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Cohen B.J. — Medical terminology: an illustrated guide
Cohen B.J. — Medical terminology: an illustrated guide

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Название: Medical terminology: an illustrated guide

Автор: Cohen B.J.


This easy-to-read, highly illustrated text serves as a comprehensive introduction to the field of medical terminology. It provides a detailed examination of normal structure and function, diseases, diagnosis and treatment. With four-color illustrations in every chapter, this informative text covers normal anatomy, physiology and clinical material. Flashcards, study exercises and case studies make this an ideal study tool. This second edition includes more key words for disorders, diagnosis and treatment, 50 additional illustrations of clinical concepts, more clinical case studies and expanded coverage of medications. Also included are crossword puzzles for review, learning objectives, chapter outlines and an index. A set of three supplementary review tapes is available to instructors, containing over three hours of study exercises.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 584

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Syphilis      94 363t 400
Syringes      153 154t 155
Syringomyelia      480t
Systemic      104t
Systemic arteries      172
Systemic circuit      158 176t
Systemic lupus erythematosus      228 231t 235 626
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)      228 231t
Systemic veins      173
Systole      169 176t
T & A (tonsils and adenoids; tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy)      270
T (temperature)      131
T (thoracic vertebra, numbered T1-T12)      563
T cells (T lymphocytes)      217 221t 228
T(C)T (thrombin (clotting) time)      235 235t
tab (tablet)      145 154t
Tabes dorsalis      480t
Tachy-      99t
Tachycardia      186 191t
Tactile sense      501 501t
Tailor's bottom      555
Talipes      560t
Target tissue      432t
Tarsorrhaphy      524t
Tarsus      522t
Tay — Sachs disease      4001
TB (tuberculosis)      270 see
TBG (thyroid binding globulin)      427 435 441
Tea tree oil      151t
TEE (transesophageal echocardiography)      196t 199
Teeth      284
Tel/e-      37t
Tel/o-      37t
Telophase      47
Temporal bone      503
Temporal lobe      456
Temporalis muscle      586
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)      541
Ten/o      589t
Tendin/o      589t
Tendinitis      594t
Tendons      545 546t 585 585 588 589t
Tennis elbow      555
Tenosynovitis      594t
Teratogens      400 403t
Teres major muscle      587
Teres minor muscle      587
Terminal bronchiole      250
Terminal feet      358
Terminal knobs      358
Test/o      360t
Testes      356 357 360t 427 428t
Testicles      365
Testicular artery      172
Testicular vein      173
Testosterone      360t 427 428t
Tetanus      595t
Tetany      438t 595t
Tetra-      29t
Tetraiodothyroxine ($T_4$)      428t
Tetralogy of Fallot      171 195t
TGV (thoracic gas volume)      270
THA (total hip arthroplasty)      563
Thalam/o      464t
Thalamus      453 462t
Thalassemia      226 231t
Therapy      123t see
Therm/o      124t
Thigh (femoral)      69
Thorac/o      72t
Thoracentesis      259 261 265t
Thoracic aorta      172
Thoracic cavity      66 66 72t 79
Thoracic duct      172 174 177t
Thoracic gas volume      267t
Thoracic nerves      458
Thoracic vertebrae      250 543
Thorascopy      267t
Thromb/o      222t
Thrombin      232t
Thrombin clotting time (TCT)      235t
Thrombin time (TT)      235t
Thromboangiitis obliterans      195t
Thrombocyt/o      222t
Thrombocytes      221t
Thrombocytopenia      226—227 231t
Thrombophlebitis      188 191t
Thrombosis      17 182 182 184 191t 217 467 475t
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)      233t
Thrombus      182 191t
Thrush      228
Thym/o      180t
Thymosin      428t 430
Thymus gland      173 177t 217 427 428t 430
Thyr/o      432t
Thyrocalcitonin      427
Thyrohyoid membrane      429
Thyroid binding globulin (TBG)      427
Thyroid cartilage      251 429
Thyroid disorders      171
Thyroid gland      426—427 427 428t 429 432t 434—435
Thyroid hormones      426—427 434 434t
Thyroid storm      439t
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)      428t 435
Thyroid/o      432t
Thyrotoxicosis      439t
Thyroxine ($T_4$)      426—427 428t 435
Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)      435
TIA (transient ischemic attack)      480t 481
Tibia      562
Tibial vein      173
Tibial vessels      174
Tibialis anterior muscle      586
tic      480t
Tic douloureux      480t 616
tid (three times per day), Latin, ter in die      146
Tidal volume (TV)      262t
Time, prefixes for      36—37 36t
tinct (tincture)      145 154t
Tine test      267t
Tinea      624t
Tinea versicolor      624t
Tinnitus      507 508t
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)      197t
Tissues, cellulitis      105t
Tissues, definition      50t
Tissues, gangrene      105t
Tissues, laboratory study      52
Tissues, types of      48
Tissues, word parts      50—51
TKA (total knee arthroplasty)      563
TKO (to keep open)      131
TLC (total lung capacity)      262t 270
Tm (maximal transport capacity)      341
TM (tympanic membrane)      511 573—576
TMJ (temporomandibular joint)      541 563
TNM system      120 131
toe      392t
