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Boyer R. — Modern Experimental Biochemistry |
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of DNA 404 412
of nucleic acids 46 74 77 404 409 410 412
method 45 47 267 275 276
of proteins 44 45 74 77 266 274 275 296
see Michaelis constant
see Isoelectnc point
see Relative mobility
see Deoxynbonucleic acid melting
280—283 297—298 372 392 see
-Lactalbumin, purification and characterization 220 257—277
-Carotene 334—335 337
phage see Deoxynbonucleic acid
-phthalaldehyde 230
2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene (Sanger reagent) 231
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) 290—301
4-N, N-Dimethylamino-azobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate (DABITC) 231 232—233
9-Fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC), capillary electrophoresis 130 131 230—240
9-Fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC), high performance liquid chromatography 230 237
9-Fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC), reaction with ammo acids 230 237 240
Abbreviations, amino acids 229 445
Abbreviations, table of 445 447—448
Absorption see Spectrophotometry Absorption coefficient
Absorption of -lactalbumin 275—276
Absorption of chlorophyll 335—338 348
Absorption of DNA 412
Absorption of dopachrome 296—297
Absorption of NADH 368
Absorption of tyrosinase 152 296
Absorption of tyrosine 145
Absorption of uracil 151
Absorption, calculation of 145
Accuracy see Statistical analysis Acetone
Accuracy , safe handling 311 339
Accuracy in cleaning 10—11
Accuracy in gel chromatography 87
Accuracy in photosynthetic pigment extraction 333—343
Accuracy in protein extraction 263
Acetic acid, MSDS 4 5 7
Acid-base reactions 29—37
Acids, table of 443
Acndine orange 163
Acrylamide see also Polyacrylamide
Acrylamide, electrophoresis polymerization 113—121 272—273 389 391
Acrylamide, safe use 116 133 272 327 392
Activity, enzymatic 40 258 285—287 368—369 372 390 395 431—434
Activity, radioisotopes 175—176
Activity, thermodynamic 32
Adenine 399 401 404
Affinity chromatography of -lactalbumin 264—277
Affinity chromatography of enzymes 99 100 101 106
Affinity chromatography, activated solid supports 100—106
Affinity chromatography, chaotropic agents 105—106
Affinity chromatography, elution 104—106
Affinity chromatography, group specific adsorbents 102—104
Affinity chromatography, immobilized metal ion 103 104 264—265
Affinity chromatography, ligands 99 101—104
Affinity chromatography, principles of 99—106
Affinity chromatography, procedure 104—106 271—272
Affinity chromatography, protein purification 99—106 257—277
Affinity chromatography, purification of -chymotrypsin 106
Agarose gel electrophoresis see also Electrophoresis
Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA fragments 122—126 431—442
Agarose gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNA 122—126 415—429
Agarose gel electrophoresis, principles of 122—126
Agarose gel electrophoresis, procedures 133—138 415—428 431—442
Albumin, binding of phenol red 243—256
Albumin, standard protein 43 44 365
Albumin, transport properties 249—250
Amino acids, abbreviations 229 445
Amino acids, analysis 113 227—242
Amino acids, capillary electrophoresis 131 227—242
Amino acids, chromatography 61 69 76 88 92 228—229
Amino acids, detection of 64 229
Amino acids, DNP derivatives 231
Amino acids, FMOC derivatives 230 237
Amino acids, HPLC analysis 88 92 227—242
Amino acids, isoelectric points 445
Amino acids, nuclear magnetic resonance 164—166
Amino acids, pK values 445
Amino acids, sequence in peptides 227—242
Amino acids, structure 228
Aminomethyl coumann (AMC) 162 163
Amlino-8-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) 162 163
