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3011. Rich R.L. Inorganic Reactions In Water2007
3012. Richard Attempt to Separate the Isotopic Forms of Lead by Fractional Crystallizationn/a
3013. Richard J. Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 422007
3014. Richard Wool X.Susan Sun Bio-Based Polymers and Composites2005
3015. Richards S. Hollerton J. Essential Practical NMR for Organic Chemistry2011
3016. Richardson C.C. (ed.) Kornberg R.D. (ed.) Raetz Ch.R.H. (ed.) Annual Review of Biochemistry2003
3017. Richardson J.F. Harker J.H. Backhurst J. Chemical Engineering (vol. 2) (5-th edition)2002
3018. Richardson J.F. Coulson J.M. Harker J.H. Chemical Engineering: Solutions Volume 12001
3019. Richardson M. (ed.) Chemical Safety: International Reference Manual1994
3020. Richmond G.L. Molecular bonding and interactions at aqueous surfaces as probed by vibrational sumfrequency spectr2002
3021. Rigler R. Widengren J. Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics and Biology: Nobel Symposium2009
3022. Riley T. Watson A. James A.M. (Ed.) Polarography ­ and other Voltammetric Methods1987
3023. Risch S.J. (ed.) Ho C.-T. (ed.) Spices. flavor chemistry and antioxidant properities (2nd printing edition)1997
3024. Rittner D. Bailey R. A. Encyclopedia Of Chemistry (Science Encyclopedia)2005
3025. Rizzo C.J. Advanced Organic Reactionsn/a
3026. Roat-Malone R. Bioinorganic Chemistry: A Short Course2002
3027. Roat-Malone R.M. Bioinorganic Chemistry (Second Edition)2007
3028. Roat-Malone R.M. Bioinorganic Chemistry: A Short Course2002
3029. Robert V. Hoffman Organic Chemistry: An Intermediate Text (2 edition)2004
3030. Roberts J.C. Chemistry of Paper1996
3031. Roberts J.D. Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry (2-nd edition)1977
3032. Roberts J.D. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applications to Organic Chemistry1959
3033. Roberts J.D. Boekelheide V. Melvin S.N. (eds.) Organic Syntheses (vol. 41)1961
3034. Roberts M. Thomas J. (eds.) Chemical Physics of Solids and Their Surfaces1980
3035. Roberts S.M. Poignant G. Catalysts for fine chemical synthesis (Vol.1)2002
3036. Roberts S.M. Poignant G. (Editor) Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis, Hydrolysis, Oxidation and Reduction, Vol. 12002
3037. Roberts S.M. Catalysts For Fine Chemical Synthesis, Vol. 12002
3038. Robertson W.C. Kralik M.S. Culter A. More Chemistry Basics. Stop faking It!2010
3039. Robinson J.W. Frame E.M.S. Frame II G.M. Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis (6 edition)2004
3040. Rocco R.M. (ed.) Landmark Papers in Clinical Chemistry2005
3041. Rochow E.G. Inorganic Synthesis. Volume 61960
3042. Rock C. Methods in Organic Chemistry vol. E-10b-11984
3043. Rodebush W.H. Chemical Constants and Absolute Entropy1927
3044. Rodebush W.H. The entropy of hydrogen1929
3045. Rodebush W.H. Fiock E.F. The Measurement of the Absolute Charge on the Earths Surface1925
3046. Rodebush W.H. The Reaction of Chlorine with Hydrogen1932
3047. Rodriguez-Reinoso F. McEnaney B. Rouquerol J. Characterization of Porous Solids VI (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis Series), Vol. 1442002
3048. Roe R.-J.J. Methods of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering in Polymer Science2000
3049. Roeskey H.W. Möckel K. Chemical Curiosities: Spectacular Experiments and Inspired Quotes1996
3050. Roesky H.W. Atwood D.A. Group 13 Chemistry III. Industrial applications2003
3051. Roger Grinter The Quantum in Chemistry - An Experimentalist's View2005
3052. Rogers D. Magee P. The Chemistry of Photography - From Classical to Digital Technologies2007
3053. Rogers D.W. Computational Chemistry Using the PC (3-rd edition)2003
3054. Rogers D.W. Heats of Hydrogenation: Experimental and Computational Hydrogen Thermochemistry of Organic Compounds2006
3055. Rohatgi-Mukherjee K.K. Fundamentals Of PhotoChemistry (revised edition)2005
3056. Rohrer G.S. Structure and Bonding in Crystalline Materials (1st edition)2004
3057. Romano J.A. (ed.) Lukey B.J. (ed.) Salem H. (ed.) Chemical Warfare Agents: Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutics (2nd edition)2008
3058. Ronda C. (ed.) Luminescence: From Theory to Applications2008
3059. Roos B. Lecture Notes in Quantum Chemistry: European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry1992
3060. Roper W.L. Toxicological profiles - Nitrophenols1992
3061. Ropp R.C. Solid State Chemistry (1st edition)2003
3062. Rose G.D. Advances in Protein Chemistry. Volume 62. Unfolded Proteins2002
3063. Rose S. Sanderson C. THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE (Second edition)1979
3064. Rosen M.J. Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena (Third Edition)2004
3065. Rosenberg J.L. Epstein L.M. Schaum's Easy Outlines: College Chemistry1999
3066. Rosenberg J.L. Epstein L.M. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of College Chemistry (8-th edition)1990
3067. Rosenlund S. The chemical laboratory: its design and operation: a practical guide for planners of industrial, medical, or educational facilities1988
3068. Rosenthal M.D. Glew R.H. Medical Biochemistry: Human Metabolism in Health and Disease2009
3069. Rosoff M. Nano-Surface Chemistry2002
3070. Ross J. Schreiber I. Vlad M.O. Determination of Complex Reaction Mechanisms2005
3071. Rossini F.D. The Heat of Combustion of Methyl Alcohol1931
3072. Rossini F.D. The heat of formation of water1930
3073. Rosso J. Bertolotti S.G. Braun A.M. Reactions of Carbon Dioxide Radical Anion with Substituted Benzenes2001
3074. Rothe F. Global Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Systems (1st edition)1984
3075. Rouessac F. Rouessac A. Chemical Analysis. Modern Instrum. Methods and Techniquesn/a
3076. Rouessac F. Rouessac A. Chemical Analysis: Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques (2nd edition)2007
3077. Rouiller Ch.A. On Some Metallic Derivatives of Ethyl Thiooglycollate1919
3078. Rouquerol J. Rouquerol F. Sing K.S.W. Adsorption by Powders and Porous Solids: Principles, Methodology and Applications1999
3079. Roush W.R. Curran D.P. Holmes A.B. (eds.) Organic Syntheses (vol. 78)2000
3080. Rouvray D. Fuzzy Logic in Chemistry1997

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