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Содержимое каталога
1891. Hassan M.K. Handbook of Empirical Research on Islam and Economic Life2017
1892. Hassler U. Stochastische Prozesse in der Oekonomie2003
1893. Hasted E. Software That Sells : A Practical Guide to Developing and Marketing Your Software Project2005
1894. Haugan G.T. The Work Breakdown Structure in Government Contracting2003
1895. Haulman C.A. Virginia and the Panic of 1819: The First Great Depression and the Commonwealth2008
1896. Haupert M. The Entertainment Industry2006
1897. Hauptly D.J. Something Really New: Three Simple Steps to Truly Innovative Products2008
1898. Hausch D.B. (ed.) Ziemba W.T. (ed.) Handbook of Sports and Lottery Markets2008
1899. Hausman D. Philosophy Of Economics: An Anthology (Third Edition)2007
1900. Havey M. Essential Business Process Modeling2005
1901. Hawken P. Lovins A.B. Lovins L.H. Natural Capitalism. The Next Industrial Revolution2000
1902. Hawkesworth M. Kogan M. Encyclopedia of Government and Politics. Volume 11992
1903. Hawkins D.E. Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Tomorrow's Sustainability and Today's Profitability2006
1904. Hawkins Mitchell V. Rothstein P.J. (ed.) Emotional Terrors in the Workplace: Protecting Your Business' Bottom Line: Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace2005
1905. Hawley C.F. 201 Ways to Turn Any Employee into a Star Performer2004
1906. Hawthorne F. Inside the FDA: The Business and Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food We Eat2005
1907. Hay D.C. Halle B.V. Requirements Analysis: From Business Views to Architecture (1st edition)2002
1908. Hayashi F. Econometrics (1 edition)2000
1909. Hayden C.J. Get Clients Now!2007
1910. Hayden V. Webber M. Heller J. Getting an Investing Game Plan: Creating it, Working it, Winning it2003
1911. Hayek F. Desestatização do dinheiro2011
1912. Hayek F.A. Desestatização do dinheiro2022
1913. Hayek F.A. Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle1933
1914. Hayek F.A. Prices and production (2 edition)1967
1915. Haynes M.E. Chapman E.N. Comfort Zones: Planning For a Fulfilling Retirement (Fifth Edition)2005
1916. Hazlitt H. Economics in one lesson1978
1917. Head K. Elements of Multinational Strategy2007
1918. Hearit K.M. Crisis Management by Apology: Corporate Response to Allegations of Wrongdoing2006
1919. Heath J. Revitalizing Socialist Enterprise: A Race Against Time1933
1920. Hebeler H.K. Getting Started in A Financially Secure Retirement2007
1921. Hecht U. Granasy L. Rex S. Multiphase solidification in multicomponent alloys2004
1922. Heckscher C. Maccoby M. Ramirez R. Agents of Change: Crossing the Post-Industrial Divide2003
1923. Hedges IV J.R. Hedges on Hedge Funds2005
1924. Hedges IV J.R. Hedges On Hedge Funds - How To Successfully Analyze And Select An Investment2005
1925. Heerema F.J. (ed.) de Boer U.P. The Road to the Virtual Enterprise2001
1926. Heerkens G.R. Project Management2002
1927. Heijdra B.J. van der Ploeg F. The Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics2002
1928. Held G. Understanding IPTV2006
1929. Helfert E.A. Financial Analysis Tools and Techniques2001
1930. Helms M. M. Encyclopedia Of Management (5 edition)2005
1931. Helpman E. Razin A. A Theory of International Trade under Uncertainty1979
1932. Helpman E. Sadka E. Economic Policy in the International Economy2003
1933. Helzberg B.C. What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Developing a Highly Successful Company2003
1934. Henderson E.T. (ed.) Rosero L. (ed.) Snyder B. (ed.) Real World Macro (№36 2019)2019
1935. Henderson V. (ed.) Thisse J.-F. (ed.) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Vol. 4: Cities and Geography (Third Edition)2004
1936. Hendry J. Between Enterprise and Ethics: Business and Management in a Bimoral Society2004
1937. Heneric O. (ed.) Licht G. (ed.) Sofka W. (ed.) Europe's Automotive Industry on the Move: Competitiveness in a Changing World (1st edition)2004
1938. Hengartner L. Explaining Executive Pay: The roles of managerial power and complexity2006
1939. Henningsen E. Management and Morality2020
1940. Henry George Progress and Povertyn/a
1941. Henwood D. Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom1998
1942. Herzum P. Sims O. Business Components Factory: A Comprehensive Overview of Component-Based Development for the Enterprise2000
1943. Heslop A. How to Value and Sell Your Business: The Essential Guide to Preparing, Valuing and Selling a Company for Maximum Profit2008
1944. Hess E.D. (ed.) Cameron K.S. (ed.) Leading with Values: Positivity, Virtue and High Performance2006
1945. Heyman D.P. Sobel M.J. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science. Vol. 2. Stochastic Models1990
1946. Hian Teck Hoon THE SINGAPORE ECONOMY1988
1947. Hiebert M. Klatt B. The Encyclopedia of Leadership: A Practical Guide to Popular Leadership Theories and Techniques2001
1948. Higgins R.C. Analysis for Financial Management2000
1949. Higham D. An Introduction to Financial Option Valuation: Mathematics, Stochastics and Computation2004
1950. Hilb M. New Corporate Governance: Successful Board Management Tools (Second Edition)2006
1951. Hildenbrand W. Sonnenschein H. Handbook Of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 41991
1952. Hilicki C. May I Have Your Attention, Please?: Build a Better Business by Telling Your True Story2005
1953. Hill B. Building Your Business With Google for Dummies2004
1954. Hill G.M. The Complete Project Management Office Handbook2003
1955. Hill G.M. The Complete Project Management Office Handbook2008
1956. Hill J.R. Pruitt G. Hill L. The Ultimate Trading Guide2000
1957. Hill R. Nelson H. Adamowicz W.L. Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources2004
1958. Hill R.A. Strategic Financial Management2008
1959. Hill R.A. Strategic Financial Management: Exercise book (1st edition)2009
1960. Hill W.L. International Business.Competing in the global marketplace (13-Издание edition)n/a

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