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1191. Cooper J. Hit & Run Trading: The Short-Term Stock Traders Bible1996
1192. Corbae D. Zeman J. An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis in Economics2002
1193. Corbetta G. Huse M. Ravasi D. Crossroads of Entrepreneurship2004
1194. Cord R. A. The Palgrave Companion to Oxford Economics2021
1195. Corden W. Max Too Sensational: On the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes (1st edition)2002
1196. Cornuejols G. Tutuncu R. Optimization Methods in Finance (1st edition)2006
1197. Cornwall J. Cornwall W. Capitalist Development in the Twentieth Century: An Evolutionary-Keynesian Analysis2001
1198. Corona L. Doutriaux J. Main S. Building Knowledge Regions in North America: Emerging Technology Innovation Poles2006
1199. Costantini P. Cash Return on Capital Invested: Ten Years of Investment Analysis with the CROCI Economic Profit Model2006
1200. Costell J. The Science of Sales Success: A Proven System for High Profit, Repeatable Results2004
1201. Coto-Millan P. Inglada V. Essays on Transport Economics2007
1202. Cotton D. Falvey D. Kent S. Market Leader2004
1203. Cottrell A. Gretl Manual. Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library2003
1204. Cottrell A.F. Cockshott P. Classical Econophysics2009
1205. Couch C. Fraser Charles Percy Susan Urban Regeneration in Europe2003
1206. Coughlin J.H. Thomas A.R. The Rise of Women Entrepreneurs: People, Processes, and Global Trends2002
1207. Coulomb F. Economic Theories of Peace and War2004
1208. Covel M.W. The Complete TurtleTrader: The Legend, the Lessons, the Results (1St Edition)2007
1209. Covel M.W. The Complete TurtleTrader - The Legend, the Lessons, the Results2007
1210. Cox B.G. Vocabulary Basics for Business2002
1211. Coyne B.S. Coyne E.J. Lee M. Human Resources, Care Giving, Career Progression and Gender: A Gender Neutral Glass Ceiling2004
1212. Crabel T. Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout1990
1213. Crabel T. Price pattern studies. Part 11989
1214. Crabel T. Price patterns in soybeans1990
1215. Crabel T. Trading close-to-close patterns1989
1216. Crandall F. The Headcount Solution : How to Cut Compensation Costs and Keep Your Best People2002
1217. Craven B.D. Islam S.M.N. Optimization In Economics And Finance2005
1218. Crawford J. Project Management Roles & Responsibilities2004
1219. Crawford J.K. Project Management Maturity Model2002
1220. Creedy J. (ed.) Kalb G. (ed.) Dynamics Of Inequality And Poverty (1st edition)2006
1221. Cross R. Parker A. Sasson L. Networks in the Knowledge Economy2003
1222. Crouhy M. Galai D. Mark R. Risk Management2001
1223. Crouzet F. A History of the European Economy, 1000-20002004
1224. Crumlish C. The Power of Many: How the Living Web Is Transforming Politics, Business, and Everyday Life2004
1225. Cruz M.G. Modeling, Measuring and Hedging Operational Risk2002
1226. Cullinane K. (ed.) Talley W.K. (ed.) Port Economics (1st edition)2006
1227. Cullman L.B. Can't Take It With You: The Art of Making and Giving Money2004
1228. Culpan R. Global Business Alliances: Theory and Practice2002
1229. Culyer A.J. Newhouse J.P. Handbook of Health Economics. Vol. 2. Part 12000
1230. Culyer A.J. Newhouse J.P. Handbook of Health Economics. Vol. 2. Part 22000
1231. Cummings J. Commercial Real Estate Investing: 12 Easy Steps to Getting Started2005
1232. Cummins J.D. Venard B. Handbook of International Insurance: Between Global Dynamics and Local Contingencies2007
1233. Curtis P.M. Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment2006
1234. Curzio A.Q. Fortis M. The EU and the Economies of the Eastern European Enlargement2008
1235. Cuthbertson K. Quantitative Financial Economics1996
1236. Cvitinić J. Zapatero F. Introduction to the Economics and Mathematics of Financial Markets2004
1237. Cyglar Ozden (editor) Maurice Schiff (editor) International Migration, Remittances, and the Brain Drain2006
1238. Cynthia a. Sanborn VíCtor torreS C. La economía china y las industrias extractivas: desafíos para el Perú2020
1239. Czerniawaska F. May P. Management Consulting in Practice: Award-Winning International Case Studies2004
1240. Dacko S.G. A Dictionary of Marketing: Concepts, Laws, Theories, and Effects2008
1241. Dacorogna M.M. Gencay R. Mueller U.A. An Introduction to High-Frequency Finance2001
1242. Dagum E.B. Cholette P.A. Benchmarking, Temporal Distribution, and Reconciliation Methods for Time Series2006
1243. Dai J. Medinets A.F. Vasarhelyi M.A. Audit Analytics in the Financial Industry2019
1244. Dalio R. Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail2020
1245. Dalkir Kimiz Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (1 edition)2005
1246. Dalton J.F. Dalton R.B. Jones E.T. Markets in Profile: Profiting from the Auction Process (1st edition)2007
1247. Damodaran A. Applied Corporate Finance: A User's Manual (2 edition)2005
1248. Damodaran A. Strategic Risk Taking: A Framework for Risk Management2009
1249. Damodaran A. The Dark Side of Valuation: Valuing Old Tech, New Tech, and New Economy Companies2001
1250. Damon W. The Moral Advantage: How to Succeed in Business by Doing the Right Thing2004
1251. Dana R.-A. Jeanblanc M. Kennedy A. Financial Markets in Continuous Time (Springer Finance)2007
1252. Dana R.-A. Mitra T. Le Van C. Handbook of Optimal Growth 1: Discrete Time2006
1254. Dannhaeuser N. (ed.) Werner C. (ed.) Markets and Market Liberalization: Ethnographic Reflections (1st edition)2006
1255. Danny Myers Construction Economics2004
1256. Danq S. Industrial production models.A theoretical studyn/a
1257. Danthine J. Donaldson J.B. Intermediate Financial Theory2001
1258. Danziger P. Why People Buy Things They Don't Need: Understanding and Predicting Consumer Behavior2004
1259. Dapremont P. (ed.) Project Human Resources Management2002
1260. Daragan V. How to Win the Stock Market Gamen/a

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