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Sleeman D., Brown J.S. — Intelligent tutoring systems
Sleeman D., Brown J.S. — Intelligent tutoring systems

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Íàçâàíèå: Intelligent tutoring systems

Àâòîðû: Sleeman D., Brown J.S.


The first volume to appear on this topic and now a classic in the field, "Intelligent Tutoring Systems" provides the reader with descriptions of the major systems implemented before 1981. The introduction seeks to emphasise the principal contributions made in the field, to outline continuing research issues, and to relate these to research activities in artificial intelligence and cognitive science. Subject areas discussed are as varied as arithmetic, algebra, electronics, and medicine, together with some informal gaming environments

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1988

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 345

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.12.2005

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Relative difficulty relations      53
Rich, C.      132
Risch, R.      289
Roberts, B.R.      201
Robustness      4 244 280
Robustness, simulations and      245—247
Rubenstein, R.      206 228 237
RUS      243
Sacerdoti, E.      62 132 159
SACON      203
Safir, A.      204
Scandura, J.M.      177
Schank, R      14
Schmidt, C.F.      140
SCHOLAR      53 132
Schulman, L.S.      310
Scott, A.C.      203 215
Script-based systems      14—15 16—19 51 64
Script-based systems, explanations      65
Script-based systems, learning conservatism      73
Script-based systems, student knowledge models      67 69
Segmentation algorithm      116
Self, J.      58 116 310
Self-debugging      62
Self-improvement tutor      185 283—305 309—329
Self-improvement tutor, amender      320 322 323 326
Self-improvement tutor, appraisal      327—328
Self-improvement tutor, deduction procedure      318—320 322 334—336
Self-improvement tutor, flexibility      329
Self-improvement tutor, modifying theory of instruction      320—321
Self-improvement tutor, overall improvement      320 322 323 324 326
Self-improvement tutor, production rules      309 314—316 317—318 320 329
Self-improvement tutor, statistical evaluator      320
Self-improvement tutor, teaching component      312
Semantic grammar      5 239 240 243—244
Set theory      51 130
Shortliffe, E.H.      114 141 201 207 209 215 323 328
Shrobe, H.      132
Simon, H.      132
simplification      56 57
Simplification, simulated student testbed and      59
Simplification, student overlay model and      67 68
Simulated laboratory      230 231 232 233 234—237
Simulation-based inference schemes      245—251
Simulation-based inference schemes, causal information and      247—248
Simulation-based inference schemes, fault mode models      247
Simulation-based inference schemes, hypothesis generation      250
Simulation-based inference schemes, implicit assumptions      245—247
Simulation-based inference schemes, interesting experiments      248—249
Simulation-based inference schemes, redundant measurement determination      250—251
Skill lattice      169 173 180
Skill lattice, diagnosis and      181
Skill lattice, noise and      182
Skill lattice, subtraction      178—179
Skill lattice, test generation and      180
Sleeman, D.H.      1 2 4 5 6 7 51 58 81 99 100 112 114 116 132 185 187 188 197 206 207 243 284 309
Smalltalk      284
Smallwood, R.D.      310
Smith, B.      132
Smith, M.J.      185 187 188 197
Smith, R.L.      2 51
SOPHIE      2 5 53 112 132 140 153 227—281 309
SOPHIE, circuit simulator      see “Circuit simulator”
SOPHIE, dialogue mechanism      239 240 241—242
SOPHIE, distributed instructional scheme      238—239
SOPHIE, explanation      251—252 254—255 256
SOPHIE, gaming environment      236—237
SOPHIE, local procedural experts      248 249 250
SOPHIE, natural language interface      239—244
SOPHIE, pedagogical techniques      230—239
SOPHIE, procedural specialists      228
SOPHIE, qualitative measurements      233
SOPHIE, resource manager      238
Spade-0      3 7 119—133
Spade-0, design methodology and      129—130
Spade-0, flexibility      126 129 130
Spade-0, intervention strategy      128
Spade-0, LATER feature      126 127 130
Spade-0, Least-Scope principle      130
Spade-0, limitations      130—132
Spade-0, preference rules      126
Spade-0, protocol analyser      124
Spade-0, system-generated warnings      127
Spade-0, Top-Down programming      127 130
Spade—1      130—131 133
Spade—2      131 132 133
Specialization      53 56 58 64 75
Specialization, simulated student testbed and      59
Specialization, student overlay model and      68
Spelling correction      112 242—243
SPICE      see “Circuit simulator”
Sprosty, P.J.      207
Stallman, R.M.      141 254
Stansfield, J.      54 310
Stevens, A.      3 17 58 185
Structural analysis      203 207 223
Structured programming movement      132
Student simulation testbed      51 53 56 58—59 75
Student simulation testbed, alternative strategy diagnosis      96
Student simulation testbed, teaching systems and      58
Student, model      1 5 6 7 9—10 52 80 159—160 228 269 304—305