Ammonium persulfate 113 133 268 272
Ammonium sulfate 262—263
Ampholytes 129—130 131
Analysis see also Assay
Analysis by electrophoresis 111—138 257—277 321—331 431—442
Analysis of ammo acids 64 227—242
Analysis of blood 321—331 371—387
Analysis of carbohydrates 64 69 88 94
Analysis of chlorophyll 333—343 348—349
Analysis of dipeptides 227—242
Analysis of DNA 46—48 399—414 431—442
Analysis of glycoproteins 321—331
Analysis of lipids 64 303—319 371—387
Analysis of mitochondria 357—370
Analysis of photosynthetic pigments 333—343
Analysis of plasmids 415—429 431—442
Analysis of serum proteins 321—331
Analysis of triacylglycerols 303—319
Answers to Study Problems 454—465
Antibody 99 104 132 323 324 325 Immunoabsorption Western
Antigen 104 132 323
Ascorbic acid, measurement of 371—387
Ascorbic acid, structure 376
Assay see also Analysis of ascorbic acid
Assay , enzyme 40 279—301 363 391—392
Assay , fixed-time 287—289 394
Assay , kinetic 287—289 391—392
Assay of chlorophyll 335—338 348—349
Assay of cholesterol 371—387
Assay of DNA 46—48 399—414 415—429
Assay of glycoproteins 321—331
Assay of malate dehydrogenase 363 366—367
Assay of monoamine oxidase 363 367
Assay of nucleic acids 46—48 399—414 431—442
Assay of proteins 41—45 227—242 258
Assay of tyrosinase 279—301
Atherosclerosis 373
Atomic masses, table of 451—452
ATP 165 167 346—348 358
Autoradiography 122 135—136 183—184
Average see Statistical analysis Azide
Average, enzyme inhibitor 291
Average, preservative 79 84
Average, safe use 381
Background radiation 183 see also Radioactivity Bacterial cells
Background radiation, DNA isolation 399—414
Background radiation, growth of 423—429
Background radiation, hybrid DNA in 259 415—429
Background radiation, plasmid isolation 425—429
Background radiation, safe handling 409
Background radiation, sources of proteins 258—259
Bactenophage DNA 416
BamHI 433 435 437—442
Bases, pairing in DNA 399 400 405
Bases, table of 443
BCA protein assay 42 44
Bed volume 70 80
Beer — Lambert equation 144—146 157 267 275—276 296—297
Binding see Proteins ligand Deoxynbonucleic
Biochemical buffers in electrophoresis 117—119 433—434
Biochemical buffers, ammo acids 37
Biochemical buffers, Good's 35—37
Biochemical buffers, phosphate 35 261
Biochemical buffers, pK 33 36 444
Biochemical buffers, principles of 32—33
Biochemical buffers, selection of 34—37 261 359
Biochemical buffers, structure 36
| Biochemical buffers, table of 36 433 444
Biochemical buffers, Tris 36 37 261
Biochemical buffers, useful range 34
Biochemical buffers, zwitterionic 35—37
Bioinformatics 211—225
Biological databases 214 215 219 224
Biosensors 39—41
biotechnology 389
Bisbenzimidazole, DNA analysis 46 47
Biuret protein assay 41 42 43 364—365
Blood, cholesterol 371—387
Blood, safe handling 379 381
Blood, serum proteins 321—331
Blotting see also Electrophoresis
Blotting of nucleic acids 136—138
Blotting of proteins 136—138 321—331
Blotting, membranes 136 322
Blotting, Northern 136 329
Blotting, Southern 136 329
Blotting, Western 132 136 321—331
Bookmark 214 224
Bovine plasma gamma globulin 44 45 269 274 275
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) 43 44 243—256 327 365
Bradford protein assay 42 43—44 152—153 267 269 273—274 275
Bromophenol blue 134 268 326 328 437
Browser 213 224
buffers see Biochemical buffers
Calibration curve, Biuret protein assay 43
Calibration curve, Bradford protein assay 45 152 267 273—274 275
Calibration curve, fatty acid methyl esters 315—316
Calibration curve, gel filtration of proteins 86—87
Calibration curve, Lowry protein assay 42 43
Calibration curve, nucleic acid electrophoresis 123 138 421—422 440
Calibration curve, protein electrophoresis 120 138
Calvin cycle 347
Capillary electrophoresis 130—131 228 230 234—242
