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1821. Haber S.H. Crony Capitalism and Economic Growth in Latin America: Theory and Evidence2002
1822. Habisch A. Jonker J. Wegner M. Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe2005
1823. Hackley C. Doing Research Projects in Marketing, Management and Consumer Research (1 edition)2003
1824. Hacklin F. Management of Convergence in Innovation (1 edition)2007
1825. Hackman Steven T. Production Economics: Integrating the Microeconomic and Engineering Perspectives (1 edition)2008
1826. Haggard S. Bergsten C.F. The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis (1 edition)2000
1827. Haggerty J.F. Haggerty J. In The Court of Public Opinion: Winning Your Case With Public Relations2006
1828. Haggerty K. Five-Week Day Trading Course2004
1829. Hagstrom R.G. The Warren Buffett Way (second edition)2005
1830. Hahn R.W. Antitrust Policy and Vertical Restraints2006
1831. Hahn R.W. In Defense of the Economic Analysis of Regulation2005
1832. Hahn R.W. Tetlock P.C. Information Markets: A New Way of Making Decisions2006
1833. Hahn W. High stakes antitrust: the last hurrah?2003
1834. Haight G.T. The Real Estate Investment Handbook2005
1835. Hailey L. Your Business, Your Future: How to Predict and Harness Growth2006
1836. Haines S. Aller-Stead G. McKinlay J. Enterprise-Wide Change: Superior Results Through Systems Thinking2005
1837. Hal R. Varian Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach (Seventh Edition)2005
1838. Hales J. Accounting and Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry2005
1839. Hall A.R. Generalized Method of Moments2005
1840. Hall D. (ed.,) Kirkpatrick I. (ed.) Mitchell M. (ed.) Rural Tourism And Sustaninable Business (1st edition)2005
1841. Hall M.J.B. The International Handbook on Financial Reform2003
1842. Halvey J.K. Melby B.M. Business Process Outsourcing. Process, Strategies, and Contracts. (Second Edition)2007
1843. Halvorsen R. (ed.) Layton D.F. (ed.) Explorations in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: Essays in Honor of Gardner M. Brown, Jr (New Horizons in Environmental Economics) (1st edition)2006
1844. Hamel G. Prahalad C. K. Competing for the future1994
1845. Hamill J. Stonegouse G. Campbell D. Global And Transnational Busin (Second Edition)2004
1846. Hamilton J. Gray J. Implementing Financial Regulation: Theory and Practice2006
1847. Hamilton K. Atkinson G. Wealth, Welfare and Sustainability: Advances in Measuring Sustainable Development (1st edition)2006
1848. Hamon J.D. Breakthroughs in Commodity Technical Analysis1985
1849. Hanan M. Consultative Selling: The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels (7th edition)2004
1850. Hancock J.C. Toren R. Practical Business Intelligence with SQL Server 20052006
1851. Hanes C.(ред.) Wolcott S.(ред.) Research in economic historyn/a
1852. Hanes S.M. Hanes R.C. Great Depression and New Deal. Almanac2003
1853. Hanes S.M. Hanes R.C. Great Depression and New Deal. Biographies2003
1854. Hanes S.M. Hanes R.C. Great Depression and New Deal. Primary Sources2003
1855. Hanushek E.A. (ed.) Welch F. (ed.) Handbook of the Economics of Education, Vol. 12006
1856. Hanushek E.A. (ed.) Welch F. (ed.) Handbook of the Economics of Education, Vol. 22006
1857. Hara T. Kambayashi N. Matsushima N. Industrial Innovation in Japan2008
1858. Harcourt G.C. Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core Contributions of the Pioneers2006
1859. Hardcastle E. Business Information Systems (1st edition)2008
1860. Hardle W. Kleinow T. Stahl G. Applied Quantitative Finance2002
1861. Harford J. Li K. Zhao X. International Journal of Corporate Governance Volume1 - Issue 1 - 20082008
1862. Harkins P. Hollihan K. Everybody Wins: The Story and Lessons Behind RE/MAX2005
1863. Harper S.C. Extraordinary Entrepreneurship: The Professional's Guide to Starting an Exceptional Enterprise2005
1864. Harrington H.J. Business Process Improvement: The Breakthrough Strategy for Total Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness1991
1865. Harrington J.E. How Do Cartels Operate?2006
1866. Harrington S.E. Insurance Deregulation and the Public Interest2000
1867. Harris L. Sofianos G. Shapiro J.E. Program Trading And Intraday Volatility1994
1868. Harris N. Business Economics2001
1869. Harris P. McDonald F. European Business and Marketing (Second Edition)2004
1870. Harris R. Applied time series modelling and forecasting2003
1871. Harris T. Start-up: A Practical Guide to Starting and Running a NewBusiness2006
1872. Harrison M. Waldron P. Mathematical Economics and Finance1998
1873. Harrison M.R. An Introduction to Business and Management Ethics2005
1874. Harry M. Schroeder R. Six Sigma. The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporations2000
1875. Harry W. Richardson (Editor) Peter Gordon (Editor) James E., II Moore (Editor) The Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks2007
1876. Hart S.L. Capitalism at the Crossroads: The Unlimited Business Opportunities in Solving the World's Most Difficult Problems2005
1877. Hartle T. The Method Trader2003
1878. Hartley D.E. Job Analysis at the Speed of Reality1999
1879. Hartley D.E. On-Demand Learning: Training in the New Millennium2000
1880. Hartley K. (ed.) Sandler T. (ed.) Handbook of Defense Economics, Vol. 11995
1881. Hartley K. (ed.) Sandler T. (ed.) Handbook of Defense Economics, Vol. 2: Defense in a Globalized World2007
1882. Hartman L.P. (ed.) Arnold D.G. (ed.) Wokutch R.E. (ed.) Rising above Sweatshops: Innovative Approaches to Global Labor Challenges2003
1883. Hartmann P. Manna M. Manzanares A. The Microstructure Of The Euro Money Market2001
1884. Harwood A. Building Local Bond Markets: An Asian Perspective2000
1885. Harzing A.-W.K. Van Ruysseveldt J. International Human Resource Management (Second Edition)2004
1886. Hasan S. (ed.) Onyx J. (ed.) Comparative Third Sector Governance In Asia: Structure, Process, and Political Economy (1st edition)2008
1887. Hasanali F. Leavitt P. Competitive intelligence: a guide for your journey to best-practice processes2004
1888. Hasbrouck J. Empirical Market Microstructure: The Institutions, Economics, and Econometrics of Securities Trading (1st edition)2007
1889. Hashmi N. Business Information Warehouse for SAP2000
1890. Hass G. Cockburn A. Caputo K. Configuration Management Principles and Practice2003

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