Student, model, alternative strategies and      94—96
Student, model, approach probabilities      284 290 293 296 298
Student, model, articulate computer expert and      82 83
Student, model, bandwidth problem      69
Student, model, blackbox expert and      82 83
Student, model, BUGGY      157—183
Student, model, combinatorial explosion      6 7
Student, model, conservatism      68—69 73 90 94 312
Student, model, credit assignment      6 93—94
Student, model, differential model      4 67 81 84 87 93 94 95 96 140 149 153 185 209 214
Student, model, FSR module and      116
Student, model, genetic graph and      53 67—70
Student, model, homunculus model      70—71 72 73
Student, model, hypothesis tester      317
Student, model, ideal student      121
Student, model, issue evaluators and      83 90
Student, model, learning and      69 94
Student, model, Leeds Modelling System (LMS)      6 185—186 187—189
Student, model, methodology      93—96
Student, model, MUSER      see “MUSER”
Student, model, noise and      6 7 87 90 93 94
Student, model, overlay model      see “Differential model”
Student, model, problem-solving trace and      82
Student, model, problems to discriminate between      197—198
Student, model, procedural model      159 161 167 310
Student, model, Production Rule representation      187
Student, model, result probabilities      290
Student, model, script-based systems      67 69
Student, model, skill and      6
Student, model, symbolic integration      290
Student, model, task selection and      5 315
Student, model, updating      220—221 292 293 298 301 303 305—307
Student, model, zeroth prior estimate      292 293
Subject areas      8
Subskills      157 158 159 177—182
Subskills, diagnosis and      160 173 175 181—182
Subskills, diagnostic test      172—173
Subskills, errors in      163
Subskills, subtraction      157
Subskills, variants      163—164
Suppes, P.      1
Sussman, G.      47 58 127 132 141 254
Swets, J.      203
Syllabus, case syllabus      209 214—215
Syllabus, genetic graph and      56—59 74
Syllabus, tutoring strategies and      65 66 88 215
Symbolic integration      2 283—305
Task difficulty matiix      312 313 315
Team game      236—237
Tear      95
Teiresias system      150
Teitelman, W.      132
Theorem proving      309
TICCIT      329
Top-down procedures      127 130
Travel agency dialogue      117
Tutor      see “Coach”
Tutorial dialogue      13 18—19 79 117
Tutorial dialogue, case method program      208—215
Tutorial dialogue, discourse knowledge and      208—209
Tutorial dialogue, domain knowledge and      17—20
Tutorial dialogue, functional perspective and      19
Tutorial dialogue, genetic graph and      64—67 75
Tutorial dialogue, incomplete statements      117
Tutorial dialogue, LMS modeller      188
Tutorial dialogue, misconceptions      17 19
Tutorial dialogue, script structure and      19—20
Tutorial dialogue, SOPHIE      227 231 232 233
Tutorial dialogue, topic      64—65
Tutoring strategy      71—72 79 80 90—92 98 202—205 214 228 288 293—299 305
Tutoring strategy, agenda mechanism      88
Tutoring strategy, alarm threshold      298
Tutoring strategy, breadth      88
Tutoring strategy, case method dialogue      201—223
Tutoring strategy, encouragement      89 91
Tutoring strategy, example selection      311 312—314 315—316
Tutoring strategy, expected example distance      296
Tutoring strategy, explanation problem      88
Tutoring strategy, focus      88 215
Tutoring strategy, goals and      215—218 293 294 315—316
Tutoring strategy, hypotheses about      310 318—320 322—327
Tutoring strategy, informal learning environment      89—93
Tutoring strategy, issues and examples and      87—88 90 93
Tutoring strategy, learning and      91—92
Tutoring strategy, meta-level knowledge and      210 213—214
Tutoring strategy, presentation strategy      315
Tutoring strategy, problem choice      71
Tutoring strategy, problem length threshold      297—298
Tutoring strategy, production rules      309 314—316 317—318
Tutoring strategy, question format      315
Tutoring strategy, self-improvement      298—299 309—329
Tutoring strategy, socratic      219
Tutoring strategy, task administration      312
Tutoring strategy, tutor-student distance      295 296 298
Tutoring strategy, unusual approach threshold      296
Uhr, L.      1
Unusual approach threshold      296
van Lehn, K.      151 160 164
van Melle, W.      203 204
Version space technique      198
Vocabulary recall      1
Warnock, E.      52 76
Waterman, D.A.      315 318 328
Waters, R.C.      140
Webber, B.G.      241
Weiss, S.M.      204 206
Well-formed answer rules      32 33 37
West      3 9 79—98 132 133 140 149 160 214
WEST, alternative strategies      96
WEST, classroom experience      97—98
WEST, gaming environment      85—89 92
WEST, issues      86—87
WEST, modelling methodology      93—96
Westcourt, K.      53 58
WHY      14—24
Winograd, T.      132 208
Woods, P.      1 207 244 310
WUMPUS      3 51 54—76 81 132 207 214
WUSOR      54—56 57 58 65 67 68
Yob, G      54
Yu, V.L.      203
Zdybel, F.      16 51
Zeroth prior estimate      292 293
1 2 3
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