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Fonseca A.-J. — Listen to Hip Hop!: Exploring a Musical Genre
Fonseca A.-J. — Listen to Hip Hop!: Exploring a Musical Genre

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Название: Listen to Hip Hop!: Exploring a Musical Genre

Автор: Fonseca A.-J.


Listen to Hip Hop! Exploring a Musical Genre explores non-rap hip hop music, and as such it serves as a compliment to Listen to Rap! Exploring a Musical Genre (Greenwood Press, Anthony J. Fonseca, 2019), which discussed at length 50 must-hear rap artists, albums, and songs. This book aims to provide a close listening/reading of a diverse set of songs and lyrics by a variety of artists who represent different styles outside of rap music.

Most entries focus on specific songs, carefully analyzing and deconstructing musical elements, discussing their sound, and paying close attention to instrumentation and production values―including sampling, a staple of rap and an element used in some hip hop dance songs. Though some of the artists included may be normally associated with other musical genres and use hip hop elements sparingly, those in this book have achieved iconic status. Finally, sections on the background and history of hip hop, hip hop's impact on popular culture, and the legacy of hip hop provide context through which readers can approach the entries.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Искусство/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2021

Количество страниц: 280

Добавлена в каталог: 09.08.2024

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