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Maeder R.E. — Computer science with mathematica |
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NIL 215
NIntegrate 354
Noelherian 236
Normal forms 235
Normal forms of odd and even functions 239
NOT 28
Notation xvii 376
Notation, mathematical xx
Notebook 94
Nother, Emmy 236
NSum 354
NULL 195
NullQ 215
Numbers 45
Numbers, big 143 162—167 353
Numbers, complex 81 110
Numbers, Fibonacci 147
Numbers, Gaussian 27 353
Numbers, integer 99 162
numbers, large 27
Numbers, modular 102
Numbers, natural 99 273
Numbers, prime 138
numbers, random 9 267 268 364
Numbers, rational 110
Numbers, very big 155 278
Numerics, differential equations 69
Numerics, Fibonacci numbers 150
O(g(n)) 143
Object 327 330
Objects 325 330
Occupy 202
OddEvenRules 237 240
OddQ 60 237
ODE2.m 72
ODEI.m 71
Odlyzko, Andrew 80
OERules.m 240
Ohm, Georg Simon 190
one-to-many 304
OneIdentity 291
Op amp 9 209 346
Operating System 17
Operations 99
Operations, arithmetic and logical 16
Operations, destructive 261
Operations, functional 42 262
Operators 44 46 52 368 374—376
Operators, overloading of 103
Optimization 157
OR 28 177 221
Order 130
Order, alphabetic 119
Order, asymptotic 143
Order, first 69
Ordering 115
Ordering of expressions 238 370
Orderless 370
Orthogonal 203
Oscillator 69 73 346
Oscillator, harmonic 360
OUT 373
Outer 180 207
Output 372
Output, operators 46
OutputForm 372
Overloading 103 108
OwnValues 369
Packages 81
Packages in files xvii
PairQ 2l3
ParametricPlot 75 81 357
ParametricPlot3D 357
Parentheses 30 374
Parentheses, wrong ones 50
Parser 46 368
Part 44 108
Pattern 30 227—230
Pattern for negative arguments 238
Pattern matching 248
Peano, Giuseppe 99
PermutationPlot 139
permutations 171
Phase space 360
PhysicalConstants 11
Picagon (Fig.) 255
Pictures, aggregation 171
Pictures, binary search 118
Pictures, butterfly 353
Pictures, catenoid 357 362
Pictures, cellular automata 227
Pictures, chaotic map 3
Pictures, Chebyshev polynomials 358
Pictures, Collate sequence 57
Pictures, Fibonacci numbers 143
Pictures, fractals 213 302
Pictures, Gaussian primes 27
Pictures, heap 195—199
Pictures, helicoid 362
Pictures, icosahedra, stellated 325
Pictures, knapsack problem 160
Pictures, multiplication time 166
Pictures, phase space 360
Pictures, polyhedra 255 344 379
Pictures, programs for 364
Pictures, quicksort 127
Pictures, shift register 266
Pictures, sine function 87 355
Pictures, tangent function 83 355
Pictures, tree, binary 115
Pictures, Turing machine 273
Pictures, unit circle 81
Pictures.m 364
Pivot 190 209
plot 355
PLOT3D 356
PlotLabel 355
PlotPoints 356
PlotVectorField 70
plus 46 103
Polyhedra (Fig.) 344 379
Polynomial (complexity) 144
Polynomials, characteristic 151
Polynomials, normal form 235
Postcondition 65
Postfix 46
Potential 182
PowerMod 103
Powers 144
Powers of matrices 151
Powers, binary expansion 145 167
Powers, expansion of 241
Precedence 27
Precondition 65
Predecessor 275 288 296
predicates 221 229 275
Prepend 62
PrimePi 138
Primes, Gaussian (Fig.) 27
print 37
Priority 368 374
Procedures xviii
Products, Boolean 177
Products, Cartesian 308 313
Products, dot 175
| Products, expansion of 241
Products, inner 175—180
Products, outer 180—181
Program structures 34—42
Programming languages 22 345
Programming tricks 239
Programming, constraint 157
Programming, dynamic 156—161
programming, functional 217 260
programming, object-oriented 325—326 345
Programming, procedural 22 200
Programming, recursive x 61 124 131 147 217
Projection 274 294 311
Prompt 373
Proofs 107
QSort.m 125
Query 314
Quicksort 124 144 200
R (resistor) 190
Random 7
RandomDirection 202
RandomPoint 7
Raster 205
rational 45
Rational numbers see “Numbers rational”
Real part 81
Receiver 325 330
Record 118
Recurrence 149
Recursion 66 124 147 156 165 217
Recursion, graphical representation 143
Recursion, inefficient 61
Reduce 362
Redundancy 303
register 16
Relation 308
relational calculus 319
Relations 308
Relationship 304
Relocation 290
Remove 219
ReplacePart 260
Report 314
Representative 102 106
resistor 190
Resonance 191
reverse 219
Riemann function 358
RLL 208
Roots 4 28 276
Rounding 150
Row vectors 176
Rules 231
Rules for powers 242
Rules, chain 359
Rules, global xviii
Rules, L-system 249
Rules, run time 246
Run 288
Run time for multiplication 166
Run time of repeated rules 246
Runge — Kutta 75
RunList 288
s(n) (successor) 273
S-Expr 213
Schema, 276 300
Schema, recursion 274 296 299
Scheme 345
Schoolbook 165
Searching 57 115—120 133
Select 310
Selection 122 310
Selection.m 123
selectors 106
Self 329 330
Semantics 23
Semantics of pure functions 256
Sequence, Collatz 60
Sequences 47
Sequences of instructions 290
Series 359
Series, harmonic 353
Series, Taylor 359
server 319
session 372
Sets 310 336
Sexpr.m 214
Shif tRegister 267
Shift registers 266—268
Shiftleft 292
short 358
Si 11
Simplifications 236
Simplifications of negative arguments 238
Simplifications, trigonometric 241—247
Simulation 266 283
Sine function (Fig.) 87 355
Size of heap 197
Size of input 143
Size, memory 273
skip 292
Slot 258
Smalltalk 332 345
Snowflake 250
Software engineering 22 86
Solution of equation 144 185
Solution, numerical 4 70
Solution, optimal 158
Solve 149 361
SortAux.m 121
Sorting 121—128 140 224
Sorting with a heap 199
Sorting with binary trees 139
Space, phase 71
Space, vector 171
Specification 99 107
SpeedOfLight 40
Split 304
spreadsheets 20
SQL 319
Star polyhedra 344
Step size 72
String 45
strings 45
Structure, of expressions 44—47 374
subroutines xviii 16
Substitution 256
Substitution, semantics of 257
Substitution, With 257
Subtraction 46 103
SubValues 369
Successor 66 99 273 283 293
SUM 38 359
Summation, Boolean 177
Summation, numerical 354
Summation, symbolic 359
Super 327 329 330
superclass 331
Surfaces 357
Swap 121
Symbol 45
symbols 34—35 45 369
Symbols, explanation of xvii
Symmetries, of matrices 153
Syntax 50 52 368
table 38 63 260
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