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Cliff N., Keats J.A. — Ordinal Measurement in the Behavioral Sciences |
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Job performance 49 51
Kanter, R. 212
Keats, D.M. 215
Keats, J.A. 9 15 22 44 52 54 61 62 75 103 164 167 168 170 174 175 179 180 201 212 213 214 215 216
Kehoe, J.R. 149 156 215
Kelley, T.L. 45 215
Kelly, R.L. 6 215
Kendall, M.G. 54 58 61 64 74 75 81 83 93 127 128 129 130 133 149 215
Keren, G. 213
Kiasuism concept 189
Kiasuism conclusions 191
Kiasuism questionnaire 189 191
Kiasuism scale 188—192
Kirkpatrick, E.A. 7 215
Krantz, D.H. 26 115 122 215
Kreck,R. 212
Kress, M. 149 213
Kuder — Richardson formula 60
Kuder, G.F. 60 64 215
Lasry, J.-C. 214
Lee, S.Y. 76 215
Leisenring 166
Leiter Performance Tests 48
Lewis, C. 213
Likert, R.A. 11 16 53 59 60 74 76 215
Lindzey, G. 44 212
Lobotomy/lobectomy 48
Loevinger, J. 68 87 182 215
Lohman 5
Lord, E.M. 15 212
Luce, R.D. 4 15 18 26 35 68 69 71 182 215 216
Marker effect see grader effects
Matrix, dominance 127
Mayo, E. 49
McCormick, D.J. 213
McDonald, R.P. 2 75 215 216
McElwain, D.W. 10 164 167 168 174 216
McNemar, Q. 215
MDS see multidimensional scaling
Measurement accuracy 33—34
Measurement attitude 36
Measurement by fiat 59—60
Measurement level 33
Measurement theory 4 14—15 33—37
Measurement theory, axiomatic 18—19
Measurement theory, Campbell's 14
Measurement theory, conjiont 18—20
Measurement theory, neglect of 4
Measurement theory, principles 34—38
Measurement, "through error" 117
Measurement, axioms 15—16
Measurement, conjoint 15—16 74
Measurement, defining field 35
Measurement, individual 2
Measurement, ordinal 4
Measurement, physical 4
Measurement, scientific 34—37
Measurement, standard error of 2 102
Measurement, status 34—35
Mellenberg, G.J. 215
Messick, S. 172 174 179 213 214
Miccieri, T. 45 216
Michell, J. 26 29 37 122 216
Miller, K.M. 23 44 216
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) 172—174 179
Models, mathematical, fitting 35 57—58
Models, mathematical, in testing 16—22
Models, mathematical, necessity 16
Models, mathematical, psychometric 58
Models, mathematical, simple 17
Mokken, R.J. 126
Mollenkopf, W. 53 216
Multidimensional scaling 167—172 175
Multiple choice items 52—53
Multiple choice items, criticism 50
Multiple choice items, formula scoring 52
Multiple choice items, guessing in 52
Muniz, J. 183 216
Munro, D. 22 52 62 188 190 201 214 125
n-cycle 127
Nanda 37 60 213
Narens, L. 35 216
Navas, M.J. 183 216
Nerlove, S.B. 212 214
Nominal scale 33
Normal deviates 59
Normal distribution, bivariate 111
Normal distribution, fallacy 9 45 59—60
Novick, M.R. 15 68 215
Number wizard 77
Oliver Twist 6
Olympic Games 51
Operational definitions, beyond 31
Operational definitions, Boring's 31—32
Operational definitions, commonality as 32—33
Operational definitions, defects 28—30
Operational definitions, generality 30—31
Operational definitions, importance 27—28
Operational definitions, inclusive 26
Operational definitions, multiple 29—30
Operational definitions, paradox 31
Operational definitions, single 27—28
Ordering, conjoint 4 15 18 182 201
Ordering, consistency 4 18 64
Ordering, differences 162
Ordering, items 61 68—69 8
Ordering, persons 80
Orders, consistency 118
Orders, defining 113—116 139—141
Orders, different 179
Orders, estimating 118
Orders, finding 113 116—118 135—141
Orders, heaviness 114
Orders, interval 119—121 160
Orders, less simple 118—122
Orders, number of 166
Orders, optimal 74 81 122
Orders, partial 119
Orders, physical 114
Orders, relations pattern 115
Orders, summing 74
Ordinal measurement 34 57—59
Ordinal scales 25 33 37
Ordinal test theory 4 22—23 51 54 56 71—82 see
Ordinal test theory in crosscut tural 188
Ordinal test theory, heterogenous tests and 5
Ordinal test theory, reasons for 22—23
Ordinal test theory, small samples and 5
Otis, A.S. 7 216
Ott see ordinal test theory
Paired comparisons 124—130
Paired comparisons, drawback 143
Pairs 41 89 113
Parallelogram 168—169
Parameters, estimating 35—36
Patterns, ideal 91—92
Paz, D. 183 216
Percentiles 59 73—74
Percentiles, differences 74
Percentiles, normal deviates and 74
Percentiles, ranks, discrimination 78
Percentiles, tied 74
Performance, grader effects 79
Performance, scoring 78—79
Performance, tasks 78—80
Personnel selection 10—11
Piaget, J. 9 12 47 54 216
