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Sleeman D., Brown J.S. — Intelligent tutoring systems |
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Abelson, R. 14
Accommodation 53 75 76
ACE 5 99—117 243
advice 80 90 228 235—236 254 297 301
Advice, generation 151—152
Advice, genetic graph and 74
Advice, student model and 67
Airplane flying 54
Algebra 3—4 8 138 154 185—198
Algebra, competence 26 27 36
Algebra, concatenation interpretation 38
Algebra, conceptual transition from arithmetic 27 36—43
Algebra, constraint equations 39—40 41 43
Algebra, equality, concept of 39—43 44
Algebra, errors model 25—48
Algebra, notation 37—39
Algebra, planning 43—45
Algebra, quadratic equations 309—329
Algebra, rules/mal-rules 185 189—190 197
Algebra, schemas 28 30
Algebra, symbolic integration 300
Algebra, symbolic values 37 38—39
Analogy 51 53 56 61 66 71 74 75
Anderson, B. 85
Apprentice systems 132
Appropriate prior estimate 284
Arithmetic 1 8 23 27 53 132 137 149 310
Arithmetic, division 86 87
Arithmetic, parentheses 86 87 92
Arithmetic, precedence errors 93
Arithmetic, subtraction 86 87 88 93 157—182
Artificial intelligence (explicit references to) 3 4 99 132 133 283 309
Assimilation 53 75 76
Augmented transistion network (ATN) 244
Automatic programming system 124 131
Automobile horn system 204
Ballard, J.P. 204
Bayes Law 207 292
Beard, M. 53
Belief measure 73—74 75 209 217
Bell, A.G. 245
BIP-II 53—54
BIP-II, Curriculum Information Network 215
Black, R 317
Blocks world programs 58 130
Blount, S. 54 214
Bobrow, D.G. 5 117 208
Bobrow, R.J. 243
Bottom-up procedures 148 166
Breen, M. 203
Brooks, R. 132 204
Brown, J.S. 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 23 47 51 52 53 58 80 81 97 112 116 132 133 137 140 149 151 153 157 160 171 185 204 206 207 214 227 228 237 239 244 245 246 279 284 309
Bruce, B.C 208
Buchanan, B.G 7 197 198 201 209 213
BUGGY 47 48 53 54 81 83 137 140 149 157—182 185
Bugs, student 3 4 1.3—24 81 157 185 198 309
Bugs, student, causal reasoning 58
Bugs, student, compound 159 164—167 172 176
Bugs, student, drilling and 163 164
Bugs, student, gaming environment 96
Bugs, student, identification see “Diagnosis”
Bugs, student, interacting 23—24
Bugs, student, Leeds modelling system (LMS) 185 189
Bugs, student, logically equivalent 164 176—177
Bugs, student, multiple 189
Bugs, student, origin 4 22
Bugs, student, patterns in 22 24
Bugs, student, plans and see “Plans”
Bugs, student, primitive 159 167 168 176 177
Bugs, student, programming plans 124 127
Bugs, student, reducing space of 164—166
Bugs, student, relative likelihood 151
Bugs, student, role in learning 2 80 137
Bugs, student, subskill definition and 177 180
Bugs, student, subsumed by other bugs 168 169
Burton, R.R, 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 16 23 47 51 52 58 80 81 97 111 112 116 132 133 137 140 149 151 157 160 167 171 185 206 207 214 227 228 237 239 244 245
Calculator world 130
Can, B. 51 52 54 55 58 67 68 116 132 206 207 214
Carbonell, J.R 51 53 117 206 309
Case method dialogue 201—223
Chart 123 131
Chess 82 92 289
Chisholm, I.H, 4
Circuit simulator 81 207 227 228 237 245
Circuit simulator, causal fault propagation 235
Clancey, W.J. 3 5 81 88 185
Classroom 71 97—98 182 322
Coach 2 9 51 52 228 284
Coach, advice 80 90 228 235—236 254 297 301
Coach, approach probabilities 295
Coach, case method tutor see “GUIDON”
Coach, classroom performance 97—98
Coach, constructivist position 80
Coach, declarative knowledge and 61
Coach, dialogue see “Tutorial dialogue”
Coach, electronic troubleshooting 230 234 235—236 238 239 254 267—269 277
Coach, example selection 4 288 293
Coach, expert-based 52 53 54—56
Coach, for learning processes 73
Coach, incomplete articulate knowledge and 82
Coach, informal learning activities 79—98
Coach, intervention strategy 66 71—72 80 89 90 91 94 128 132 228 254 296 312
Coach, islands of rules and 61
