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Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F. — The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript
Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F. — The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript

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Название: The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript

Авторы: Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F.


Complementing The Latex Companion, this new graphics companion book addresses one of the most common needs among users of the LaTeX typesetting system: the incorporation of graphics into text. In addition to packages for general drawing, the book also describes more specific tools for mathematicians, physicists, chemists, engineers, and people interested in business graphics, games and music typesetting.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 554

Добавлена в каталог: 02.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
afm2tfm program -O option      391
afm2tfm program -p option      390 391
afm2tfm program -s option      390
afm2tfm program -T option      390 391
afm2tfm program -u option      391
afm2tfm program -V option      391
afm2tfm program =: notation      392
afm2tfm program =:| notation      392
afm2tfm program =:|> notation      392
afm2tfm program > notation      392
afm2tfm program LIGKERN notation      392
afm2tfm program {} notation      3921
afm2tfm program | notation      392
afm2tfm program |=: notation      392
afm2tfm program |=:> notation      392
afm2tfm program |=:| notation      392
afm2tfm program |=:|> notation      392
afm2tfm program |=:|>> notation      392
afm2tfm program || notation      392
aIdratex package      17 504
aliphat package      210 219 504
aliphat package \dtetrastereo      219 220
aliphat package \Dtrigonal      219
aliphat package \ethanestereo      219 220
aliphat package \ethylene      219
aliphat package \Ethylenev      219
aliphat package \ltrigona      219
aliphat package \rtrigonal      219
aliphat package \square      219
aliphat package \tetrahedral      219
aliphat package \tetrastereo      219 220
aliphat package \Utrigonal      219
alltt environment (alltt)      12
alltt package, alltt environment      12
amstex package      207 504
amstex package, Sb environment      207
angle (META)      55
angle key (graphicx)      33 34 36 37
angle key (pst-node)      161
angleA key (pst-node)      118 123 125 128 129 132 162
angleB key (pst-node)      114 117 118 119 124 125 128 129 131 132 162
annB key (pst-node)      129 131 162
Aplevitch, Dwight      250
Appelt, Wolfgang      277 278 288
arc (pic)      22
arcangle key (pst-node)      121 161
Arcinfo program      25 504
arcsep key (pstricks)      158
arcsepA key (pstricks)      158
arcsepB key (pstricks)      158
arm key (pst-node)      162
armA key (pst-node)      125 162
Array environment      9 49 326
array package      326 504
array package \extrarowheight length      327 328
array package \newcolumntype      327
arrow (pic)      22
arrowinset key (pstricks)      158
arrowlength key (pstricks)      104 158
arrows key (pstricks)      100 123 124 131 132 157
arrowscale key (pstricks)      158
arrowsize key (pstricks)      158
Arseneau, Donald      143
asterisk notation (pstricks)      106
atan (pic)      22
augment (graph)      77 78—80
aurora program      349 504
AutoCAD program      25 83 94 152 504
autogrid (graph)      75 76 79 81—83
avant package      353 354 504
axesstyle key (pst-plot)      134 166
axodraw package      228 504
B notation (m-chemic)      223 225
bakoma package      342 504
bar package      17 78 504
Barratt, Craig      460
basker package      354 504
bb key (graphicx)      32 33 34
bbd key (pst-tree)      164
bbh key (pst-tree)      164
bbl key (pst-tree)      164
bbllx key (graphicx)      32
bblly key (graphicx)      32
bbox (METAPOST)      65 66 79 81
bbr key (pst-tree)      164
bburx key (graphicx)      32
bbury key (graphicx)      32
bdfchess package      see also “chess package” 284—285 288 504
bdfchess package chessl5 font      285
bdfchess package gameone environment      284 285—287
bdfchess package gametwo environment      284 285—287
bdfchess package \cardmessage      286 287
bdfchess package \postcard      285 286 287
bdfchess package \postcardaddress      285 286 287
bdfchess package \postmove      284 286 287
bdfchess package \postply      284 286 287
bdfchess package \receiver      285 286 287
bdfchess package \sender      285 286 287
bdfchess package \showboardwithnotation      284
bdfchess package \showinversboard      284
beginchar (META)      60 63
beginfig (METAPOST)      63
begingraph (graph)      74
bembo package      354 504
Berry, Karl      61 352 381 385 386 497
bes notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      270
bg package      299—302 504
bg package game environment      299 300 301
bg package position environment      299 300 302
bg package \bigboard      300
bg package \blackbar      299 300
bg package \blackcube      300
bg package \blackonmove      300
bg package \blackpoint      299
bg package \boardcaption      299 300 301
bg package \dontindentwhite      302
bg package \dontshoucube      300 302
bg package \dontshowmoves      302
bg package \dontshownumbers      300
bg package \fullboard      300
bg package \fullincr      302
bg package \half board      300
bg package \halfincr      302
bg package \indentvhite      302
bg package \middlecube      299 300
bg package \move      300 301 302
bg package \normalboard      300 301
bg package \printboard      300 301
bg package \rawboard      300 301
bg package \shounumbers      299 300
bg package \showcube      299 300
bg package \showmoves      302
bg package \smallboard      299 300
bg package \takecube      301
bg package \textmove      301
bg package \togglenumbers      300
