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Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F. — The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript
Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F. — The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript

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Название: The LaTeX Graphics Companion. Illustrating documents with TeX and PostScript

Авторы: Goossens M., Rahtz S., Mittelbach F.


Complementing The Latex Companion, this new graphics companion book addresses one of the most common needs among users of the LaTeX typesetting system: the incorporation of graphics into text. In addition to packages for general drawing, the book also describes more specific tools for mathematicians, physicists, chemists, engineers, and people interested in business graphics, games and music typesetting.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 554

Добавлена в каталог: 02.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
fontinst package \ifisstr      492
fontinst package \iftrue      491 492
fontinst package \inputetx      488
fontinst package \inputmtx      489
fontinst package \installfamily      394 399 401
fontinst package \installfont      394 395 396 399 400 402
fontinst package \installfonts      394 399
fontinst package \int      397 488 492
fontinst package \italic      493
fontinst package \italicslant      489
fontinst package \kerning      397 493
fontinst package \latinfamily      393 394
fontinst package \lc      399
fontinst package \lclig      399
fontinst package \letterspacing      488
fontinst package \ligature      398
fontinst package \metrics      396 488
fontinst package \minimumkern      489
fontinst package \monowidth      489
fontinst package \movert      397 490
fontinst package \moveup      490
fontinst package \mul      493
fontinst package \needsfontinstversion      492
fontinst package \neg      493
fontinst package \nextlarger      488
fontinst package \nextslot      398 400 488
fontinst package \pop      491
fontinst package \push      491
fontinst package \reencodefont      395 399 400
fontinst package \relax      487 488
fontinst package \resetcommand      492
fontinst package \resetdepth      398 491
fontinst package \resetdim      492
fontinst package \resetglyph      398 489 491
fontinst package \resetheight      491
fontinst package \resetint      492
fontinst package \resetitalic      491
fontinst package \resetstr      492
fontinst package \resetwidth      491
fontinst package \scale      493
fontinst package \scalefont      395
fontinst package \setcommand      492
fontinst package \setdim      492
fontinst package \setglyph      397 489
fontinst package \setint      396 488 492
fontinst package \setkern      489
fontinst package \setleftkerning      489
fontinst package \setleftrightkerning      397
fontinst package \setrawglyph      489
fontinst package \setrightkerning      489
fontinst package \setslot      398 400 488
fontinst package \setstr      492
fontinst package \slantfont      395
fontinst package \special      490
fontinst package \sub      493
fontinst package \substitutenoisy      395 399
fontinst package \substitutesilent      395 399
fontinst package \then      491 492
fontinst package \topaccent      398
fontinst package \transformfont      395 399 400
fontinst package \underlinethickness      489
fontinst package \unfakable      397 401
fontinst package \unsetcommand      492
fontinst package \unsetdim      492
fontinst package \unsetglyph      489
fontinst package \unsetint      492
fontinst package \unsetstr      492
fontinst package \usedas      488
fontinst package \varbot      488
fontinst package \varchar      488
fontinst package \varmid      488
fontinst package \varrep      488
fontinst package \vartop      488
fontinst package \width      491 492
fontinst package \xheight      489
fontinst package \xscalefont      395
fontinst package \yscalefont      395
fontinst program      404
FONTNAME (PL/VPL)      368
Fonts cchess46 (cchess)      292
Fonts Cheq (cheq)      288
Fonts chess10 (chess)      278 289—291
Fonts chess15 (bdfchess)      285
Fonts chess20 (chess)      278
Fonts chess30 (chess)      278
Fonts chessf10 (chess)      278
Fonts gosign50 (go)      296
Fonts xcheq (cheq)      291
for (META)      55 57
format (graph)      75 76
FOUR notation (m-chemic)      223
fourhetero (hetarom)      216
frame (grap)      24 25
frame (graph)      75 76 77 79—82
framearc key (pstricks)      104 105 123 125 131 157
FrameMaker program      437 452 506
framesep key (pstricks)      124 158
FreeHand program      1 506
Freeman, Graham      349
from (pic)      23
Fujita, Shinsaku      208
fullcircle (META)      67 81
FullName (PostScript)      371
furanose (hcycle)      218
game environment (bg)      299 300 301
gameone environment (bdfchess)      284 285—287
gametwo environment (bdfchess)      284 285—287
gangle key (pstricks)      158
garamond package      354 506
gdata (graph)      76 77 79 81—83
gdotlabel (graph)      74
gdraw (graph)      72 74 76—78 80—82
gdrawarrow (graph)      74
gdrawdblarrow (graph)      74
getafm program      437 506
gfill (graph)      75—81 83
gftodvi program      363 506
gftopk program      20 230 363 364 506
gftopxl program      364 506
gftype program      363 506
Ghostscript program      xxiii 375 379 408 431 442—453 455 457—460 494 506 508 509
Ghostscript program, - option      444
Ghostscript program, -+ option      443
Ghostscript program, -- option      443
Ghostscript program, -c option      443
Ghostscript program, -D option      443
Ghostscript program, -f option      443
Ghostscript program, -g option      444
Ghostscript program, -I option      444
Ghostscript program, -P option      444
Ghostscript program, -P-option      444
Ghostscript program, -q option      444
Ghostscript program, -r option      444
Ghostscript program, -S option      444
Ghostscript program, -u option      444
Ghostscript program, devices.txt file      450
Ghostscript program, Fontmap file      445 446 447
Ghostscript program, GS LIB environment variable      446
Ghostscript program, GS_DEVICE environment variable      448
Ghostscript program, GS_FONTPATH environment variable      446
Ghostscript program, gs_init.ps file      445
