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Gittleman A. — C#. Net Illuminated |
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! 102
!= 100
% 96
%= 99
&& 101
* 96
*= 99
++ 99
+, addition 96
+, concatenation 60
+= 99
- 96
-= 99
.NET, class library 162—164
.NET, Compact Framework 295 297—298 300
.NET, components 12
/ 96
/* 99
< 100
<= 100
== 100
> 100
>= 100
anchoring 25 27—28 39
AND 101—102
Arguments 73
arithmetic expressions 84 96—100
Arrays 139—149
Arrays variables 148
Arrays, Length property 140
ASCII 82 88 335
ASP .NET 195
ASSIGNMENT 81 83—84 87 99
Associativity 98
Attributes 11
Binary operator 96
Block 112—113 134
bool 88
BorderStyle 43—44
BorderStyle, Fixed3D 44
BorderStyle, FixedSingle 43
break statement 124
Browser 198 200 216
Button 34—38
Button, BackColor 36
Button, Click event 37
Button, Text 35
C 10 11
C# 1 11
C#, case-sensitive 81
C#, expressiveness 12
C#, features 12
C#, flexibility 12
C#, power 12
C#, productivity 12
C#, safety 12
C++ 11
CASE 123
char 88—89
Character set 82
characters, escape 88
characters, special 88—89
CheckBox 53—58 62
CheckBox, Appearance 54
CheckBox, BackgroundImage 54
CheckBox, CheckAlign 54
CheckBox, CheckChanged event 55—56
CheckBox, Checked 143—144
CheckBox, FlatStyle 55
CheckBox, Image 54
CheckBox, ImageAlign 54
CheckBox, TextAlign 54
class method 152
Client 195 216
Client? client-side validation 237
Code 22—23
Code behind 195 202—203
Collection of links 49—50
ColorDialog 75—77
ColorDialog, Click event 76—77
ColorDialog, Color 76
ComboBox 61—62
ComboBox, DropDownStyle 61
ComboBox, Items 62
Command, database 169 175—176 179
CompareValidator 235
CompareValidator, ControlToCompare 236
CompareValidator, Operator 235
Compilers 9
components 11 12
Concatenation 60
Condition 110
conditional operators 101—102
Connection, database 169 173—174 179
Constants 87
constructor 147 164
context-sensitive help 37—38 39
Controls 2
controls, adding 19—25
controls, moving 33—34
controls, positioning 25—33
controls, sizing 33—34
Crystal Reports 7 317—330
Crystal Reports, adding features 323—327
Crystal Reports, as a Web service 328—330
Crystal Reports, creating 317—320
Crystal Reports, CrystalReportViewer 320—321
Crystal Reports, filtering 321—322
Crystal Reports, reports via the Web 327—330
Crystal Reports, SelectionFormula 322
Crystal Reports, viewing 320—321 326—328
Data adapter 169 179
Data adapter, Configuration Wizard 180—182 187
Data Form Wizard 183—187
Data link properties 174
Data provider 173
Data reader 169 176
Data set 169 179 182—183
data source 179
Database 169—192
Database, connected model 173—179
Database, disconnected model 179—187
Database, introductory example 4—5 6
Database, multiple tables 187—191
Database, Web access 208—216
DataGrid 179 182—183 187
DataGrid, AutoFormat 209
DataGrid, DataBind method 210
DataGrid, DataSource 182
Dataset 182—183 187
DataSet, ReadXml method 262
DateTime, Now 67
DateTimePicker 63—64 67
DateTimePicker, Format 63—64
DateTimePicker, MaxDate 64
DateTimePicker, MinDate 64
DateTimePicker, ShowUpDown 64
decimal 87—88
Decrement operator 99 100
Do statement 133—134
docking 25 31—33 39
Document object model (DOM) 260—263
double 87 88
editors 9
Emulator for Pocket PC 302 304—306
Emulator for Windows CE 302—303
event handlers 1
Event handlers, CheckChanged 44—45 55—56
| Event handlers, Click 37 70 75 76—77
Event handlers, code 22—23
Event handlers, LinkClicked 46—47 50
Event handlers, SelectedIndexChanged 59—61
Event handlers, TextChanged 23
Event handlers, Tick 66—67
event-driven programming 1—8 14
execution 24—25
