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Sleeman D., Brown J.S. — Intelligent tutoring systems |
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Extrapolation technique, linearity 27 28 29—33 47
Failure states 291 295 296 300 301 302 303 304
Faught, W.S. 208
Feature recognizer 96
Feigenbaum, E.A. 204
Feurzeig, W. 203
Fischer, G. 80
Flow 132
Focus record 209 214 215 223
Forgetting 75 94
Frame problem 309 328
Friend, J. 160 167
Frontier tutoring 64 65 66—67
Function block model 233 234
function templates 213
Fuzzy parsing 5 244
Gaming environments 3 51 54 79 228 230
Gaming environments, alternative strategies 94—96
Gaming environments, graphics and 92
Gaming environments, SOPHIE 236—237
Gaming environments, student strategy 86 90
Gaming environments, tutoring strategies and 89
Gaming environments, WEST 85—89 92
Gaming environments, WUMPUS 54—76
Generalization 27 36 47 71 74 75
Generalization, genetic graph and 51 53 56 58 61 64
Generalization, student overlay model and 68
Genesereth, M.R. 6 132 140 141
Genetic graph 51—76
Genetic graph, belief measure and 73—74 75
Genetic graph, declarative knowledge and 61
Genetic graph, islands of rules and 61 64
Genetic graph, learning and 70—75
Genetic graph, multiple explanations 65—66 67
Genetic graph, planning knowledge and 62—63
Genetic graph, simulated student testbed and 58—59
Genetic graph, student overlay model and 67—70
Genetic graph, syllabus and 56—59
Genetic graph, tutoring and 64—67 75
Genetic method 52
Gentner, D.R. 132
Geography 51 53 132
Goldberg, A, 309
Goldin, S.E 3
Goldstein, I.P. 3 4 6 47 51 52 54 58 67 68 80 81 88 96 115 116 121 124 130 131 132 140 185 201 206 207 214 215
Goodman, N. 36
Gould, L 53
Grammar, alternative strategy detection 96
Grammar, complex explanations 100—101
Grammar, representations 243—244
Grammar, semantic 5 239 240 243—244
Greenawalt, M 321
Grimson, E. 58
Grosz, B. 241
GUIDON 3 5 9 81 201—223
GUIDON, abstraction level 202 213 223
GUIDON, case syllabus 209 214—215 223
GUIDON, domain knowledge organization 210—214
GUIDON, entrapment, student 218 219
GUIDON, explaining expert reasoning 202 204—205
GUIDON, flexibility 206 208 214 222 223
GUIDON, focus record 209 214 215 223
GUIDON, form of expertise 206—207
GUIDON, hypothesis evaluation 218—222
GUIDON, interestingness 217—218
GUIDON, key factors 213 214
GUIDON, model of enquiry 207
GUIDON, performance knowledge 210—211 213 223
GUIDON, problem solving trace 214 223
GUIDON, question formats 222
GUIDON, student model 202 209 214 220—221 223
GUIDON, support level 202 207 211—213 223
GUIDON, teaching expertise 201 202 203 204 222
GUIDON, tutorial interaction 201 202 203 204—208 209—210 211 215—218 222 223
GUS 5 117
Hartley, J.R. 1 185 207 310 312
Hayes, P. 328
Hearn, A, C 300
Heiser, J.F. 204
Hendley, R.J. 2 4 5 81 100 112 114 243
Hendrix, G. 112 243
Hewitt, C 132 310 318
Hill-climbing algorithm 169 309 328
hints 92 132 206 295 296
Hints, issues as 88—89
Howard, R. 298
Hughes, C E. 318
Hypotheses, student 227 228 232—233 235
Hypotheses, student, black box expert and 81
Hypotheses, student, electronic troubleshooting 252
Hypotheses, student, evaluation 249
Hypotheses, student, games 79
Hypotheses, student, teams and 237
IDEBUGGY 167 173—177
IDEBUGGY, hypotheses set 174
IDEBUGGY, logical equivalence 176—177
IDEBUGGY, problem generation 175—176
IDEBUGGY, task order strategy 173—174
Identification 123
Incomplete database 4
Inconsistent database 4
Infectious disease 201—223
Informal learning environment 79—98
Informal learning environment, interest and 91
Interactive diagnostic system 173—177
Interactive learning environment 227
Interlisp 9 209 210 243
interruption see “Intervention strategy”
Intervention strategy 71—72 80 90 94 128 132 228 254 296 312