bg package \whitebar      300
bg package \whitecube      300
bg package \whiteonmove      299 300 301
bg package \whitepoint      299
bidding environment (bridge)      303 305
bind (PostScript)      437 445
Birrell, Andrew      452
bit2spr program      13 504
bit2spr program -height option      13
bit2spr program -width option      13
bitpxl program      8 504
black (METAPOST)      64
black notation (color)      318 319
BlendDesignMap (PostScript)      406
BlendDesignPositions (PostScript)      406
Bleser, Joachim      17
blue (METAPOST)      64
blue notation (color)      318 319
bm2font program      8 466 467 504
bookman package      353 354 504
boolean (META)      54
bop-hook (PostScript)      420 429 431
border key (pstricks)      157
bordercolor key (pstricks)      157
bot notation (METAPOST)      64
BoundingBox (PostScript)      28 30 33 40 41 63 456
box (pic)      22 23
boxes METAPOST package      68 69 72 505
boxes METAPOST package boxit      69 70—72
boxes METAPOST package boxjoin      69 70—73
boxes METAPOST package circleit      69 71—73
boxes METAPOST package circmargin      69 73
boxes METAPOST package defaultdx      69
boxes METAPOST package defaultdy      69
boxes METAPOST package drawboxed      69 70—72
boxes METAPOST package drawboxes      69 71
boxes METAPOST package drawunboxed      69 70 73
boxes METAPOST package pic      69 71 73
boxit (boxes)      69 70—72
boxjoin (boxes)      69 70—73
boxsep key (pstricks)      158
boxsize key (pst-node)      162
bpath (METAPOST)      70 71 73
Braams, Johannes      18
bracketlength key (pstricks)      158
bridge package      303 505
bridge package bidding environment      303 305
bridge package bridge.tex file      303
bridge package \crdima      303 304
bridge package \hand      303—306
Brown, Terry      18
btex (METAPOST)      64 65 66 67 72 74 75 78 80
buildcycle (METAPOST)      81
C notation (m-chemic)      225
C notation (Xy-pic)      172
C- notation (pstricks)      103
C-C notation (pstricks)      103
C: notation (abc)      266
CARBON notation (m-chemic)      222 223
Carlisle, David      7 17 51 326 460
carom package      210 214 505
carom package \anthracenev      214
carom package \bzdrh      211 213 214
carom package \bzdrv      211 212 214
carom package \cyclohexaneh      213 214
carom package \cyclohexanev      212 213 214
carom package \decalineh      214
carom package \decalinev      214
carom package \hanthracenv      214
carom package \hphenanthrenev      214
carom package \naphdrh      214
carom package \naphdrv      214
carom package \phenanthrenev      214
carom package \steroid      214 215
carom package \steroidchain      214
carom package \tetralineh      214
carom package \tetralinev      214
Cartlidge, Ross      433
CB notation (m-chemic)      222
cc- notation (pstricks)      103
cc-cc notation (pstricks)      103
cchess package      293 294 505
cchess package cchess46font      292
cchess package cchessboard.tex file      292
cchess package position environment      293 294 295
cchess package \largeboard      294
cchess package \normalboard      294
cchess package \piece      293 294 295
cchess package \smallboard      294 295
cchess package \textpiece      293
ccycle package      210 218 505
ccycle package \adamantane      218
ccycle package \bicycheph      218
ccycle package \bicychepv      218
ccycle package \bornane      218
ccycle package \chair      218
chancery package      353 354 505
CHARACTER (PI/VPL)      367 368
CharStrings (PostScript)      370
charter package      354 505
CHECKSUM (PL/VPL)      368
chem program      24 505
ChemDraw program      25 505
chemstr package      210 505
chemstr package \lmoiety      212 215
chemstr package \rmoiety      212
chemsym package      206 207 208 209 505
chemsym package $\hat{}$ notation      207
chemsym package collision option      208
chemsym package pertab.tex file      208
chemsym package SB environment      207
chemsym package \CH      207
chemsym package \COOH      207
chemsym package \H      207
chemsym package \O      207
chemsym package \OH      207
chemsym package \OO      207
chemsym package \PP      207
chemsym package \pr      207
chemsym package \re      207
chemsym package \SS      207
chemsym package _notation      207
cheq package      288 505
cheq package Cheq font      288
cheq package cheq.map file      288
cheq package chessboard.tex file      288
cheq package config.cheq file      288
cheq package xcheq font      291
cheq package xcheq.tfm file      291
cheq package xchess.enc file      291
cheq package \CheqBKing      288
chess environment (chess)      282
chess package      278—282 285 288 289 292 294 295 505
chess package * notation      278 279 282
chess package + notation      282
chess package - notation      282
chess package : notation      282
chess package chess environment      282
chess package chess10 font      278 289—291
chess package chess20 font      278
chess package chess30 font      278
chess package chessf10 font      278
chess package movecount counter      279 281
chess package nochess environment      282
chess package position environment      279 281
chess package \bbetter      282 283
chess package \bdecisive      282
chess package \betteris      282 283
chess package \Black      279 281
chess package \board      278 279 292
chess package \bupperhand      282 283
chess package \Chess      285 289 292
chess package \equal      283
chess package \move      279 280 281 284 286
chess package \newgame      279 280
chess package \ply      279 280 281 284
chess package \seppawns      282 283
chess package \showboard      279 281 284 286 292
chess package \wbetter      282 283
chess package \wdecisive      282 283
chess package \White      279 281
chess package \Whitefalse      279
chess package \Whitetrue      279 281
chess package \withattack      282 283
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