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Maeder R.E. — Computer science with mathematica |
Предметный указатель |
Exercises, Collatz problem 77 96
Exercises, complexity 167
Exercises, continued fractions 77
Exercises, data structures 268 341
Exercises, data types 110 140
Exercises, databases 321 322
Exercises, dictionaries 341
Exercises, differentiation 249
Exercises, evaluations 52 207 248 268
Exercises, Fibonacci numbers 77
Exercises, frequency 208
Exercises, Gaussian elimination 209
Exercises, GCD 76
Exercises, iteration 76
Exercises, L-Systems 249
Exercises, lists 139 207 208 223 224
Exercises, long integer arithmetic 167
Exercises, Mobius transforms 96
Exercises, numbers 110
Exercises, op amps 209
Exercises, operators 52
Exercises, pattern matching 248
Exercises, prime numbers 138
Exercises, random numbers 268
Exercises, recursion 76 299
Exercises, repeated squaring 167
Exercises, shift registers 268
Exercises, sorting 139 140
Exercises, syntax 52
Exercises, Turing machine 299
expand 34
expansion 241
Expansion, partial fractions 359
Expert Systems 20
Exponential (complexity) 144
Exponentials 144
exponentiation 27
Exponentiation of matrices 151
Exponentiation, fast 145 151
Exponentiation, left to right 154
Expressions 44 108 227 368
Expressions, Boolean (logical) 28
Expressions, normal 44 101
Expressions, Ordering 238
Factorial 30 65 67 276
Factorial.m 65
Feedback 266
FFT 151
Fib.m 147
fibonacci 154
Fibonacci numbers 77 147—156 167 3
Fibonacci numbers, (Fig.) 143
Fields 308
Fields in physics 181
Fields of relations 308
filenames xvii
FilterOptions 91
FindRoot 13 145
fit 148
FixedPoint 287
FixedPointList 288
Flat 291 370
Flatten 47
Floating point 45
Flowsnake 250
fold 42 132
Folding 332
FORMAT 104 372
Formatting 372
Fractals 249
Fractals, (Fig.) 213 302
Fractions, continued 77 265
Fractions, partial 359
Frequency response 191
frontend xvi 94 368
FullForm 46 372
Function 41 255
Functions xviii 81 325
Functions as arguments 262
Functions as values 260
Functions, Ackermann 277
Functions, application to arguments 256
functions, built-in 85 358
Functions, computable 273
Functions, constant 258
Functions, definition of 233
Functions, even and odd 237
Functions, formal parameters 257
Functions, graphs of 355
Functions, growth of 277
Functions, harmonic 183
Functions, interpolating 360
Functions, piecewise definition 31
Functions, powers of trigonometric 242
Functions, pure 41 255—259 345
functions, recursive xiii 61 124 133 147
Functions, recursive, partial recursive 276 282 293
Functions, recursive, primitive recursive 274
Functions, Simplification 239
Garbage 194
Gaufi, Carl Friedrich 185
GaussianElimination 187
GCD 36 40 57 76
GCD1.m 57
GCDR.m 58
GCDS.m 59
GetKey 118
global 85
Golden ratio 37 264
Gradient 182
Graphics 355—357
grid 202
GridGraphics 202
Grouping, of expressions 47
Halting problem 280
Halving 115
Hash 338
Hashing 338
head 44 101 108 228
Head of atoms 45
Heap 195
heap.c 201
Heap.m 195
Heapsort 199
Helicoid (Fig.) 362
Help browser 50
Hints, practical 31
history 345
hold 371
HoldFirst 121
HoldForm 46
Holes 227
Horner, William G. 43 80
Hyperbola 361
i 1 81 190
Icosahedron (Fig.) 325 344
Icosidodecahedron, great 379
Identifier 45
if 35 275
Imaginary part 81
Impedance 190
implementation 86 99 108
IN 373
IncludesKey 337
Increment 66
INDEX 320 379—389
IndexedCollection 336
| Induction 100 217 299
Inductivity 190
Inequality 28
information 49
inheritance 325
init.m xviii
InitialConfiguration 287
InitialGrid 202
INNER 176 207
InOrder 139
Input 368 376
Input, operators 46
InputForm 104 372
Insert 220
Insertion in heap 196
Insertion into tree 130
Insertion.m 124
InsertTree 130
InstanceVariables 328 331
InString 373
instruction set 16
instructions 282
Integers see “Numbers integer”
Integrate 359
Integration 359
Integration, numerical 354
Interpreter 44
Interpreter, command 17
Intersection 310
interval 334
Invariants 64
Inverse 103
Inverse, modular 103
IO unit 15
ISA 331
Iteration 3 72 149 335
Iteration, bounded 275
Iteration, Collatz problem 60
Iteration, Fibonacci numbers 147 148
Iteration, solutions of 149
iterators 37
j, as imaginary unit 190
Jacobian 182
Java 99 345
Join 311
jumps 16
Karatsuba method 165 167 346
Karatsuba, A. 151
Kepler, Johannes 9
Kernel of Mathematical xi 368
Kernel, operating system 17
Key 118 130 304
Key, removal of 312
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 192
Knapsack 157
Knapsack.m 160
L (inductivity) 190
L-Systems 249
Label 18
Laplacian 183
Leaf 133
Length 44
Length of a computation 143
Length of a list 29
Length of numbers 143
Length, Collatz sequence 61
Linalg.m 187
Line number 373
Linear (complexity) 143
LinearSolve 190 362
Link 335
Linker 17
Lisp 22 24 44 217—222 345
Lisp.m 215
Lissajous curves 357
Listable 370
listplot 139
LISTS 47 139 207 214 223 224 335
Lists, infinite 260 268 283
Lists, linear 134
lists, mailing xvii
Lists, nested 220
Lists.m 217
Literature 345—346
Load 321
Loader 17
Logarithm 62 143
Loglntegral 138
LOGO 250
logplot 12
Loop invariant 64 116 122—124
Loops 19 35 66 148 275
Loops for gcd 58
LSR.m 267
macros 289
Mandelbrot, Benoit 302
many-to-many 305
MAP 42 218 262
Marquis de L’Hopital, Guillaume F. A. 359
Matching 227
MatchQ 227
MathConsult 322
Mathematics 34 255 346
Mathematics, computer-aided 24
Matrices 171
Matrices, Boolean 177
Matrices, Fibonacci numbers 151
Matrices, Jacobian 182
MatrixForm 172
MatrixPower 151
MatrixTrace 172
Maximum 208
Mechanics 6
Memory 282
Memory Management 194
Memory, main 15
METHODS 325 328 330 331
Methods, numerical 354
Mobius transform 96
MOD 58 102
Models of computation 280
Models of natural numbers 100
Modular 106
Modular.m 105
modularization 325 345
Module 38
Modulus 106
Monte Carlo 9
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 316
Multiplication 27 100 165 273
Multiplication, complexity of 151
MUSIC 303 321
Musicm 318
N 27 150 354 361
n-rn 305
NDSolve 75 360
Negation 28
Nest 42 264 287
NestList 72 264 287
NEW 327 330 331
NewRelation 309
NewTape 284
Newton, Sir Isaac 3
NewtonIteration 5
NextConfiguration 286
NeXTStep 17
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