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Cliff N., Keats J.A. — Ordinal Measurement in the Behavioral Sciences |
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Abnormality, classification 11
Abnormality, diagnosis 10
Ackerman, P.L. 212
Adair, J. 214
Additivity 15
Adminstration, test 55—56
Adminstration, test, computers in 55
Aggregation into towns 6
Aims of book 1 4 25
Allport, G.W. 44 212
Alpha see internal consistency
Anastasi, A. 214
Anderson, N.H. 160 212
Andrich, D.A. 70 75 212
Antitest 23—24
Antitest, decrease 24
Antitest, ethnic bias and 23—24
Antitest, qualitative argument 23
Assessment of childrem 6
Assessment, increase in 6
Assessment, performance 50
assumptions 4
Attitudes, measurement of 16 23 36
Australia 7 48 189—92
Australia, Aborigine 48
Australia, Army Medical Corps 10
Australia, political parties 170—72
Axioms 113 115
Axioms as ideals 117
Axioms, asymmetry 115—16 124 125—26
Axioms, cancellation 4 183
Axioms, connectedness 115—16 124
Axioms, independence 4
Axioms, irreflexivity 115 124—25
Axioms, testing 124—29
Axioms, transitivity 115—16 124
Bank, B.J. 215
Barbero, J.F. 183 212 216
Bender, P.M. 76 215
Bennett, J.F. 164 212
Bergman, G. 26 27 28 30 31 212
Bertrand, R. 187 214
Biddle, B.J. 215
BINARY see dichotomous
Binet, A. 5 6 7 10 46 47 54 56 212
Bontempo, R. 188 212
Boring, E.G. 27 31 212
Brainerd, C.J. 214 215
Braun, H.I. 214
British Abilities Test 54
Brown 3 201
Brownless, V.T. 212
Bubble sort 116
Buros, O.K. 10 212
Campbell, N.R. 14 212
Canada, French 187—88
Carmone, F.J. 36 214
Carr, S.C. 189 214
Carroll, J.B. 50 212
Categories, ordered 11 16 53—54 70 76
Categories, ordered, combining scores 72 74—76
Categories, ordered, in rating scales 160
Categories, ordered, scaling 76
Cattell, J.McK. 5 212
Charlton, M. 190 201
Chi-squared 55
Child care 6
Child delinquency 6
China 187—88
Circularity 127
Circularity coefficient 129
Circularity, chi-squared for 130
Circularity, true 129
classical test theory 1 2 3
Classical test theory, deficiencies 17
Classical test theory, heterogeneous tests and 5
Classical test theory, latent traits in 102
Classical test theory, mischaracterization 2—3
Cliff, N. 4 25 34 36 37 68 75 80 82 83 88 89 93 103 107 122 130 132 136 149 156 160 177 178 179 212 213 216
Cluster analysis 101
College Boards see SAT
Collins, L.M. 88 213
Comparisons, crosscultural 186—188
Comparisons, omitted 136
Components, principal 75
Comprehension subtest 77
Comprehension subtest and alpha 61
Comprehension subtest for items 64 71
Comprehension subtest, concordance, coefficient of 61 64 182 187 200
Comprehension subtest, significance 61 64 71 182 187 200
Confidence interval, score difference 103 106
Consistency 25 60—61 71
Consistency of rankings 55 80—81
Consistency, alpha in dominance 109—110
Consistency, arcsine transformation 110—111
Consistency, assessing 89—94
Consistency, average indexes 95—99
Consistency, calculation examples 65—67 97 194—202
Consistency, crosscultural 182
Consistency, intersubject 130—135 195
Consistency, item 99—100 198—200
Consistency, levels of 95
Consistency, maximum 98
Consistency, measures 95—100
Consistency, overall 92—93
Consistency, persons 61 68—69 182
Consistency, ties ranks vs.raw score 73 75 201
Cook, W.D. 149 213
Coombs, C.H. 38 40 61 85 113 117 122 164 165 166 174 177 213
Coombs, Theory of Data 117
Correlation, average 99
Correlation, Pearson and tau 110
Correlation, rank-order 58 61 94
Countries, compared 175 183—184
Crosscultural, differences 186—188
Crosscultural, item consistency 182—183
Crosscultural, outcomes 188
Crosscultural, unfolding 174—177 179
Crosstabulation 96
CTT see classical test theory
Cuesta, M. 183 216
Cultures, comparing 2 4 61 181—93
Cutoff lines 13
Cutoff table 105
Cutoff, multiple 13
Cutoff, score difference 104—105
Cycles 127
Data, behavioral 58
data, binary 38—41
Data, Coombs's system 38—41 113
Data, dichotomous 57 177. dichotomous
Data, incomplete 143—144
Data, inconsistent 117—118
Data, mental test 41—42
Data, typology of 38—41
David, H.A. 149 213
Davison, J.A. 168 213
de Gruijter, D.N.M. 60 213
Decision methods 12—14
Decision methods, composite score 12—13
Decision methods, considerations in 12
Decision methods, cutoff lines 13
Decision methods, multiple cutoff 13
Decision methods, two or more tests 12
Degrees of freedom 55
Desirability 172—174
Developing countries 113
Dichotomy 38
Dickens, C. 6
Differences in parties 170
| Differences, cultural 186—188
Differences, individual 5