Coach, issues and examples paradigm 85 90—92
Coach, learning capacity 70 75 288 298—299 304 305 309
Coach, multiple explanations 65—66 69
Coach, posed problems 288
Coach, principles see “Tutoring strategies”
Coach, procedural knowledge and 61
Coach, programming 119 124—129 130 132
Coach, self-improving see “Self-improving tutor”
Coach, shortcomings 3
Coach, student model conservatism and 69 73
Coach, subskills and 160
Coach, theory of learning and 3 70—75 80—81 229
Coach, topic choice 64—65 66
Coach, tutorial behaviour trace 93
Coach, tutorial knowledge and 79
Coercion 7 169—171 172
Collins, A 3 4 17 52 58 66 117 132 185 206 219
Comparison algorithm 108—111
Comparison algorithm, incomplete arguments and 115 117
Comparison algorithm, NL-FL interface and 114
Complex computer systems 153—154
Complex explanations 99—117
Complex explanations, form of arguments 100 101—104
Complex explanations, grammar 100—101
Complex explanations, natural language see “Natural language interface”
Complex explanations, problem solution graph 101
Complex explanations, systems protocol 101 104—107
Computer assistant 132
Computer expert 2 151 152
Computer expert, advice generation 152
Computer expert, alternative strategies and 94 95
Computer expert, articulate model 81 82 83 230—237
Computer expert, Bayes Law and 207
Computer expert, black box 81 82
Computer expert, decision trees 228 231 245
Computer expert, electronics see “Electronics expert”
Computer expert, explanations and 65
Computer expert, MACSYMA 139
Computer expert, MYCIN-like expert systems 202—208
Computer expert, optimal game 91—92
Computer expert, SOPHIE II see “Electronic troubleshooting expert”
Computer expert, SOPHIE III see “Electronics expert”
Computer expert, student overlay model and 4 67—68 69 81 84 94
Computer expert, tutoring topic and 64
Correction 51 56 58 75
Correction, student overlay model and 68
Cost effectiveness 8—9
| Counter-examples 80
Credit allotment 6
Cresswell, M.S. 318
Curriculum Information Network 215
Dahl, O.J. 132
Davis, R 27 37 38 85 201 202 211 213
DEBUGGY 4 9 167—177
DEBUGGY, classification procedure 171
DEBUGGY, compounding hypothesis set 169
DEBUGGY, diagnosis 167—173
DEBUGGY, initial hypothesis set 167—168
DEBUGGY, non-systematic mistakes 7
DEBUGGY, reducing initial hypothesis set 168—169 182
DEBUGGY, student model 6
Decision trees 228 231 245
Declarative knowledge representation 61 62 66 93
Decomposition 123
DeKleer, J. 2 5 7 5.3 206 228 246 279
Derivation tree 150
Deutch, B.G. 208
Deviation 56 58 71
Deviation, simulated student testbed and 59
Deviation, student overlay model and 67 68
Diagnosis 2 4 6 9—10 13 79 81 137—138 157—182 185
Diagnosis, best match and 163
Diagnosis, coercion 7 169—171 172 175
Diagnosis, consistent error and 163
Diagnosis, differential hypothesis 94
Diagnosis, factors complicating 158 162—167
Diagnosis, framework 158 161—162
Diagnosis, generate and test approach 149
Diagnosis, interactive system 173—177
Diagnosis, medical see “Medical diagnosis”
Diagnosis, multiple 166
Diagnosis, naive system 161—162 167
Diagnosis, noise 6 7 163 167 169—171 172
Diagnosis, performance lapses and 162—163
Diagnosis, rules/mal-rules and 196—197
Diagnosis, skill lattice and 181
Diagnosis, student interview 190 191
Diagnosis, student plans 137—154
Diagnosis, subskills and 160 173 175 181—182
Diagnosis, test design 6 171—173 180 182
Dialogue analysis 117
Differential student model see “Student model”
Dijkstra, E. 132
Diode 264—267
Discourse knowledge 208—209 223
Discovery learning 1 9 65 79 80 229
Discovery learning, intervention strategy and 89
Discovery learning, quadratic equations 309 310
Domain knowledge representation, causal-association network 204
Domain knowledge representation, coaching 81—83 201—202 203
Domain knowledge representation, debugging and 13 14 20—22
Domain knowledge representation, discourse knowledge and 208—209
Domain knowledge representation, frame-based 5 203 204