Piagetian tests 9 47—48 54
Points, locating 167—169
Poon, W.Y. 76 215
| Porteus, S.D. 7 216
Portfolio 50
Preferences and percepton 172
Preferences for parties 170
Preferences, measurement of 16 162—180
Preoperational 47
Pretest 99
Proportion passing 99
Proximity 38—41 113 177—179
Proximity, analysis method 178—179
Proximity, data 179
Proximity, stripe defining 40
Pseudo-order 84—85
Psychology, psychologists, crosscultual 182
Psychology, psychologists, experimental 4 113
Psychology, psychologists, Introduction to Quantitative 54
Psychology, psychologists, organizational 49
Psychology, psychologists, vocational 49
Psychometrics 35 37
Rajaratnam, N. 37 63 213
Rank, ranking, average 55
Rank, ranking, partial 158—159
Rank-order correlation 61 69 74 93 130—131 133—135 190
Rank-order correlation and alpha 135
Rank-order correlation as Pearson 130
Rank-order correlation, average 96 133—135
Rank-order correlation, formula 135
Rasch model 68 69 70 76
Rasch, G. 15 20 182 216
Rating scales 159—161
Rating scales, anchors 160
Rating scales, concept 159—160
Rating scales, constructing 160—161
Rating scales, critque 159—160
Rating scales, ordinality 160
Regression, ordinal 107
Relations and covariance 94
Relations and statistics 94—95
Relations, calculating sums 92—93
Relations, contradictory 86 90—94 96 104
Relations, counting, example 90—91
Relations, defining 35 37
Relations, dominance 83—84
Relations, implied 120—121 149—155
Relations, item-item 83
Relations, item-person 83—84
Relations, item-universe 107—111
Relations, order 85
Relations, patterns 85—87
Relations, person-person 83
Relations, possible patterns, fn. 87
Relations, reinforcing 87 90—94 96 104
Relations, score-universe 107—111
Relations, unique 89 90—93
Reliability of creative answer tests 50
Reliability, definition 61
Reliability, ordinal 101—102
Reliability, parallel form 62
Reliability, practice effects 62
Reliability, repeated testing 62
Reliability, test length and 2—3 15
Reliability, test-retest 62
Represenations 170—172
Response, speed of 50 76
Responses, creative 49—53
Responses, grader, rater effects 50—52
Responses, polytomous score 49—50
Retarded, mentally 11
Reyna, V.E. 214 215
Reynolds, T.J. 149 156 216
Rho see rank-order correlation
Richardson, M.W. 60 64 215
Roberts, F.S. 115 118 216
Rock-paper-scissors 127
Rokeach, M. 23 44 216
Rokeach, Value Scale 23 44
Romney, A.K. 212 214
Rothwell, J.W. 23 46
Rothwell-Miller Interest Inventory 23 44 49 54
Rozenzweig, S. 49 216
Rules, old and new 2 3
Scales as data summary 1
Scales from wins 117
Scales interval 4 18 122
Scales, assumed 35 37
Scales, attitude 36
Scales, defining 34—35 113—116 122
Scales, fitting 35 139—141
Scales, justification 122
Scales, Kiasuism 188—192
Scales, ordinal 122
Scales, scientific 25 34 37
Scaling, multidimensional 36 175—176
Scaling, optimal 75
Scaling, psychophysical 4
Scalogram analysis 80
Scholastic Aptitude Test 45
Schooling 6
Science, principles of 58 123
Score agreement 131
Score in CTT 17
Score, combining 12—14 62—64 74—75 77
Score, comparability 181—184
Score, cutoff 12
Score, performance 76
Score, random 84
Score, rank-difference 106—107
Score, raw difference 106—107
Score, significant difference 103—107
Score, standard 7 44—45
Score, verbal 76
Semi-order 118—119 121
Sets 40—41 113
Shaw, M.E. 216
Shepard, R.N. 212 214
Sim, C.Q.E. 184 216
Simon, T. 5 6 56 212
Singapore 189—192
Slater, S.C. 186 187 214
Snake race 120—121
Spearman — Brown formula 3 61 see
Spearman, S.S. 17 69 74 93 130 216
Standardization groups 45—46
Stanford — Binet 60
Subjectivity see rater effects
Subscores 100—101
Subsets, planned 144—147
Subsets, ranking 158
Subsets, systematic 145—147
Tables, three-way 88
Tables, two-by-two 89—91 93
Taiwan 189—92
Tanzer 184 216
Tau, Kendall's 69 83 91 93
Tau, Kendall's, and covariance 91 95
Tau, Kendall's, average 95 96 107 108
Tau, Kendall's, corrections 94
Tau, Kendall's, defined 94 131
Tau, Kendall's, dominance variables in 94 131
Tau, Kendall's, estimate 110
Tau, Kendall's, formulas 94 131
Tau, Kendall's, from test variance 95
Tau, Kendall's, item-universe 108—109
Tau, Kendall's, limitations on 96
Tau, Kendall's, test-universe 108—109
Tau, Kendall's, ties and 94 96—98
Tau, Kendall's, with total score 100
test see also items
Test and data relations 41—42
Test as sample 102
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