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Cohen B.J. — Medical terminology: an illustrated guide
Cohen B.J. — Medical terminology: an illustrated guide

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Название: Medical terminology: an illustrated guide

Автор: Cohen B.J.


This easy-to-read, highly illustrated text serves as a comprehensive introduction to the field of medical terminology. It provides a detailed examination of normal structure and function, diseases, diagnosis and treatment. With four-color illustrations in every chapter, this informative text covers normal anatomy, physiology and clinical material. Flashcards, study exercises and case studies make this an ideal study tool. This second edition includes more key words for disorders, diagnosis and treatment, 50 additional illustrations of clinical concepts, more clinical case studies and expanded coverage of medications. Also included are crossword puzzles for review, learning objectives, chapter outlines and an index. A set of three supplementary review tapes is available to instructors, containing over three hours of study exercises.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 584

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Evisceration      621t
Evoked potentials      481t
Ewing tumor, exostosis      559t
Ex/o-      37t
Exacerbation      104t
Exanthem      622t
Excision      119 121t
Excoriation      622t 625
Exophthalmos      434 435 438t
Expectorants      150t 268t
Expectoration      249 253t
Expiration (exhalation)      251 253t
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)      262t
Extension      584t
Extensor carpi muscle      586
External auditory canal (meatus)      502 503 504t
External female genitalia      380 380
External iliac artery      172 321
External iliac vein      173 321
External intercostal muscles      252
External oblique muscle      586
External sphincter      324
Extra-      74t
Extracellular cocci      93
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)      408t
Extrasystole      194t
Extremities      731
Extubation      267t
Exudate      105t 614 621t
Eye (ocular) roots      515t—516t
Eye (ocular), anatomy      69 102 460 511 526
Eye (ocular), functions      511 511—512 512
Eye (ocular), key terms      512t—514t
Eye (ocular), structure and function      513t
Eye (ocular), suffixes      517t
Eye (ocular), word parts      514t
Eye drops      152
Eyelid      102 513t
Eyelids      512
F (Fahrenheit)      130
Face (facial)      69
Facet      563t
Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)      456t
fades      128t
Fallopian tube      358 379 382 384 387t 398
Familial adenomatous      302t
Fanconi syndrome      23 2t
FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis)      306
Fasci/o      589t
Fascia      585 588t
Fasting plasma glucose (FPG)      440t 441
Fat deposits in artery      17 182
Fat pad      550
FC (finger counting)      524
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)      145
Febrile      128t
Feces      285 287t
Female bladder      330
Female reproductive system, abbreviations      410
Female reproductive system, case studies      417—419
Female reproductive system, clinical aspects      394—399 396 397 398
Female reproductive system, congenital disorders      399—402 399t 400 400t 402 403t
Female reproductive system, contraception      382 382 383 387t
Female reproductive system, crossword      420
Female reproductive system, endometrium      379 383 384 387t
Female reproductive system, external genital organs      380 380
Female reproductive system, fertilization      383 389t 412
Female reproductive system, key terms      387t—389t 402t—404t
Female reproductive system, labeling exercise      411—412
Female reproductive system, lactation      387 389t
Female reproductive system, mammary glands      381
Female reproductive system, menopause      382 388t
Female reproductive system, menstrual cycle      381
Female reproductive system, ovaries      379 379—380 380 388t 396 398 427
Female reproductive system, oviducts      358 379 379—380 382 384 388t 396 397
Female reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth      383—387 384 385 386
Female reproductive system, roots      390t 391t 392t 393t
Female reproductive system, sagittal section      379
Female reproductive system, supplementary terms      405t—408t
Female reproductive system, uterus      379 379—380 380
Female reproductive system, vagina      379 379—380 380
Femoral vein      173
Femoral vessels      174
Femur      562
Ferr/i      224t
Ferr/o      224t
Fertilization      383 389t 412
Fet/o      392t
Fetal circulation      383 384—385 385
Fetus      386 389t 401
FEV (forced expiratory volume)      262t 270
FFP (fresh frozen plasma)      235
FHR (fetal heart rate)      410t
FHT (fetal heart tone)      410t
Fiberoptic endoscope      297
Fibo      50t
Fibrillation      186 190t
Fibrin      220t
Fibrinogen      220t
Fibrocystic disease of the breast      406t
Fibroids      406t
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)      228 591 592t 595
Fibromyositis      594t
Fibrositis      594t
Fibrous connective tissue      611
Fimbriae      384 405t
Fingers (phalangeal)      69
Fissure      105t 615 615t
Fistula      105t 296 298t
fixation      122t
Flagellum      46t
Flank      70
Flatulence      302t
Flatus      302t
Flax      151t
Flexion      584t
Flexor carpi muscle      586
Fluoroscopy      117t
Flutter      194t
FMS (fibromyalgia syndrome)      228 591 592t 595
Folded cell membrane      584