Toes (phalangeal)      69
Tolerance      143t
Ton/o      589t
Tonsil/o      180t
Tonsils      173 177t
Tonus      589t
Torticollis      592 595t
Total lung capacity (TLC)      262t
Tourette syndrome      480t
Tox/o      98t 144t
Toxemia      397
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)      410t
Toxic/o      98t 144t
Toxins      92 97t
tPA (tissue plasminogen activator)      197t 199
TPN (total parenteral nutrition)      306
TPR (temperature, pulse, respiration)      131
TPUR (transperineal urethral resection)      368
Trache/o      255t
Trachea      249 250 250 251 254t 260 269 283 429
Tracheostomy      268t
Tracheostomy tube      269
Tracheotomy      268t
Trachoma      518 522t
Tracts (fiber bundles)      457 462t
Trade name      143t
Tranquilizers      151t
Trans-      33t
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)      196t
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)      480t
Transphenoidal adenomectomy      440t
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)      363 364 372
Transverse (horizontal) plane      65 66 72t 78
Transverse colon      283 285
Transverse colostomy      294
Transverse fracture      550t 551
Transverse process      8
Trapezius muscle      586 587
Trauma      91 97t 468 468—469
Treatment of leukemia      227
Treatment, alternative and complementary medicine      119
Treatment, blood and immunity disorders      231t 234t
Treatment, cardiovascular disorders      191t—192t 196t—197t
Treatment, case studies      134—137
Treatment, key terms      121t—123t
Treatment, supplementary terms      128t—129t
Treatment, surgery      118 118—119
Treatment, types of      116
Treatment, varicose veins      188
Treatment, word parts      124t
Tremor      470 475t
Trendelenburg position      71t
Trephination      481t
Treponema pallidum (spirochete)      94
Tri-      29t
Triceps brachii muscle      587
Trich/o      613t
Trichomoniasis      363t
Trichotillomania      472
Tricuspid valve      168 169 1771
Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)      456t 616
Triglycerides      196t
Trigone      324 337t
Triiodothyronine ($T_3$)      426—427 428t 435
Trisomy      171
Trocar      120t
Trochanter      563t
Trochlea olecranon      550
Trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV)      456t
Trop      53t
Troph/o      53t
Trousseau sign      595t
TSE (testicular self-examination)      368
TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone)      428t 435 441
TSS (toxic shock syndrome)      410t
TT (thrombin time)      235t
TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)      233t 235
TTS (temporary threshold shift)      511
Tubal ligation      382 382 388t
Tubercle      563t
Tuberculin      258
Tuberculin test      265t
Tuberculosis (TB), bacteria      94
Tuberculosis (TB), definition      264t
Tuberculosis (TB), lesions      91
Tuberculosis (TB), prevalence      258
Tuberculosis (TB), skeletal disorders and      549
Tuberosity      5631
Tubular reabsorption      324 326t
TUIP (transurethral incision of prostate)      368
Tumors, staging      120
Tunica vaginalis      368
Turbinate bones      249 254t
Turner syndrome      400t
TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate)      363 364 368 372
Tussis      266t
TV (tidal volume)      262t 270
Tx (traction)      563
Tympan/o      505t
Tympanic membrane      502 503 505t 507
Type 1 diabetes mellitus      436
Type 2 diabetes mellitus      436 437
U (units)      146
UA (urinalysis)      333 341
UC (uterine contractions)      410t
UGI (upper gastrointestinal)      306
Ulcer      615 615t
Ulcerative colitis      296 300t
Ulcers      292—293
Ulna      585
Ulna coronoid      550
Ulna olecranon      550
Ulnar artery      172
Ultrasonography      117t 398 404t
Ultrasound, during pregnancy      118
Ultraviolet (UV) light      131 617 626
Umbilical arteries      385
Umbilical cord      383 385 386 389t
Umbilical region      67 67
Umbilical vein (from placenta)      385
Umbilicus      406t
UMN (upper motor neuron)      481
Un-      31t
ung (ointment)      145 154t
Uni-      29t
Upper extremity      69
Upper lip      284
Upper respiratory passageways      249
Ur/o      328t
Urea      326t
Uremia      330 335t
Ureter      6 321 322 324 324 326t 332 356 430
Ureter/o      328t
Ureterocele      338t 341
Ureteropelvic junction      334
Urethr/o      328t
Urethra      6 321 324 326t 356 356 357 360t 386 409
Urethral opening      340
Urethral orifice      380
Urethritis      330 335t 362 366t
URI (upper respiratory infection)      270
Uric acid      554
Uricosuric agents      554
Urin/o      328t
Urinalysis (UA)      333 336t
Urinary bladder      321 324 324 326t 330 334 344 356 364 386 409
Urinary frequency      338t
Urinary lithiasis      331
Urinary stasis      330 335t
Urinary stones      331
Urinary system, abbreviations      341
Urinary system, blood vessels      342
Urinary system, case studies      348—350
Urinary system, clinical aspects      330 330—334 331 332 333 334
Urinary system, crossword      351
Urinary system, cystoscopy      333
Urinary system, female bladder      330
Urinary system, functions      321 321
Urinary system, key terms      325t—326t 335t—339t
Urinary system, kidneys      322 323
Urinary system, labeling exercise      342—344
Urinary system, male urinary system      321
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