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Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F. — The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript
Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F. — The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript

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Название: The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript

Авторы: Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F.


Complementing The Latex Companion, this new graphics companion book addresses one of the most common needs among users of the LaTeX typesetting system: the incorporation of graphics into text. In addition to packages for general drawing, the book also describes more specific tools for mathematicians, physicists, chemists, engineers, and people interested in business graphics, games and music typesetting.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 554

Добавлена в каталог: 02.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
! notation (Xy-pic)      172 173 185 186 189
" notation (abc)      268
" notation (Xy-pic)      189
"..." notation (pic)      22 23
"..." notation (Xy-pic)      170
#copies (PostScript)      420
$M^{P}_{P}$ language      269—274
$M^{P}_{P}$ language $[\hat{}...]$ notation      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language $\hat{}$ notation      271 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language ' notation      269 270 272 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language (...) notation      271 272 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language + notation      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language , notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language - notation      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language / notation      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language :| notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language :|: notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language :||: notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language bes notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language gis notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language r notation      271 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language s notation      271 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language [...] notation      271 272 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language [...]/ notation      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language [v...] notation      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \A      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \alto      269 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \bass      270 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \Bes      271—273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \clef      269 272 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \downbow      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \duration      270 271—273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \F      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \grace      271 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \headleft      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \headright      271 272 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \key      270 271—273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \meter      272 273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \normal      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \small      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \stemdown      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \stemno      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \stemup      271 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \tenor      269
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \tiny      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \tr      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \treble      269 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \upbow      271
$M^{P}_{P}$ language \xpletstyle      272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language _notation      271 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language ` notation      269
$M^{P}_{P}$ language { notation      273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language {...} notation      271 272
$M^{P}_{P}$ language | notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language |. notation      270—273
$M^{P}_{P}$ language || notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language ||| notation      270
$M^{P}_{P}$ language } notation      273
$\hat{}$ notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      271 273
$\hat{}$ notation (abc)      267 268
$\hat{}$ notation (chemsym)      207
$\hat{}$ notation (MusIXTeX)      257 258
$\hat{}$ notation (pst-node)      114 123
$\hat{}$ notation (Xy-pic)      178 180 189 197 201
$\hat{}$$\hat{}$ notation (abc)      267
$\tilde{}$ notation (Xy-pic)      191 202 204
$\tilde{}$* notation (Xy-pic)      176 191 192 194 202 203
$\tilde{}$** notation (Xy-pic)      176
$\tilde{}$: notation (Xy-pic)      192 193 194 202 203
$\tilde{}$< notation (Xy-pic)      191 193 194
$\tilde{}$<< notation (Xy-pic)      191 192
$\tilde{}$<> notation (Xy-pic)      191 192—194
$\tilde{}$= notation (Xy-pic)      191 194 195 203
$\tilde{}$> notation (Xy-pic)      191 192 194 202 203
$\tilde{}$>< notation (Xy-pic)      191 192
$\tilde{}$>> notation (Xy-pic)      191 192
% notation (dvips)      420 421
%b notation (dvips)      421
%d notation (dvips)      421
%f notation (dvips)      421
%m notation (dvips)      421
%p notation (dvips)      421
& notation (MusIXTEX)      256 261
& notation (Xy-pic)      168 175 181 184
' notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      269 270 272 273
' notation (abc)      266
' notation (MusiXTEX)      257
' notation (Xy-pic)      180 182 189
'' notation (MusiXTEX)      257
''' notation (MusiXTEX)      257
(- notation (pstricks)      103
(-) notation (pstricks)      103
(..,..) notation (Xy-pic)      170
(...) notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      271 272 273
(...) notation (abc)      268
(...) notation (Xy-pic)      181 182
(2 notation (abc)      267
(3 notation (abc)      267
(4 notation (abc)      267
* notation (afm2tfm)      392
* notation (chess)      278 279 282
* notation (cwpuzzle)      309
* notation (pstricks)      106
* notation (Xy-pic)      168—170 171 172 173 175—177 181 185 198
** notation (Xy-pic)      170 171 172 175—177 193
**- notation (pstricks)      103
**-** notation (pstricks)      103
*- notation (pstricks)      103
*-* notation (pstricks)      103
+ notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      272
+ notation (chess)      282
+ notation (dvips)      422
+ notation (m-chemic)      225
+ notation (pstricks)      106
+ notation (Xy-pic)      168 171 173 175
++ notation (META)      55
++ notation (Xy-pic)      171 173 182
+-+ notation (META)      55
+= notation (Xy-pic)      173
, notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      270
, notation (abc)      266
, notation (Xy-pic)      169
- notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      272
- notation (abc)      267 268 269
- notation (chess)      282
- notation (m-chemic)      225
- notation (pstricks)      103 122
- notation (Xy-pic)      173 180 184
-) notation (pstricks)      103
-* notation (pstricks)      103
-** notation (pstricks)      103
-- notation (META)      56
--notation (Xy-pic)      173
-< notation (pstricks)      103
-<< notation (pstricks)      103
-> notation (pstricks)      103 104 118 122 123 131
->* notation (pstricks)      103
->> notation (pstricks)      103
->| notation (pstricks)      103
-C notation (pstricks)      103
-cc notation (pstricks)      103
-o notation (pstricks)      103
-oo notation (pstricks)      103
-] notation (pstricks)      103
-| notation (pstricks)      103
-|* notation (pstricks)      103
. c notation (pic)      23
. n notation (pic)      23
. ne notation (pic)      23
. notdef (PostScript)      291 392
. nw notation (pic)      23
. PE notation (pic)      22 250
. PS notation (pic)      22 250
. se notation (pic)      23
. sw notation (pic)      23
.. notation (META)      55 56
.notation (abc)      268
.notation (MusiXTEX)      259
/ notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      272
/ notation (abc)      267 268
/$\hat{}$.../notation (Xy-pic)      173
/.../ notation (Xy-pic)      172
/d.../ notation (Xy-pic)      182
/l.../ notation (Xy-pic)      183 184
/r.../ notation (Xy-pic)      170 183
/u.../ notation (Xy-pic)      182
/_.../ notation (Xy-pic)      172
0 notation (Xy-pic)      170 178
1 notation (Xy-pic)      178
2 notation (Xy-pic)      178
2up package      433 504
3 notation (Xy-pic)      178
: notation (chess)      282
: notation (Xy-pic)      170 184
:: notation (abc)      266
:| notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      270
:| notation (abc)      266
:|: notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      270
:||: notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      270
; notation (pic)      23
; notation (Xy-pic)      170 177 180
< notation (abc)      267 268
< notation (dvips)      428
< notation (MusiXTEX)      257
< notation (pst-node)      114 123
< notation (pstricks)      122
< notation (Xy-pic)      171 199 200
<- notation (pstricks)      103 123 131
<-> notation (pstricks)      103 104
<..,..> notation (Xy-pic)      169
<< notation (abc)      267
<<- notation (pstricks)      103 122
<<->> notation (pstricks)      103
<<<< notation (Xy-pic)      182
= notation (abc)      267
= notation (dvips)      416
= notation (MusiXTEX)      257
= notation (Xy-pic)      170 173 179 189
=: notation (afm2tfm)      392
=:| notation (afm2tfm)      392
=:|> notation (afm2tfm)      392
> notation (abc)      267 268
> notation (afm2tfm)      392
> notation (MusiXTEX)      257
> notation (pst-node)      114 123
> notation (Xy-pic)      171 199
>- notation (pstricks)      103
>-< notation (pstricks)      103
>> notation (abc)      267
>>- notation (pstricks)      103
>>-<< notaiion (pstricks)      103
? notation (Xy-pic)      171 175 176
?! notation (Xy-pic)      171
?< notation (Xy-pic)      171
?>>> notation (Xy-pic)      171
@ notation (dvips)      422
@ notation (Xy-pic)      172 178
@'{...} notation (Xy-pic)      179 203
@*[F] notation (Xy-pic)      183 134
@*[o] notation (Xy-pic)      181 182
@*[r] notation (Xy-pic)      181 182
@H notation (Xy-pic)      183 184
@M notation (Xy-pic)      183
@R notation (Xy-pic)      183
@W notation (Xy-pic)      183 184
@{*} notation (Xy-pic)      172 173
@{+} notation (Xy-pic)      172 175 176
@{,} notation (Xy-pic)      170 193 194
@{--} notation (Xy-pic)      170 171 195 196
@{-} notation (Xy-pic)      170 172 185 187 193 194
@{<<} notation (Xy-pic)      171
@{==} notation (Xy-pic)      176
@{=} notaiion (Xy-pic)      170 172
@{>} notation (Xy-pic)      171
@{o} notation (Xy-pic)      172
@{x} notation (Xy-pic)      172
abc language      254 264—269
abc language " notation      268
abc language $\hat{}$ notation      267 268
abc language $\hat{}\hat{}$ notation      267
abc language ' notation      266
abc language (...) notation      268
abc language (2 notation      267
abc language (3 notation      267
abc language (4 notation      267
abc language , notation      266
abc language - notation      267 268 269
abc language . notation      268
abc language / notation      267 268
abc language :: notation      266
abc language :| notation      266
abc language < notation      267 268
abc language << notation      267
abc language = notation      267
abc language > notation      267 268
abc language >> notation      267
abc language C: notation      266
abc language D: notation      266
abc language E: notation      265 267
abc language H: notation      266
abc language header.tex file      265
abc language K: notation      265 266
abc language L: notation      266 267
abc language M: notation      265 266
abc language music.tex file      269
abc language O: notation      266
abc language S: notation      266
abc language T: notation      266
abc language X: notation      265 266
abc language z notation      266 268
abc language [...] notation      268
abc language [1 notation      266
abc language [2 notation      266
abc language [| notation      266
abc language \ notation      266 268
abc language _ _notation      267
abc language _notation      267
abc language {...} notation      268
abc language | notation      265 266 267 268
abc language |: notation      266
abc language |] notation      265 266 267 268
abc language || notation      266
abc2mtex program      254 255 264—269 270 504
abc2mtex program -i option      269
abc2mtex program -o option      269
abc2mtex program -t option      269
abc2mtex program -x option      269
abs(META)      57
Acrobat Distiller program      415 455 504
Acrobat Reader program      442 504
ADJ notation (m-chemic)      225 226
Adobe Acrobat program      25 372 375 406 453 504
Adobe File Utilities program      20 504
Adobe Illustrator program      1 4 25 68 93 94 347 442 452 504
Adobe Photoshop program      347 504
Adobe Type Manager program      372 375 379 380 381 388 389 406 414 447 453 504
afm2tfm program      291 387 390—393 504
afm2tfm program * notation      392
afm2tfm program -c option      391
afm2tfm program -e option      390
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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