Intervention strategy, discovery learning and 89
Intervention strategy, socratic 66
Intervention strategy, student interest and 91
Islands, grouped rule 61
Issue evaluator 83 85 87 93
Issue evaluator, noise and 94
Issue recognizer 83—85 87 96
Issues and examples paradigm 80 83—85
Kaplan, R. 123 131
Kaput, J. 44
Kay, A. 284
Kay, M. 123 131
Keisler, E.R. 310
Kibbey, D. 85 329
Kieran, C 43
Kimball, R.A. 1 2 185 307 310
King, J.J. 202
Kirchoff’s voltage law 256 257
Koffman, E 54 214 309
Kulikowski, C.A. 204
Laboratory instructor 2 9 228 229
Larkin, K. 52
Learning coach see “Coach”
Learning complexity 53 69 74
Learning discontinuities 291 292 301—303 305
Learning natural language 82
Learning reactive environment 51 152—153 229
Learning skills 72—73
Learning student 69 94
Learning theory of 3 9 70—75
Leeds Modelling System (LMS) 1 185—198
Leeds Modelling System (LMS), equivalent model elimination 187
Leeds Modelling System (LMS), noisy data 7
Leeds Modelling System (LMS), redundant rules 197
Leeds Modelling System (LMS), search space reduction 187
Leeds Modelling System (LMS), speed 197
Leeds Modelling System (LMS), student modelling 6 185 187—189
Leeds Modelling System (LMS), teaching models 187 189
Lenat, D B. 201
Lewis, C 42 47
LIFER 112 113 243
| Limited didactic systems 120 133
Lindsay, R.K. 245
Linearity 27 29—33 36 42 47
Linearity, errors 29—33
Lisp 132 148 159 243 244 179 284 300 315 321
LOGO, programs 58
LOGO, Turtle 120—132 284
Lyrical interposition hypothesis 46
Machine, language programming 54
Machine, troubleshooting 289
Macsyma 83 138—139
MACSYMA Advisor 3 132 137—154
MACSYMA Advisor, advice generation 151—152
Mal-rules 4 6
Mal-rules, global 196 197
Mal-rules, Production Rule representation 187
Mal-rules, student modelling 185 186 194 196—197
MARC 223
Matz, M. 4 27 32 151 185 197
McCarthy, J. 328
Medical diagnosis 3 8 201—223 289
Mental models 279—280
Meta-DENDRAL 7 197
Meta-game 96 98
Meta-rules 62
Meteorology 3 185
Microcomputers 238—239 244
Millet, M.L. 3 7 96 115 124 131 140
Mineral exploration sites 204
Minsky, M. 48
Misconceptions see “Bugs” and “Mal-rules”
Mistyping 92 189
Mitchell, T.M 198
Mitie Corporation 329
Mixed-initiative instructional system 201 206 223
Mixed-initiative instructional system, elementary programming 119
Mixed-initiative instructional system, modelling methodology and 94
Moore, J. 56
Multiple viewpoints 13 15 23 24
Muntei, P. 203
MUSER 141 152
MUSER, goals 142
MUSER, plans 142—146 147
MYCIN 114 201—223 328
MYCIN, explanation facility 141
MYCIN, knowledge base 203
MYCIN, production rule formalism 202—203
Nagel, L.W. 227
Naive diagnostic system 161—162 167
Name-process convention 37
Natural language interface, abbreviations 242—243
Natural language interface, argument re-use 241
Natural language interface, argument replacement 241
Natural language interface, complex explanations 99 107—108
Natural language interface, function-name re-use 241
Natural language interface, fuzzy parsing 5 244
Natural language interface, grammar 116 239 240 243
Natural language interface, habitable 5 111
Natural language interface, incomplete arguments 115
Natural language interface, noise words 112 116
Natural language interface, paraphrase and 241—142
Natural language interface, PSM-NMR system 99 107—108
Natural language interface, SOPHIE 239—244
Natural language interface, spelling corrections 242—243
Natural language interface, system capability and 243
Newell, A. 56 132
Norman, D.A. 132
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) troscopy 2 51 99—117 132 243
Ohm’s Law 257 259 264 270
O’Shea, T 1 93 185 315 322
Papert, S. 81 120 132 284
Pask, G. 99 309
Passafiume, I. 52
Pederson, D.O. 227
Piaget, J. 52 75 76
plans 132 137—154
Plans, algebraic problem solving 43—45
Plans, bugs, detection from 140—141 148—151 154
