Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Maeder R.E. — Computer science with mathematica |
Предметный указатель |
$Context 85
$ContextPath 85
$IterationLimit 371
$Line 373
$Post 373
$Pre 373
$PrePrint 175 178 188 373
$PreRead 373
$RecursionLimit 62 278 371
conversion 257
reduction 256
conversion 258
calculus 256—258 345 346
function 358
abs 264
Absolute value 35
abstract class 330
Abstract data type 99
account 327
accounts 327
Accounts.m 327
Accuracy 75 150
Ackermann function 277
Addition 100 163 273 299
Addition of integers 66
Addresses 99 322
Aggregate 202
Aggregate.m 206
Aggregation 202—205
Aggregation, (Fig.) 171
AGM 53
Algebra 359
Algebra, computer 24
Algebra, relational 310
Algol 22
Algorithms 21
Algorithms for gcd 57
Algorithms for multiplication 165
Algorithms for searching 115
Algorithms for sorting 121
Algorithms, complexity of 143
Alphabet 249 282 308
ALU 15
AND 28 177
Animation, of minimal surface 362
Anomaly 9
APPEND 63 218
apply 42 47 263
Architecture, Computer 14
Arguments 32 238
Arithmetic 27—29 162 167
Arrays 194 337
Assembler 289
assignments 36 233 369
Assignments, redefining 163
Associativity 27 156 291 370
AT 337
AtIfAbsent 337
AtomQ 214\
atoms 44 45 214
Attributes 303 308
Autonomous (equation) 69
axes 356
Backup 17
Base 162
BeginPackage 85
Bell polynomials 268
Bignum.m 164
bin 338
BinaryPower 146
BinarySearch 115
BinarySearch.m 119
BinarySearchB.m 117
BinarySearchl .m 115
BinaryTree.m 130
Bisection 115
bits 145
body 32 38 256
BoltzmannConstant 11
Boole 177
BooleMat.m 178
Braces 34
Brackets 30 47 260
Brackets, double 45
Branches 275
break 36
Browser 50
Bugs 22
Busy beaver 289 346
Butterfly (Fig.) 353
C 19 99 200
C (capacitance) 190
C++ 345
Calculator 27
Calculus 359
calculus, relational 319
Calculus, vector 181
Calling convention 293
Cambridge University Press 119 339
Capacitance 190
CAR 213
Carry 162
CartesianSurface 362
cases 227
catch 333
Catenoid (Fig.) 357 362
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis 70
CDR 213
Cellular automata (Fig.) 227
CForm 372
Chain rule 359
Chaotic map (Fig.) 3
Characteristic equation 149
Characteristic polynomial 151
Chebyshev polynomials (Fig.) 358
Chop 189
Church, Alonzo 280 346
circle 361
circuits 177
class 327 331
Classes 325
Classes for objects 330
classes, abstract 330
Classes, complexity 143
clear 31
Collatz problem 60—63 77 96 346
Collatz sequence (Fig.) 57
Collatz1.m 62
Collatz2.m 63
CollatzLength 61
CollatzSequence 62
Collect.m 332
Collection 332
collections 332—341\
Column vectors 175
Columns 289
Commands 47
Commands, Notation for xvii
Commutativity 370
Comparisons 16
Compiler 19 23 44
Complement 310
| complex numbers see “Numbers comple”
complexity 143 167 245 277
Complexity, logarithmic 246
ComplexParametricMap 88
ComplexParametricPlot 82
ComplexParametricPlot.m 93
ComplexParametricPlot2.m 83
ComplexParametricPlot3.m 86
ComplexParametricPlot4.m 89
ComplexParametricPlotl .m 82
components 178
composition 274 290 295
Computability 273—279
Computer 14 280
Computer science 23—24
Computer science, theoretical 273
conditional statements 35
conditions 229 275
Conditions, initial 31
configurations 284
Connections 177
Cons 213
Consistency 316 319
Constant 260
Constants 40
Constraints 157
Constructors 106
Control unit 15
Conversion 108
Conversionof types 104
Conway, John H. xvii
Copy 292
correctness 65 107
CSM xvi
cuboid 99
D 359
Data entry 314 319
Data structures 129 194 214 260 332
databases 20 303 321
databases, relational 308—313
DataEntry 316
Datatypes 99—101 130 213 283 325
decimal 162
default 90
definitions xviii 30—33 47 369
Definitions of data types 99
Definitions, delayed 364
Definitions, dynamic 157
Definitions, inductive 44 274
Definitions, nested 156
DeleteTree 135
Deletion in heap 198
Deletion in trees 134
Depth 133
Depth of recursion 126
Depth of tree 133
Derivative 183
Diagonal 203
Difference 275 310
Differential equations 360
Differentiation 41 52 69 249 359
DIGITS 38 150 353
Digits, binary 146
Digits, decimal 162
Diode 11
Directory 115
DisplayFunction 74
Divergence 181
DivGrad.m 184
Divide and conquer 246
divides 57
Divisibility 57
Division 46 299
Division for gcd 58
DO 37 275
Documentation 21 86
dodecahedron 254
Dodecahedron, (Fig.) 344
Dot 176
downHeap 198
DownValues 369
eatl 292
Eccentricity 9
Efficiency 103
Efficiency of algorithms 143
Efficiency of rewrite rules 245
Efficiency, list operations 63
Electronics.m 190
Elementary charge, ElectronCharge 11
Elements 99
Elements of a list 29
Elements of an expression 44
Elements, evaluation of 370
EliminateColtunn 187
ellipse 9
Empty 261
EmptyTape 284
Encapsulation 86
END 85
EndPackage 85
Engineering, electrical 177 190
Engineering, mechanical 6
Entity 303
Equality 28
Equality of expressions 244
Equations 9 174 361
Equations for data types 107
Equations, characteristic 149
Equations, differential 69—75 360
Equations, linear 185
Equations, recursive 144
Equations, unsolvable 361
erf(x) 359
Euler, Leonhard 10
Evaluation 52 207 237 248 268 368 372
Evaluation of pure functions 256
EventQ 60 237
Examples, accounts 327
Examples, aggregation 202
Examples, constant pure functions 258
Examples, differential equation 69
Examples, Fibonacci numbers 147
Examples, heap 195
Examples, Integration and Differentiation 243
Examples, knapsack problem 157
Examples, numbers, modular 102
Examples, oscillator 69
Examples, parametric plots 81
Examples, repeated application of rules 241
Examples, shift registers 266
Examples, trigonometry 241
Examples, van der Pol’s equation 73
Examples, wiring 178
Exchange 121
Exercises, schema 300
Exercises, AGM 53
Exercises, Bell polynomials 268
Exercises, binary trees 138 341
Exercises, coding 208
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