Folic acid      226
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)      359t 381 387t 428t
Folliculitis      622t
Fontanel      406t
Foot (pedal)      69
Foramen for spinal nerve      8
Foramen ovale      194t 384 385 389t 563t
Forced expiratory volume (FEV)      262t
Forced vital capacity (FVC)      262t
Forceps      120t 121
Forearm (antebrachial)      69
Forehead (frontal)      69
Formed elements      220t
Fornix      4051
Fossa      563t
Fourth ventricle      118
Fovea      512 513t
Fowler position      711
FPG (fasting blood glucose)      440t 441
FPG (fasting plasma glucose)      440t
Fractures      550—551 550t 551 556t 557t
FRC (functional residual capacity)      262t 270
Free thyroxine index (FTI $T_7$)      440t
Fremitus      266t
Frontal (coronal) plane      65 66 71t 78
Frontal lobe      456
Frontal sinus      250
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)      359t 367 381 387t 410t 428t
FTI (free thyroxine index)      440t 411 see
FTND (full-term normal delivery)      410t
FTP (full-term pregnancy)      410t
FTSG (full-thickness skin graft)      615 626
Fulguration      624t
Full-thickness skin graft (FTSG)      615
Functional murmur      175t
Functional residual capacity (FRC)      262t
Fundus      76t 326 522t
Fundus of uterus      384
Fungi      92t
FUO (fever of unknown origin)      105t
Furuncle      622t
FVC (forced vital capacity)      262t 270
Fx (fracture)      563
g, hard      9
g, soft      9
GA (gestational age)      410t
GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)      471 481
Galact/o      392t
Galactorrhea      407t
Gallbladder      283 285 286 287t 297 297
Gallstones      297
Gametes      285 356 359t
Gamma globulin      232t
Gangli/o      463t
Ganglia      453 460 461t
Ganglion/o      463t
Gangrene      105t
Gas transport      252
Gastr/o      289t
Gastrocnemius muscle      586 587
Gastroduodenostomy      2 5 5
Gastroenteritis      292 298t
Gastroesophageal junction      98
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract      283 292—296 293 294 295 296
Gastrointestinal drugs      149t
Gastrojejunostomy      304
Gavage      303t
GC (gonococcus)      362 367 410t
GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus)      437 441
gen      53t
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)      471
Generic name      143t
Genes      47 50t
Genetic disorders      399 399t—400t
Genetic information      45
Genetic material      45 46 56 see
Genetic mutations      120
Genicular artery      172
Genital herpes      363t
Genital warts      363t
Genitalia      367t
Genitourinary (GU) tract      356
Genu      558t
Genu valgum      555
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)      302t 306
German measles      91 400 403t 521
Gestation      384 389t
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)      437 441
GFR (glomerular filtration rate)      341
GH (growth hormone)      428t 433—434 434t 441
GI (gastrointestinal)      306
Giant cell sarcoma of the lung      275
Giant cell tumor      559t
GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer)      410t
Gigantism      433—434 438t
Gigli saw      120t
Gingiv/o      288t
Gingiva      284
Ginko      151t
Ginseng      151t
Glans      340 356
Glans penis      357 359t
Glasgow coma scale      481t
Glaucoma      326 521 521t
Glenoid cavity      558t
Gli/o      463t
Glioblastoma      479t
Gliomas      470 474t
Glomerul/o      327t
Glomerular filtrate      324 325t
Glomerular filtration      337t
Glomerulonephritis      228 330 335t
Glomerulus      323 323 325t
Gloss/o      288t
Glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX)      457t
Glottis      251 253t
Gluc/o      54t
Glucagon      428t 430
Glucosamine      561t
Glucose      50t 298 437
Gluteus maximus muscle      587
Glycogen      55t 593t
Glycosuria      338t 436 438t
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAlc) test      440t
Gnath/o      288t
Goiter      434 438t
Golgi apparatus      45 46t 56
Gonadotropin      426
Gonads      359t 430
Goniometer      561t
Gonioscopy      524t
Gonococcus (GC)      362
Gonorrhea      362 362t
Gout      554 556t
Graafian follicle      171 379 381
Grading      120 122t
Graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR)      232t
Gram stain      92 96t
Granules stain      236
Granulocytes      214 216t 220t
Graves disease      171 228 434 435 438t
Gravida      386 389t 392t
Gray matter      459 461t
Greater omentum      301t
Greater vestibular (Bartholin) gland      384 405t
Greek (G) word derivations      7
Green tea      151t
Greenstick fracture      550t 551
Grip      258
Groin (inguinal)      67 69
Growth hormone (GH)      428t 433—434 434t
Growth lines      544
Gt(t) (drops), Latin, gutta      145
GU (genitourinary)      341 367
Guillain — Barre syndrome      479t
Gum (gingiva)      284
Gustation (taste)      501 501t
GVHR (graft-versus-host reaction)      232t
GYN (gynecology)      410t
Gyn/o      390t
Gynec/o      390t
Gyri      456
Gyrus      477t
H & P (history and physical)      130
H, pylori      see Helicobacter pylori
h/o (history of)      130
Haemophilus injluenzae      469
Hair      611 612 612t
Hair follicle      611 612 612t
Hairy cell leukemia      232t
Hallucinations      472 476t
Hallux      558t
Hallux valgus      559t 592
Hammertoe      559t
Hamstring group      587 593t
Hand      69
Hantavirus fever      91
Hard c, pronunciation      9
Hard g, pronunciation      9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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