Extensible Markup Language See XML
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 263
eXtensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations See XSLT
F1 key 38 39 143
field width 92
File dialogs 72—75
Flow diagram for 129
Flow diagram, if 111
Flow diagram, if-else 112
Flow diagram, nested if-else 119
Flow diagram, while 126
Focus method 145
FontDialog 24 77—78
FontDialog, Click event 77
for statement 128—130
Form, BackColor 18
Form, Text 18
Format method 89 90 92 156
Format specifiers 90—92
Formatting 89—92
formatting strings 89 95
GroupBox 42 47
Hardware 8—9
help 37—38
Hidden code 164
High-level languages 9—10
History of programming languages 10—11
HTML 5 195 196—200
HTML, anchor 197
HTML, attributes 197
HTML, image 197
HTML, limitations 247—248
HTML, tags 196—198
HttpResponse 216
HyperText Markup Language See HTML
Identifiers 81 87
If statement 110—111 116
If statement, nested 117 124
If-else statement 111—112 116
If-else statement, nested 117
If-else statement, pairing 119
Increment operator 99
indexer 152 162
InitializeComponent method 146
Instance 163
Instance method 152
instruction set 9
int 83 87 88
Intellisense 23—24 256
Internet Explorer 46
Internet Information Server (IIS) 200
Java 10 11
JavaScript 238
Key, database 171
keyboard shortcut 69
keywords 82 87 331
Label 21—22 39
Label, AutoSize 24
Label, BorderStyle 43
Label, Dock 32
Label, Font 24
Label, ForeColor 24
Label, Name 21
Label, Text 21
Label, TextAlign 29
Length 60
Library classes 162—164
LinkLabel 45—47
LinkLabel, LinkBehavior 48
LinkLabel, LinkClicked event 46—47 50
LinkLabel, LinkLabel.Link.LinkData 50
LinkLabel, Links 49
LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs 50
LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs, Link 51
LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs, Link.LinkData 51
ListBox 58—61 62 141—142
ListBox, Item.Add method 178
ListBox, Items 58—59
ListBox, multiple selections 141—142
ListBox, SelectedIndexChanged event 59—61
ListBox, SelectedItem 60
ListBox, SelectedItems 142
ListBox, SelectionMode 59
ListBox, Sorted 59
ListItem Collection Editor 204
load method 177 183
logical complement 102
Loop termination 127—128
MainMenu 68—70 78
Meaningful names 21 32
MenuItem, Click event 70
MenuItem, Shortcut 69
Menus 68—70
MessageBox 86
Metadata 11 12
Microsoft Access 170
middle tier 169 195
Mobile applications 6 295—316
Mobile devices 295—296
Mobile operating systems, Pocket PC 296 300
Mobile operating systems, Windows CE 296 300
Mobile Web applications 298—306
Mobile Web applications, creating 301—302
Mobile Web form controls, Command 301
Mobile Web form controls, Label 301
MonthCalendar 64
Namespace 162—163
NEW 164
Newline 87
Northwind 170—172
NOT 102
NULL 164
NumericUpDown 65 67
NumericUpDown, DecimalPlaces 65
NumericUpDown, Maximum 65
NumericUpDown, Minimum 65
NumericUpDown, ThousandsSeparator 65
NumericUpDown, Value 65
Object 163 164
OleDbCommand 175—176
OleDbCommand, CommandText 175—176
OleDbCommand, Connection 175
OleDbCommand, ExecuteReader method 178
OleDbConnection 173
OleDbConnection, Close method 178
OleDbConnection, ConnectionString 174
OleDbConnection, Open method 178
OleDbDataAdapter 180
OleDbDataAdapter, Fill method 183
OleDbDataReader 170
OleDbDataReader, Close method 178
OleDbDataReader, GetDecimal method 178
OleDbDataReader, GetString method 178
OleDbDataReader, Read method 178
OpenFileDialog 72—73 77
OpenFileDialog ShowDialog method 72
OpenFileDialog, FileName 72
Operating System 9
Operator precedence 103
OR 101 102
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