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1261. Daragan V. Short Term Trading Analysisn/a
1262. Darst D.M. The Art of Asset Allocation : Asset Allocation Principles and Investment Strategies for any Market (Second edition)2008
1263. Das D.K. Financial Globalization and the Emerging Market Economy2004
1264. Dave Chaffey Total E-mail Marketing, Second Edition: Maximizing your results from integrated e-marketing (2 edition)2006
1265. David Fieldhouse Black Africa 1945-1980. Economic Decolonization and arrested development1986
1266. DAVID GALE The Theory of Linear Economic Models1960
1267. David J Ketchen Donald D Bergh Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, Volume 22005
1268. David Keller Breakthroughs in Technical Analysis: New Thinking from the World's Top Minds (1 edition)2007
1269. David Kreps Notes On The Theory Of Choice (Underground Classics in Economics)1988
1270. David Levi-Faur (editor) International Public Policy and Management. Policy Learning Beyond Regional, Cultural, and Political Boundaries2004
1271. Davidov O. Reduced rank proportional hazards model for competing risks2001
1272. Davidson A. The Complete Guide to Online Stock Market Investing: The Definitive 20-Day Guide (2nd edition)2007
1273. Davidson C. Matusz S.J. International Trade and Labor Markets: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications2004
1274. Davidson R. MacKinnon J.G. Econometric Theory and Methods2003
1275. Davidsson P. Researching Entrepreneurship2004
1276. Davies G. A History of Money: From Ancient Times to Present Day (3rd edition)2002
1277. Davis J. Miller G.J. Russell A. Information Revolution : Using the Information Evolution Model to Grow Your Business2006
1278. Davis J.B. (ed.) Marciano A. (ed.) Runde J. (ed.) The Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy (1st edition)2004
1279. Davis K. Financing College: How Much You'll Really Have to Pay and how Much to Get the Money (3rd Edition)2001
1280. Davis L.E. Engerman S.L. Naval Blockades in Peace and War. An Economic History since 17502006
1281. Davis M.A. Take No Prisoners. A No-Holds-Barred Approach to Corporate Excellence2008
1282. Day K. Inside the Security Mind: Making the Tough Decisions2003
1283. Day K.A. (ed.) China's Environment And The Challenge Of Sustainable Development2005
1284. de Boer-Ashworth E. The Global Political Economy and Post - 1989 Change2000
1285. De Laurentis G. (ed.) Strategy and organization of corporate banking2005
1286. de Mesa A.A. Montecinos V. Brenes I. Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies2000
1287. de Mesa Graziano C. Graziano M.P. Management's Reports on Internal Control2000
1288. de Roos D. Burns G. The Insider's Guide to 52 Homes in 52 Weeks: Acquire Your Real Estate Fortune Today2006
1289. de Roos D. Kennedy D. The Insider's Guide to Making Money in Real Estate: Smart Steps to Building Your Wealth Through Property2005
1290. De Varenne F. Briys E. Insurance from Underwriting to Derivatives2001
1291. Deacon M. Derry A. Mirfendereski D. Inflation-indexed Securities. Bonds, Swaps and Other Derivatives (Second Edition)2004
1292. Dean T. Gleek J. Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed2000
1293. Deans G.K. Kroeger F. Zeisel S. Winning the Merger Endgame: A Playbook for Profiting from Industry Consolidation2003
1294. Deans P.C. E-commerce and M-commerce technologies2005
1295. Deb P. Norton E. C. Manning W. G. Health Econometrics Using Stata2017
1296. Debreu G. Theory of Value: An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium1972
1297. DeCima J.P. Investing in Fixer-Uppers2003
1298. Deel R. The Strategic Electronic Day Trader2000
1299. Deelmann T. Mohe M. Selection and Evaluation of Consultants2006
1300. Defilippi E. La cadena de valor del camu camu en la región loreto2011
1301. DeFranco A.L. Lattin T.W. Hospitality Financial Management2007
1302. Deissenberg C. (ed.) Hartl R.F. (ed.) Optimal Control and Dynamic Games. Applications in Finance, Management Science and Economics2005
1303. Dejong D.V. Forsythe R. Lundholm R.J. Ripoffs, Lemons, and Reputation Formation in Agency Relationships: A Laboratory Market Study1985
1304. Del Giudice M. Della Peruta M.R. Carayannis E.G. Knowledge and the Family Business2011
1305. Del Pozo Loayza C.E. Tacuri V.P. Impacto de la minería en la producción agropecuaria en el Perú, impactos heterogéneos y determinación de los canales de transmisión2015
1306. Delaney P.R. Hopkins D.R. Wiley Cpa Examination Review, 2001: Business Law and Professional Responsibilities2000
1307. Delbaen F. Stricker C. Optimality and Risk - Modern Trends in Mathematical Finance: The Kabanov Festschrift2009
1308. Dellinger J.K. The Handbook of Variable Income Annuities2006
1309. Delpo A. The Performance Appraisal Handbook: Legal & Practical Rules for Managers (Second Edition)2007
1310. Demange G. (ed.) Wooders M. (ed.) Group Formation in Economics: Networks, Clubs, and Coalitions2005
1311. DeMark T.R. DeMark on Day Trading Options: Using Options to Cash In on the Day Trading Phenomenon1999
1312. DeMarso B. Corporate finance (5-издание edition)n/a
1313. Dembinski P.H. Lager C. Cornfold A. and Bonvin J. Enron and World Finance: A Case Study in Ethics2006
1314. Demirguc-Kunt A. (Ed) Levine R. (Ed) Financial Structures and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Comparison of Banks, Markets, and Development2001
1315. Demise N. Miwa Y. Nabayashi M. Corporate governance in Japan (1 edition)2006
1316. Dennis R. Briscoe Randall S. Schuler International Human Resource Management. Policy and practice for the global enterprise (Second Edition)2004
1317. Denny R. Winning New Business: Essential Selling Skills for Non-Sales People2007
1318. Dent S.M. Krefft J.H. Powerhouse Partners: A Blueprint for Building Organizational Culture for Breakaway Results2004
1319. Denuit M. Dhaene J. Goovaerts M. Actuarial theory for dependent risks: measures, orders and models2005
1320. DePalma D. Business Without Borders: A Strategic Guide to Global Marketing (First Edition)2002
1321. der Heide E.A. Disaster Response. Principles of Preparation Coordination (1st edition)1989
1322. DesForges C. The Commercial Exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights by Licensing2001
1323. Desouza K.C. Awazu Y. Engaged Knowledge Management: Engagement with New Realities2005
1324. Despain J. Converse J.B. Blanchard K. And Dignity for All: Unlocking Greatness with Values-Based Leadership2003
1325. Detemple J. American-Style Derivatives: Valuation and Computation2006
1326. Development Centre Studies Chinese Economic Performance in the Long Run (Second Edition, Revised and Updated)2007
1327. Dewey E.R. Mandino O. Cycles: The Mysterious Forces That Trigger Events1971
1328. Dewey E.R. Dakin E.F. Cycles: The Science of Prediction1947
1329. Diane A. The First-Time Manager's Guide to Performance Appraisals2008
1330. Dicks J. Forex Made Easy: 6 Ways to Trade the Dollar2004

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