Domain knowledge representation, functional perspective 15—17
Domain knowledge representation, goal structure and 13 14 17—19 203 206
Domain knowledge representation, GUIDON 210—214
Domain knowledge representation, mal-rules 4 186
Domain knowledge representation, misconceptions and 13 15 20—22
Domain knowledge representation, multiple forms of expertise and 206 207
Domain knowledge representation, network representation 53
Domain knowledge representation, rule-based 4 186 201 202—203 204 210—214 219
Domain knowledge representation, script-based 14—15 16—19 23
Domain knowledge representation, semantic net 53
Domain knowledge representation, simulation model 245—251
Domain knowledge representation, SOPHIE 53 227—281
Domain knowledge representation, subset viewpoint 51
Domain knowledge representation, tutorial interactions and 13 17—20 53 205
Donaldson, M. 27
Doyle, J. 278
Dugdale, S. 85 329
Durnin, J.H. 177
El 254
EL, dependency relations 141
Elaboration 68
Electronic troubleshooting 2 8 51 53 132 206 227—281
Electronic troubleshooting, circuit-specific knowledge and 276—277
Electronic troubleshooting, coaching and see “Coach”
Electronic troubleshooting, conflict-trace strategy 263—264 267
Electronic troubleshooting, expert 8 230—237 245 254 267—268
Electronic troubleshooting, flexibility 234
Electronic troubleshooting, function block model 233 234
Electronic troubleshooting, local propagator and 260—267
Electronic troubleshooting, strategies 230 231 232 233—234 237
Electronic troubleshooting, tactics 230 231
Electronic troubleshooting, training course 237—238
Electronic troubleshooting, workbench 234—235
Electronics expert 252—254 255
Electronics expert, behaviour tree 254 255 271—272 274—275 277 278
Electronics expert, circuit-specific knowledge 269—270 275
Electronics expert, coaching 267—268 269
Electronics expert, coincidences 260—262 268 269 277
Electronics expert, component experts 256 257—259
Electronics expert, conflicts 260—261 262—263 267 268 269 277
Electronics expert, corroborations 260—261 262 267 268 277
Electronics expert, diode model 264—267
Electronics expert, fault modes 262—264 266 267 270 271 274
Electronics expert, local propagator 254—279
Electronics expert, module modes 270—274 275—276
Electronics expert, multiple faults 278
Electronics expert, qualitative database 254 255 273
Electronics expert, range arithmetic 259 261—262
Electronics expert, shortcomings 277—279
Electronics expert, single fault presupposition 277—278
Electronics expert, state-to-state rules 275—276
Electronics expert, topological faults 278
Elementary Mathematics Project 85
EMYCIN 203—204 223
Encouragement strategy 89 326
Entrapment 219
Equilibration 53
Errors, arbitrary 27
Errors, cancellation 32 33
Errors, consistent 163 189
Errors, copying 194
Errors, diagnostic routines 92—93
Errors, executive 27 43 45
Errors, extrapolation technique and 27
Errors, generalized distribution 33
Errors, impoverished base knowledge and 27
Errors, planning 43—45
Errors, processing 25 27 43 45—47
Errors, prototype misinterpretation 32
Errors, reciprocal 32 33
Errors, structural 27
Errors, subskills 163
Evaluations, formative 9
Evaluations, statistical 7 309 328
Expected example distance 284
Expert see “Computer expert”
Explanation 279—280
Explanation, complex see “Complex explanations”
Explanation, genetic graph and 65—66 75
Explanation, GUIDON 202 204—205
Explanation, learning overlay and 69
Explanation, local propagator and 254—255 256
Explanation, multiple 65—66 67
Explanation, MYCIN 141
Explanation, script-based systems 65
Explanation, SOPHIE III 251—252 254—255 256
Explanation, structure 228
Explanation, tutoring and 2 88
Exploration 2 141 234 283—284
Exploration, program planning and 128—129 130
Extrapolation technique 25 26 27—36 47
Extrapolation technique, generalization 27 28 33—35 47
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