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Содержимое каталога
981. Bulkowsky T. Identifying Bearish Chart Patterns (I)2003
982. Burby J. Atchison S. Sterne J. Actionable Web Analytics2007
983. Burchell B. Deakin S. Michie J. Systems of Production: Markets, organisations and performance2003
984. Burke M.T. Nanotechnology: The Business2009
985. Burke R.J. International Journal of Stress Management (Vol. 11, №4)2004
986. Burkholder N.C. Outsourcing: The Definitive View, Applications and Implications (2nd edition)2006
987. Burnham T. Mean Markets and Lizard Brains: How to Profit from the New Science of Irrationality2005
988. Burns D.A. Ciurczak E.W. Handbook of Near Infrared Analysis (3d edinion edition)2008
989. Burns D.A. (ed.) Ciurczak E.W. (ed.) Handbook of Near-Infrared Analysis (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded)2001
990. Burns T. Serious Incident Prevention: How to Sustain Accident-Free Operations in Your Plant or Company2002
991. Burrage T.F. Little S.M. Divorce and Domestic Relations Litigation: Financial Adviser's Guide2003
992. Burt D.N. Pinkerton R.L. A Purchasing Manager's Guide to Strategic Proactive Procurement1996
993. Busby T.L. Winning the Day Trading Game: Lessons and Techniques from a Lifetime of Trading2006
994. Busch A. World Event Trading: How to Analyze and Profit from Today's Headlines2007
995. Business Toolkits Основы корпоративных финансов и получение финансирования2005
996. Bussgang J. Entering StartUpLand: An Essential Guide to Finding the Right Job2017
997. Cížek P. Härdle W. Weron R. Statistical tools for finance and insurance2005
998. C.Bruun Advances in Artificial Economics: The Economy as a Complex Dynamic System (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)2006
999. Cagan J. Vogel C.M. Creating Breakthrough Products: Innovation from Product Planning to Program Approval2001
1000. Cagan M. Inspirado: como criar produtos de tecnologia que os clientes amam2021
1001. Calder A. A Business Guide to Information Security2006
1002. Calhoun K. Tradeable price patterns1989
1003. Calverley J.P. Bubbles: And How to Survive Them2004
1004. Camacho P. Marlin C. Zambrano C. Elementos orientadores para la gestión de empresas asociativas rurales-emarsn/a
1005. Camacho P. Amézaga C. Manual to artculate business networksn/a
1006. Camenson B. Careers for Number Crunchers and Other Quantitative Types, Second Edition2002
1007. Cameron E. Green M. Making Sense of Change Management2004
1008. Campanella J. Principles of Quality Costs: Principles, Implementation, and Use (Third edition)1999
1009. Campbell Don R. Real Estate Investing in Canada - How to Create Wealth With the ACRE System2005
1010. Campbell J.Y. Solution Manual to the Econometrics of Financial Markets1997
1011. Campbell J.Y. Lo A.W. MacKinlay A.C. The Econometrics of Financial Markets1997
1012. Campbell T. Pro Windows Small Business Server 20032006
1013. Camrass R. Farncombe M. Atomic: Reforming the Business Landscape into the New Structures of Tomorrow2004
1014. Canada D. The 24 Sales Traps and how to Avoid Them: Recognizing the Pitfalls That Mislead Even the Best Performers2002
1015. Cantner U. (ed.) Malerba F. (ed.) Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation (1st edition)2007
1016. Capgemini World Retail Banking Report2008
1017. Caplan D. How to Start a Business for Free: The Ultimate Guide to Building Something Profitable from Nothing2003
1018. Caplin A. (ed.) Schotter A. (ed.) The Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics2008
1019. Cappels T.M. Financially Focused Project Management2004
1020. Capri E. Karpouzas D. Pesticide Risk Assessment in Rice Paddies: Theory and Practice2008
1021. Caprio G. Evanoff D.D. Kaufman G.G. Cross-Border Banking: Regulatory Challenges2006
1022. Caprio G. Fiechter J.L. Litan R.E. The Future Of State-owned Financial Institutions2004
1023. Caramia M. Dell'Olmo P. Multi-objective Management in Freight Logistics: Increasing Capacity, Service Level and Safety with Optimization Algorithms2008
1024. Carbaugh R.J. International Economics (Tenth Edition)2005
1025. Card D. Ashenfelter O. Handbook Of Labor Economics, Vol. 3A1999
1026. Card D. Ashenfelter O. Handbook Of Labor Economics, Vol. 3B1999
1027. Card D. Ashenfelter O. Handbook Of Labor Economics, Vol. 3C1999
1028. Carey C.H. Carey B. Make Money in Abandoned Properties: How to Identify and Buy Vacant Properties and Make a Huge Profit2006
1029. Carey D.C. Roland J.A. Ogden D. The Human Side of M&A2004
1030. Carey P. The Internet and E-Commerce2001
1031. Carkhuff R.R. Berenson B.G. The Possibilities Leader— The New Science of Possibilities Management2000
1032. Carkhuff R.R. Berenson B.G. The Possibilities Organization— The New Science of Possibilities Management (1st edition)2000
1033. Carlberg M. International Economic Policy Coordination (1 edition)2005
1034. Carlos L. Pereira B. Crise Economica e Reforma do Estado no Brasiln/a
1035. Carlson R.C. The New Rules of Retirement: Strategies for a Secure Future2005
1036. Carlsson R.H. Ownership and Value Creation : Strategic Corporate Governance in the New Economy2001
1037. Carmichael D.R. Whittington O. Ray Graham Lynford Accountants' Handbook. Volume 1. Financial Accounting and General Topics (Elevens edition)2007
1038. Carmichael D.R. Rosenfield P. Accountants' Handbook. Volume 2. Special Industries and Special Topics (10th edition)2003
1039. Carnot N. Koen V. Tissot B. Economic Forecasting2005
1040. Caroleo F.E. (ed.) Destefanis S. (ed.) The European Labour Market: Regional Dimensions2006
1041. Carpenter J.P. (ed.) Harrison G.W. (ed.) List J.A. (ed.) Field Experiments In Economics (1st edition)2005
1042. Carr T.K. Trend Trading for a Living. Learn the Skills and Gain the Confidence to Trade for a Living2008
1043. Carrier J.G. A Handbook Of Economic Anthropology2006
1044. Carroll T. (ed.) Jarvis D. (ed.) Markets and Development Civil Society, Citizens and the Politics of Neoliberalism2016
1045. Carson T. Bonk M. Gale Encyclopedia of United States Economic History. Volume 11999
1046. Carte P. Fox C. Bridging the Culture Gap: A Practical Guide to International Business Communication2004
1047. Cartwright D. RSI As An Exit Tool1991
1048. Casamatta C. Financing and Advising: Optimal Financial Contracts with Venture Capitalists2003
1049. Case J. Open-book managcment: the coming business revolution1995
1050. Cass A. Shaw B.F. LeBlanc S. Bullish Thinking: The Advisors Guide to Surviving and Thriving on Wall Street2008

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