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Cohen B.J. — Medical terminology: an illustrated guide
Cohen B.J. — Medical terminology: an illustrated guide

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Название: Medical terminology: an illustrated guide

Автор: Cohen B.J.


This easy-to-read, highly illustrated text serves as a comprehensive introduction to the field of medical terminology. It provides a detailed examination of normal structure and function, diseases, diagnosis and treatment. With four-color illustrations in every chapter, this informative text covers normal anatomy, physiology and clinical material. Flashcards, study exercises and case studies make this an ideal study tool. This second edition includes more key words for disorders, diagnosis and treatment, 50 additional illustrations of clinical concepts, more clinical case studies and expanded coverage of medications. Also included are crossword puzzles for review, learning objectives, chapter outlines and an index. A set of three supplementary review tapes is available to instructors, containing over three hours of study exercises.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 584

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Diagnosis, supplementary terms      128t
Diagnosis, techniques      115
Diagnosis, types of      119
Diagnosis, word parts      124t
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)      473
Dialysate      33
Dialysis      331 336t
Diaphoresis      128t 183 189t 622t
Diaphragm      66 66 71t 79 98 250 251 253t 260 283 286 321
Diaphysis      543 544 545t
Diarrhea      292 298t
Diarthrosis      545 545t
Diascopy      624t
Diastole      169 175t
DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)      229t 235
Diencephalon      453 461t
Differential count      225t 235
Diffuse toxic goiter      434
Digestive system, abbreviations      306
Digestive system, accessory organs      285 286 308
Digestive system, case studies      312—315
Digestive system, clinical aspects      292—298 293 294 295 296 297
Digestive system, crossword      316
Digestive system, functions      283
Digestive system, key terms      286t—287t 298t—300t
Digestive system, labeling exercise      307 308
Digestive system, large intestine      285
Digestive system, mouth to small intestine      284—285
Digestive system, roots      288t 289t—290t 291t
Digestive system, supplementary terms      301t—304t
Digestive tract      49
digit      76t
Digitalis      197t
Digitals      172
Dilatation      101t
Dilation      101t
Dilation and curettage (D&C)      395 404t 410t
Dilation and evacuation (D&E)      398 404t 410t
Diopter      522t
DIP (distal interphalangeal)      563
Dipl/o      29t
Diplococci      93
Direction, prefixes for      33 33t
Directional terms      64 64—66 65 77
Dis-      31t
Discectomy      555 557t
Discoid form (DLE)      618
Diseases, case studies      105t 108—111
Diseases, infectious      92—93 93
Diseases, neoplasia      95—98 96 98
Diseases, responses to      93—95 94 95
Diseases, supplementary terms      104—105
Diseases, types of      91
Diseases, word parts      98—104 102
Dissecting aneurysm      182 189t
Dissecting aortic aneurysm      183
Disseminated intravascular coagulation      see DIC
Distal      65t 77
Distal convoluted tubule      323
Distal epiphysis      544
Diuresis      337t
Diuretics      149t 186 197t 339t
Diverted ureters      334
Diverticulitis      295 298t
Diverticulosis      298t
DJD (degenerative joint disease)      553 556t 563
DLE (discoid form)      618 626
DM (diabetes mellitus)      441
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)      45 47 49t 56
DNA analysis      261
DNR (do not resuscitate)      131
DOE (dyspnea on exertion)      199
Doppler echocardiography      171 195t
Dorsal (recumbent) position      71t
Dorsal cavity      66 66 79
Dorsal digitals      173
Dorsal horn      459
Dorsal metatarsals artery      172
Dorsal root      459
Dorsal root ganglion      459
Dorsalis pedis artery      172
Dorsiflexion      585t
Dorsum sellae      118
Dowager's hump      555
Down syndrome      171 399t 470
Drain      129t
DRE (digital rectal examination)      367
Dropsy      258
Drug information standards      141
Drug names      141 142
drugs      see also Herbal medicines
Drugs, abbreviations      145—146
Drugs, actions and applications      146t—151t
Drugs, administration      152t
Drugs, adverse effects      141
Drugs, cardiovascular disorders      197t
Drugs, case studies      158—162
Drugs, definition      141
Drugs, dosages and directions, abbreviations      145—146
Drugs, herbal medicines      142 151t
Drugs, key terms      142t—143t
Drugs, word parts      143t—144t
Druzen      522t
ds (double strength)      145
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)      473 481
DTR (deep tendon reflexes)      481
Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)      551
DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding)      395 410t
Duchenne muscular dystrophy      591
Ductless glands      426
Ductus arteriosus      193t 385 385 389t
Ductus deferens      358
Ductus venosus      385
Dukes classification      293 300t
Duoden/o      289t
Duodenal anastomosis      5
Duodenal bulb      301t
Duodenal papilla      297 301t
Duodenum      5 283 285 286 2861 292 304
Dura mater      455 461t 469
DVT (deep vein thrombosis)      188 189t 199
Dx (diagnosis)      131
