt D.C. Huston S.D. |
C++ Network Programming: Mastering Complexity With ACE and Patterns | 2001 |
18639. |
Schmidt D.C. Huston S.D. |
C++ Network Programming: Systematic Reuse With ACE and Frameworks | 2002 |
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Rao V.B. Farrell P. (Ed) |
C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic (2nd edition) | 1995 |
18641. |
Dale N. |
C++ plus data structures (3rd edition) | 2003 |
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Lippman S.B. Lajoie J. |
C++ primer (3-rd edition) | 1998 |
18643. |
Lippman S.B. Lajoie J. Moo B.E. |
C++ Primer | 2005 |
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C++ Primer Plus (fourth edition) | 2001 |
18645. |
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C++ primer plus (fifth edition) | 2004 |
18646. |
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C++ Primer Plus (third edition) | 2000 |
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Walker D. |
C++ Programing | 2007 |
18648. |
Strasser T. |
C++ Programmieren mit Stil | 2003 |
18649. |
Schildt H. |
C++ Programming Cookbook | 2008 |
18650. |
Luna F. Nguyen S. |
C++ Programming for Game Developers, Module II (Textbook) | 2005 |
18651. |
Luna F. Nguyen S. |
C++ Programming for Games, Module I (Textbook) | 2004 |
18652. |
M. Lee |
C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition (2 edition) | 2009 |
18653. |
Easttom Ch. |
C++ Programming Fundamentals | 2003 |
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Vasudevan A. |
C++ Programming How−To | 2001 |
18655. |
C++ Programming HOW-TO | 2001 |
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C++ Programming HOW-TO (0 edition) | n/a |
18657. |
Stroustrup B. |
C++ Programming Language, The (3 edition) | 1997 |
18658. |
Sexton C. |
C++ Programming Made Simple, Second Edition (Made Simple Programming) (2nd edition) | 2002 |
18659. |
Vogel A. Vasudevan B. Benjamin M. |
C++ Programming with CORBA | 1999 |
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Musser D.R. Derge G.J. Saini A. |
C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (second edition) | 1996 |
18661. |
Malik D. |
C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design (6th edition) | 2013 |
18662. |
Ghosh A. |
C++ solutions for mathematical problems | 2005 |
18663. |
Vandevoorde D. Stroustrup B. |
C++ solutions: companion to Stroustrup's book C++ programming language, 3ed (3rd edition) | 1998 |
18664. |
Vandevoorde D. |
C++ Solutions: Companion to the C++ Programming Language | 1998 |
18665. |
Reese G. |
C++ Standard Library Practical Tips | 2006 |
18666. |
Reese G. |
C++ Standard Library Practical Tips (Programming Series) | 2005 |
18667. |
Murray R.B. |
C++ strategies and tactics | 1993 |
18668. |
Abrahams D. Gurtovoy A. |
C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond | 2004 |
18669. |
Abrahams D. Gurtovoy A. |
C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond | 2004 |
18670. |
Vandevoorde D. Josuttis N.M. |
C++ Templates: The Complete Guide | 2002 |
18671. |
Telles M. |
C++ Timesaving Techniques For Dummies | 2005 |
18672. |
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C++ Timesaving Techniques™ For Dummies | 2005 |
18673. |
Liberty J. Haines S. Mitchel S. |
C++ unleashed | 1999 |
18674. |
Davis S.R. |
C++ Weekend Crash Course | 2000 |
18675. |
Arciniegas F. |
C++ XML | 2001 |
18676. |
Оверленд Б. |
C++ без страха | 2005 |
18677. |
Дэвис С.Р. |
C++ для "чайников" (издание четвертое) | 2003 |
18678. |
Липпман С.Б. |
C++ для начинающих (издание третье) | n/a |
18679. |
Вайнер Р. Пинсон Л. |
C++ изнутри | 2000 |
18680. |
Мозговой М.В. |
C++ Мастер-класс. 85 нетривиальных проектов, решений и задач. | 2007 |
18681. |
Джосьютис Н. |
C++ Стандартная библиотека | 2004 |
18682. |
Марченко А.Л. |
C++. Бархатный путь. | 2005 |
18683. |
Лаптев В.В. Морозов А.В. Бокова А.В. |
C++. Объектно-ориентированное программирование. Задачи и упражнения | 2007 |
18684. |
Павловская Т.А. Щупак Ю.А. |
C++. Объектно-ориентированное программирование: Практикум | 2006 |
18685. |
Динман М.И. |
C++. Освой на примерах | 2006 |
18686. |
Шилдт Г. |
C++. Руководство для начинающих (2-е издание) | 2005 |
18687. |
Шилдт Г. |
C++. Руководство для начинающих | 2007 |
18688. |
Дьюхерст С. |
C++. Священные знания | 2007 |
18689. |
Лаптев В.В. |
C++. Экспресс-курс | 2004 |
18690. |
Либерти Дж. |
C++. Энциклопедия пользователя | 2001 |
18691. |
Sivakumar N. |
C++/CLI in Action | 2007 |
18692. |
Hogenson G. Lippman S. (Ed.) |
C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET | 2006 |
18693. |
Franca P. Withers J. |
C++: No Experience Required | 1997 |
18694. |
Schildt H. |
C++: The Complete Reference (third edition) | 1998 |
18695. |
Элджер Д. |
C++: Библиотека программиста | 1998 |
18696. |
Уилсон М. |
C++: практический подход к решению проблем программирования | 2006 |
18697. |
Франка П. |
C++: учебный курс. | 2003 |
18698. |
Joyner I. |
C++?? A Critique of C++ and Programming and Language Trends of the 1990 (third edition) | 1996 |
18699. |
Архангельский А.Я. |
C++Builder 6. Справочное пособие. Книга 2. Классы и компоненты | 2002 |
18700. |
Daniels J. |
C-130 programmed depot maintenance (Wright flyer paper # 1) | 1998 |