Plans, chart, use of 123
Plans, constraint propagation 43—44
Plans, decomposition procedures 123
Plans, dependency graph 141—147 154
Plans, elementary programming 119 120 122—123 133
Plans, genetic graph representation 62—63
Plans, goal identification 43 44 45 141 142
Plans, means-ends analysis 43
Plans, recognition 137 139—140 147—150 152 153 154
Plans, reformulation procedures 122 123
Plans, remediation and 137 140—141 152
Plans, student 137—139 150—151
Plato 85 329
Pople, H.E. 201 204
Problem length threshold 297—298
Problem Solution Graph 101 102 109
Problem solving behaviour 25 26 27 47
Problem solving behaviour, algebra 25—48
Problem solving behaviour, elementary programming 121—122 124
Problem solving behaviour, extrapolation technique 25 26 27 28 29—33 35—36 47
Problem solving behaviour, failure states 291 295 296—297 300 301 302 303 304
Problem solving behaviour, generalization see “Generalization”
Problem solving behaviour, goal orientated 43 44 45
Problem solving behaviour, improvement 303—304
Problem solving behaviour, learning discontinuities 291 292 301—303 305
Problem solving behaviour, phases 121—122
Problem solving behaviour, planning and 43—45 122—124
Problem solving behaviour, symbolic integration 288 289—292
Problem Solving Graph 101 102 109
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system) 2 99—117
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), back tracking facility 110—111 115
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), comparison algorithm 108—111 114
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), complete explanation 101 102
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), EXPLAIN mode 99
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), focus, student 115
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), FSR (Following Students Reasoning) mode 99 11—104 107—108 113—115
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), global assertions 101 103—104 115
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), HELP mode 99
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), incomplete arguments 101 102—103 115 116—117
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), inconsistent arguments 101
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), natural language facility 99 107—108 111—114 116
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), Problem Solution Graph (PSG) 101 102 109
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), segmentation algorithm 116
Problem Solving Monitor (PSM-NMR system), types of omission 114—115
Procedural knowledge representation 51—76
Procedural knowledge representation, goals and 159
Procedural knowledge representation, islands of grouped rules 61 76
Procedural knowledge representation, network model 158—159 161 167
Program verification 147—148
Programming, elementary 54 119—133
Programming, elementary, chart, use of 123
Programming, elementary, debugging techniques 119 122 123 124 127 129 130
Programming, elementary, decomposition procedure 123
Programming, elementary, identification procedure 123
Programming, elementary, modelling 121—124
Programming, elementary, planning strategies 119 120 122—123 129—130
Programming, elementary, reformulation procedure 122 123
Programming, elementary, Turtle graphics 120—132
Programming, elementary, tutor see “Coach”
Prospector 204
Psychiatric drug therapy 204
Pulmonary function tests 204
Quadratic tutor, deduction procedure 318—320 322
Quadratic tutor, production rules 331—334
Range arithmetic 259 261—262
Reactive learning environments 51 152—153 229
Reduce 300
refinement 51 56 57 61 71 75
Refinement, student overlay model and 68
Reformulation 122 123
Reiger, C. 280
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