Dimensions, unfolding 165—166
Dion, K. 214
Distribution, binomial 125
Distribution, chi-square 126
Distribution, nonnormal 45
Distribution, skewed 7—8
Dominance 38—41 75 177
Dominance analysis 83—112
Dominance and score difference 84
Dominance diagram 136
Dominance distinction 41
Dominance net 135—136
Dominance, counting 83—84
Dominance, defining 113—116 123—124
Dominance, greater-than sign, > 114
Dominance, oneset 113—116
Dominance, probability of 103
Dominance, reconstructed 136—138
Dominance, relations 83—84
Dominance, significant difference in 104
Dominance, two-set 86
Dominance, universe 107
Dominance, variables and tau 94
Donoghue, J.R. 107 213
Ducamp, A. 88 214
Educational Testing Service 45 56
Embretson, S.E. 2 3 100 214
error score 17
Error, observational 117
Error, random vs.systematic 117
F-ratio, average 110
F-ratio, score difference 106
Factor analysis 100
Falmagne, J.-C. 88 214
Farnsworth, O. 215
Fechner, G.T. 214
France 6
Frederiksen, N. 49 214
Function, psychophysical 4
Gallipeau, D. 213
Generalizability 37 61
Gleser, G.C. 37 60 213
Grader effects 51—52 79
Graduate Record Examination 145
Graph theory 126
Green, B.F. 68 214
Green, P.E. 36 214
Guessing correction 17
Guilford, J.P. 60 124 214
Gulliksen, H. 15 17 115 158 214
Guttman scale 68 80 87 103 145
Guttman, L. 37 68 69 80 82 87 88 89 182
Hambledon, R.K. 186 187 214
Handicapped 6
Harrington, G.M. 4 19 183 214
Hauge, R. 215
Hays, W.L. 164 212
Hershberger, S. 2 214
Ho, S.W. 186 189 192 214
Holland, P.W. 214
Horn, J.L. 213
Hotelling, H. 75 214
Ideal point 177
Implied orders 148—157
Implied orders, approaches 156
Implied orders, efficiency 148
Implied orders, evaluating 157—158
Implied orders, inconsistency in 155—157
Implied orders, simulation 156
Implied orders, steps 154
Inbasket Test 49
Index asymmetry 126
Index reflexiveness 125
India 189—192
Intasuwan, Dr. 194 fn.
Integers, scoring 59
Intelligence, definitions 31—32
Intensity, psychological 4
Intercultural see culture
Interest Inventory see Rothwell — Miller
Internal consistency of rankings 55
Internal consistency, alpha 55 60—61 68 181
Internal consistency, analysis of variance 75
Internal consistency, and average covariance 61
Internal consistency, calculation of 61 68—69
Internal consistency, formula 68
Internal consistency, items 64
Internal consistency, Kiasuism 190
Internal consistency, maximizing 75
Internal consistency, person-item connection 69
Internal consistency, tied ranks 64 181
International Test Commission 24 114 184
International Test Commission, Guidelines 184—186
Intervals, meaning of 58
Intransitivity 127—128
Intrinsic motivation scale 194
IQ 5—9 45 48 82
IQ, alleged constancy 24
IQ, different patterns 77—78
IQ, ordinal nature 9
IQ, verbal 77—78
IRT see item response theory
ITC see International Test Commission
Item response theory 2 3 15 18—22 59 71 101
Item response theory in crosscultural 183
Item response theory in polytomous item 53 70
Item response theory, assumptions 4
Item response theory, conjoint measurement 18
Item response theory, differential discrimination 68—70
Item response theory, fit 20
Item response theory, formulas 19 21 22
Item response theory, guessing in 22
Item response theory, illustrations 20 21
Item response theory, latent trait 102
Item response theory, model fit 3—4 36
Item response theory, Rasch 19—20
Item response theory, savings under 3
Item response theory, three-parameter 52 68 69
Item response theory, violation of independence 22 183
Item-person parallelism 84 88
Items, test, alternatives in 53
Items, test, analysis 3 194
Items, test, analysis of variance 60
Items, test, classification of 43—44
Items, test, consistency 194
Items, test, creative response see free response
Items, test, dichotomous 43—44 46 194
Items, test, difficulty 3
Items, test, evaluating 60—61 99—100
Items, test, free answer, free response 43—44 46—47 49—50
Items, test, individually administered 54
Items, test, integral scores 70
Items, test, multiple choice 43—44 53—54
Items, test, nonmonotonic 58
Items, test, number of 104
Items, test, order on 58
Items, test, polytomous 11 43—44 49—52 71—82 194
Items, test, polytomous types 76—80
Items, test, presentation 54—55
Items, test, pretesting 3
Items, test, properties 3
Items, test, rank-order 44 54
Items, test, self-report 16
Items, test, unrepresentative samples and 3
Jackson, D.N. 172 174 179 214
Japan 189—192
Jeanne, C. 187 214
Jensen, A. 4 23 214
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