Ghostscript program, gs_statd.ps file      445
Ghostscript program, ps2ai.ps file      452
Ghostscript program, ps2ascii.ps file      451 452
Ghostscript program, stdin file      444
Ghostscript program, stdout file      449
Ghostscript program, TEMP environment variable      448
Ghostscript program, unix-lpr.txt file      449
ghostview program      449 450 451 507
Girou, Denis      96 110 134 138 140 143 145
gis notation ($M^{P}_{P}$)      270
GIVES notation (m-chemic)      227
glabel (graph)      72 74 78—83
gnuplot program      20 21 83 462 507
go package      295—298 507
go package gosign50font      296
go package \black      296 297 298
go package \gofontsize      296 297 298
go package \inidiagram      296 297
go package \inifulldiagram      296 298
go package \letter      296 297 298
go package \pos      296 297 298
go package \showdiagram      297 298
go package \showfulldiagram      297
go package \square      296 298
go package \symbol      296
go package \textblack      297 298
go package \textwhite      298
go package \triangle      296 297 298
go package \white      296 297 298
gpic program      18 22 250 251 507
gpic program -c option      22
gpic program -t option      22 251
gpic program \graph      251
gradangle key(pst-grad)      105 157
gradbegin key (pst-grad)      105 108 157
gradend key (pst-grad)      105 108 157
gradlines key (pst-grad)      157
gradmidpoint key (pst-grad)      157
Grant, Michael      460
grap language      24—25
grap language copy      24
grap language frame      24 25
grap language ht      25
grap language label      24
grap language thru      24
grap language ticks      24
grap language wid      25
grap program      24 72 507
graph METAPOST package      72 74 75 78 83 507
graph METAPOST package augment      77 78—80
graph METAPOST package autogrid      75 76 79 81—83
graph METAPOST package begingraph      74
graph METAPOST package endgraph      74
graph METAPOST package format      75 76
graph METAPOST package frame      75 76 77 79—82
graph METAPOST package gdata      76 77 79 81—83
graph METAPOST package gdotlabel      74
graph METAPOST package gdraw      72 74 76—78 80—82
graph METAPOST package gdrawarrou      74
graph METAPOST package gdrawdblarrow      74
graph METAPOST package gfill      75—81 83
graph METAPOST package glabel      72 74 78—83
graph METAPOST package grid      75
graph METAPOST package init_numbers      75
graph METAPOST package itick      75 76
graph METAPOST package otick      75 76 82
graph METAPOST package plot      74
graph METAPOST package setcoords      76
graph METAPOST package setrange      76 78 79 82 83
graphics package      7 9 27—32 34 39—45 48—50 51 64 99 153 231 424 500 503 507 509 510
graphics package draft option      28
graphics package dvi2ps option      29
graphics package dvialw option      29
graphics package dvilaser option      29
graphics package dvipdf option      29
graphics package dvips option      29
graphics package dvipsone option      29
graphics package dvitops option      29
graphics package dviwin option      29
graphics package dviwindo option      29
graphics package emtex option      29
graphics package final option      28
graphics package graphics.cfg file      28
graphics package hiderotate option      29
graphics package hidescale option      29
graphics package hiresbb option      28
graphics package ln option      29
graphics package oztex option      29
graphics package pctex32 option      29
graphics package pctexhp option      29
graphics package pctexps option      29
graphics package pctexwin option      29
graphics package psprint option      29
graphics package pubps option      29
graphics package tcidvi option      29
graphics package textures option      29
graphics package truetex option      29
graphics package \DeclareGraphicsExtensions      39 40
graphics package \DeclareGraphicsRule      34 39 40 41
graphics package \graphicspath      39
graphics package \includegraphics      27 29 30 31 39—41 342 461
graphics package \includegraphics*      30
graphics package \reflectbox      42
graphics package \resizebox      31 34 43 44 99
graphics package \resizebox*      43 44
graphics package \rotatebox      27 41 44 130
graphics package \scalebox      31 34 42
graphicx package      see also “graphics and keyval package” 27—29 32—51 98 101 461 507
graphicx package angle key      33 34 36 37
graphicx package bb key      32 33 34
graphicx package bbllx key      32
graphicx package bblly key      32
graphicx package bburx key      32
graphicx package bbury key      32
graphicx package clip key      32 33 34
graphicx package command key      33 34
graphicx package depth key      33
graphicx package draft key      33 34
graphicx package ext key      33 34
graphicx package height key      33 35—37
graphicx package hiresbbkey      33
graphicx package keepaspectratio key      33 35 36 38
graphicx package natheight key      33
graphicx package natwidthkey      33
graphicx package orient key      39
graphicx package origin key      33 46 47
graphicx package read key      33 34 39
graphicx package scale key      33 34 35
graphicx package totalheight key      33 37 38
graphicx package trim key      33 34
graphicx package type key      33 34 41
graphicx package units key      46 47
graphicx package viewport key      33 34
graphicx package width key      33 35—38
graphicx package x key      46 47
graphicx package y key      46 47
graphicx package \includegraphics      32 34 38
graphicx package \includegraphics*      32
graphicx package \rotatebox      33 34 39 46 47
graphicx package \setkeys      38 47
gray color model (color)      317
green (METAPOST)      64
green notation (color)      318 319
grid (graph)      75
gridcolor key (pstricks)      158
griddots key (pstricks)      159
gridlabelcolor key (pstricks)      159
gridlabels key (pstricks)      159
gridwidth key (pstricks)      158
gsftopk program      418 450 453 455 507
GSview program      449 450 457 507
gunzip program      41
Gurari, Eitan M.      17
gzip program      500
H: notation (abc)      266
Haas, Roswitha T.      208
Hafner, Jim      317 338
Hagen, Hans      222
Hamilton Kelly, Brian      306
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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