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» Искусство »

Содержимое каталога
1. Orchid, Bamboo, Plum Blossom and Chrysanthemum.Cao Xuns Copybook. The Way of Chinese Painting. Volume II (Chinese Edition)2011
2. Origami Theoryn/a
3. Великие композиторы (Коллекция «КП»). Том 30. Итальянское барокко2009
4. Военно-Морской Флот Страны Советов1975
5. Вокально-педагогический репертуар для баса1963
6. Государственные Музеи Московского Кремля (ГММК) - Материалы и исследования1987
7. Жан Эффель. Избранное1983
8. Искусство рисования и живописи (№ 8, 2006)2006
9. Картины государственной Третьяковской галереи. Выпуск VII1976
10. Каталог работ студентов-дизайнеров кафедры промышленного искусства БГТХИ (сборник)1975
11. Москва златоглавая в старых фотографиях и гравюрах1989
12. Отечественное и зарубежное искусство XVIII века. Вопросы отечественного и зарубежного искусства. Выпуск 31986
13. Русский военный мундир XVII века. Набор открыток, Изобразительное искусство1985
14. Русский орнамент. Шитьё, ткани, кружева1871
15. Сокровища сарматских вождей2008
16. Стекло Алексея Зеляn/a
17. Сущность и влияние модыn/a
18. Художественные сокровища России1905
19. Художественные сокровища России. Том 61906
20. Якутское средневековое военное оружие. Комплект открыток2005
21. AARON STALNAKER Mastery, Dependence, and the Ethics of Authority2020
22. Ainsworth M.W. Martens M.P.J. Petrus Christus: Renaissance Master of Bruges1994
23. Alessandro Amaducci Screendance Sperimentazioni visive intorno al corpo tra film, video e computer grafican/a
24. Ana Lucia Araujo Museums and Atlantic Slavery2021
25. Anna Johnson The Museum Educator's Manual: Educators Share Successful Techniques (American Association for State and Local History)2009
26. Baker F. Wigram T. Ruud P. Songwriting: Methods, Techniques and Clinical Applications for Music Therapy Clinicians, Educators and Students2005
27. Baron J.H. Chamber Music: A Research and Information Guide (3-rd edition)2010
28. Benjamin W. A modernidade e os modernos (2 edition)2009
29. Biskind P. Como a geração sexo drogas e rock'n'roll salvou Hollywood2013
30. Blatter A. Revisiting music theory: a guide to the practice (1 edition)2007
31. Boydell J. The Gallery of Illustration for Shakespeare’s dramatic works1874
32. Brian Massumi Semblance and Event2011
33. Brooker D. Essential CG Lighting Techniques2002
34. Calle J. Potter W. I Can Draw Fantasy Art2020
35. Carvalno O. Aristóteles em nova Perspectiva. Introdução à Teoria dos Quatro Discursos2013
36. CHARLES A. DESNOYERS Patterns of East Asian History2020
37. Christopher Allen A Companion to Australian Art2021
38. Coleman B. Zuber : two centuries of panoramic wallpaper2019
39. D. Kaye J.LeBrecht Sound and Music for the Theatre (3 edition)2009
40. Dogen M. Architectvra Militaris Moderna1647
41. Dolev Y. Time and Realism: Metaphysical and Antimetaphysical Perspectives2007
42. Dong A. The language of design: theory and computation (1 edition)2008
43. Doshi R. The Long Game: China’s Grand Strateg y to Displace American Order2021
44. Ekpo D. (ed.) Sidogi P. (ed.) The De-Africanization of African Art: Towards Post-African Aesthetics2022
45. ELISA MANDELLI The Museum as a Cinematic Space The Display of Moving Images in Exhibitions2019
46. Evanthia Baboula Lesley Jessop Art and Material Culture in the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds2021
47. Francesco Freddolini Marco Musillo Art, Mobility, and Exchange in Early Modern Tuscany and Eurasia2020
48. Frantz M. Mathematics and Art1997
49. George Orwell The Collected Non-Fiction2016
50. Giulia Gaimari Ethics, Politics and Justice in Dante2019
51. Gloman C. LeTourneau T. Placing Shadows: Lighting Techniques for Video Production (Third Edition)2005
52. Goldin M. Da Guttuso a Vedova a Schifano: Il filo della pittura in Italia nel secondo Novecento2016
53. Goldin M. Da Guttuso a Vedova a Schifano: Il filo della pittura in Italia nel secondo Novecento2016
54. Grau O. (ed.) Hoth J. (ed.) Wandl-Vogt E. (ed.) Digital Art through the Looking Glass2019
55. Greg Burkett Sue Chen, Building Exotics Excellence: One City, One Conference2015
56. Guitar College Сборник специальный, акустический. Выпуск 1. Guitar College2003
57. H. L. Clarke Technical Studies for the Cornet ENG GER FRA1985
58. Hart C. Drawing on the funny side of the brain. How to come up with jokes for cartoons and comic strips1998
59. Henly J. Pocket Art: Figure Drawing2018
60. Henry Chadwic Augustine. A very short introduction1986
61. Horton B. Photojournalism stylebook.1990
62. Ian Shaw Nicholson P.T. The British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt2002
63. Inger Leemans Gert-Jan Johannes Worm en donder. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur 1700-1800: de Republiek2017
64. Jackson R. The visual index of artist's signatures and monograms1991
65. Jerry D. Hurter B. Jerry D's Extreme. Makeover Techniques for Digital Glamour Photography2009
66. John Raynes Jody Raynes Disegnare il corpo umano una guida completa2005
67. Jonathan Barnes Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction2000
68. Judith A.G. (Ed.) Dance Technology Current Applications and Future Trends1989
69. Kennard P. Peter Kennard: Visual Dissent2019
70. Kent L. Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 22008

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