Dys-      99t
Dysarthria      4791
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)      395
Dyskeratosis      622t
Dyslipidemia      181 189t
Dysmenorrhea      395
Dysmetria      479t
Dyspareunia      406t
Dyspepsia      302t
Dysphagia      294 298t 591
Dyspnea      183 186 189t 259 263t 276
Dysthymia      472 476t
Dysuria      330 335t 362
E,coli      330 469
Ear, anatomy      525
Ear, functions      502—504 503 504
Ear, inner ear      504
Ear, roots      505t
Ear, subdivisions      503
Eardrum      507
Early development      383
EBL (estimated blood loss)      131
EBV (Epstein — Barr virus)      235
Ec-      37t
Ecchymoses      227 229t 622t
ECG (electrocardiography)      184 192t 193 199 216
Echinacea      151t
Echocardiography      184
Eclampsia      4031
ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)      408t 410t
Ectasia      101t
Ectasis      101t
Ecto-      37t
Ectopic beat      194t
Ectopic pregnancy      397 403t
Eczema      617 620t
EDC (estimated date of confinement)      410t
Edema of the foot      102
Edema, asthma and      259
Edema, causes      186
Edema, cirrhosis and      297
Edema, definition      101t 189t
Edema, neoplasms and      470
EEG (electroencephalography)      471 475t 481
Effector muscle      459
Efferent      477t
Efferent arteriole      323
Efficacy      143t
Effusion      105t
Ejaculation      359t
Ejaculatory duct      356 357 358 359t
EKG (electrocardiogram)      199
Electo      124t
Electrical defibrillation      186
Electrocardiography      192t
Electroencephalography (EEG)      471 475t 481
Electrolyte imbalance      330
Electrolytes      214 220t
Electromyography (EMG)      591 592t
Electronystagmography (ENG)      509t
Electrophoresis      234t
Electroretinography (ERG)      524t
Elevator      120t
ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)      216 234t 235
elix (elixir)      145 154t
Em (emmetropia)      524
Embolectomy      196t
Embolism      182 189t 467 474t
Embolus      190t
Embry/o      392t
Embryo      389t
Emesis      292 298t
Emetics      304t
EMG (electromyography)      591 592t 595
emission      366t
Emmetropia      522t
Emotional disorders      91
Emphysema      258 263t
Empyema      259 263t
Emulsion      154t
Enamel      284
Encephal/o      464t
Encephalitis      469—470 474t
End feet      358
End-bulbs      358
End-stage renal disease (ESRD)      330
End/o-      37t
Endocardium      167 168 175t
Endocrin/o      432t
Endocrine system, abbreviations      441
Endocrine system, case studies      445—448
Endocrine system, clinical aspects      433—437 434t 435 436
Endocrine system, crossword      449
Endocrine system, definition      426 431t
Endocrine system, functions      426—430 427 428t 429 430 442
Endocrine system, key terms      431t—432t 437t—438t
Endocrine system, roots      432t
Endocrine system, supplementary terms      439t—440t
Endocrine system, tissues      430—431
Endometriosis      395
Endometrium      379 383 384 387t
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)      45 46t 56
Endoscope      115 121t 562
Endoscopy      115 293 300t
Endosteum      544
Endothelial cell      95
ENG (electronystagmography)      509t 511
ENT (ears, nose, and throat)      511
Enter/o      289t
Enucleation      524t
Enuresis      337t
Enzyme studies      195t
Enzymes      47 49t 91 214 615
EOM (extraocular movement, muscles)      524
EOMI (extraocular muscles intact)      130
Eosinophils      214 215 216t
Epi-      74t
Epicardium      167 168 175t
Epicondyles      563t
Epidermis      611 611 612t 615
Epididym/o      360t
Epididymis      356 357 357 359t 362 368
Epididymitis      365t
Epidural drug administration      15 2t
Epidural hematoma      468 468 474t
Epigastric region      67 67 80
Epigastrium      76t
Epiglottis      249 250 251 253t 266t 269 429
Epilepsy      470—471 474t
Epinephrine (adrenaline)      228 231t 427 477t
Epiphyseal plate      543 545t
Epiphysis      545t
Episi/o      392t
Episiorrhaphy      407t
Episiotomy      380
Epispadias      338t
Epistaxis      266t
Epithelial cells      611 619
Epithelial tissue      47 48 95
EPO (erythropoietin)      214 220t 235 321 325t 341
Eponym      171
Epstein — Barr vims      591
equi-      34t
Equilibrium      501 501t 502
ER (endoplasmic reticulum)      45 46t 56
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)      297 297 300t 306
Erectile dysfunction      364 365t
Erection      366t
ERG (electroretinography)      524 524t
Erg/o      124t
Eructation      302t
ERV (expiratory reserve volume)      262t 270
Erysipelas      622t
Erythema      622t
Erythema nodosum      622t
Erythr/o-      30t 222t
Erythrocyt/o      222t
Erythrocytes      214 220t
Erythrocytosis      232t
Erythropoietin (EPO)      214 220t 235 321 325t
Escharotomy      615 621t
Escherichia coli      330 469
Esophag/o      2891
Esophagus      49 98 250 269 283 284 287t 294
ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)      225t 235
ESRD (end-stage renal disease)      330 341 348
Esthesi/o      515
Estrogen      387t 428t
ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy)      341
ET (esotropia)      524
Etiology      91 96t
ETOH (ethyl alcohol)      130
Eu-      34t
Euphoria      479t
Eustachian (auditory) tube      502 503 504t 507
Eustachian tube      171
Evening primrose oil      151t
Eversion      585t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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