Carbohydrates 37 64 304 306 321—331
Carboxypeptidases A and B 233 234
Carotenoids 333—343
Caseins 265 323
Cell lysis 259—261 359 402 403 409
Cellulose, chromatography supports 61 62 76 79
Cellulose, electrophoresis supports 113
Centrifugal vacuum concentration 55 237
Centrifugation see also Centrifuges Rotors
Centrifugation, analytical 199 202
Centrifugation, applications 201—206 357—370
Centrifugation, centrifugal force 189—190
Centrifugation, density gradient 205—206
Centrifugation, differential 201—204 258—259 262
Centrifugation, instrumentation 193—201
Centrifugation, isopycnic 205—206
Centrifugation, preparative 199 201
Centrifugation, principles 189—193
Centrifugation, relative centrifugal force 190
Centrifugation, sedimentation equilibrium 204
Centrifugation, vacuum concentration 55
Centrifugation, velocity sedimentation 201
Centrifugation, zonal 205
Centrifuge microfilter 50 51 see
Centrifuges see also Centnfugation Rotors
Centrifuges, analytical 199 202
Centrifuges, care and maintenance 206—207
Centrifuges, high-speed 195—198
Centrifuges, low-speed 193—194
Centrifuges, micro 195—198
Centrifuges, preparative 199 201
Centrifuges, safe use 206—207
Centrifuges, ultra 198—201
Cesium salts 205—206
Chaotropic agents 105—106 see
Chemical Abstracts 218 see
Chemiluminescence 136 324
Chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis 347—348
Chloramphenicol 415 418 419 422 425
Chloroform, safe use 313
Chlorophylls, absorption spectra 336
Chlorophylls, extraction 333—343
Chlorophylls, measurement 336—338 348—349
Chlorophylls, structure 334
Chloroplasts, chlorophyll content 333 348—349 351
Chloroplasts, definition 347
Chloroplasts, preparation of 206 351
Chloroplasts, proton uptake 345—355
Cholesterol, blood analysis 371—387
Cholesterol, esters 373—374
Cholesterol, HDL 373 375 382 384
Cholesterol, LDL 373 375 384
Cholesterol, normal serum levels 376
Cholesterol, structure 304 374
Chromatofocusing 79
Chromatography of -lactalbumin 257—277
Chromatography of ammo acids 61 69 76 88 92 227—242
Chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters 69 308—319
Chromatography of lipids 303—319 333—343
Chromatography of photosynthetic pigments 333—343
Chromatography, value 62 63 240 307 314
Chromatography, adsorption 60—61 305
Chromatography, affinity 99—106 264 271—272
Chromatography, analytical 60
Chromatography, column 70—74 303—319
Chromatography, covalent 103
Chromatography, fast protein liquid 98—99
Chromatography, gas-liquid 65—69 229 303—319
Chromatography, gel-exclusion 79—87 243—256
Chromatography, high performance liquid 87—99 227—242
Chromatography, hydrophobic interaction 103
Chromatography, immobilized metal-ion affinity 103—104 264—277
Chromatography, immunoadsorption 104 321—331
Chromatography, ion-exchange 74—79 228
Chromatography, paper 61—65 227—242
Chromatography, partition 60—61
Chromatography, perfusion 106—107
Chromatography, planar 61—65 227—242 303—319
Chromatography, preparative 60
Chromatography, principles of 59—61
Chromatography, protein purification 70—107 264—265
Chromatography, thin-layer 61—65 227—242 303—319
Chromatography, two-dimensional 64 227—242
Cleaning centrifuge rotors 206—207
Cleaning cuvettes 11
Cleaning laboratory glassware 10—11
Cleaning pipets 18
Cleaning radioactive spills 185—186
Cloning see Recombinant DNA
Column chromatography 70—74 see
Computer browser 213 224
Computer in biochemical research 211—225
Computer server 225
Computer, database directories 214
Computer, domain 213 224
Computer, freeware 213 224
Computer, home page 213 224
Computer, HTML 213 224
Computer, hyperlink 214 225
Computer, hypertext 213 225
Computer, internet 212 225
Computer, Java 225
Computer, modem 213 225
Computer, multimedia 225
Computer, search engine 214 225
Computer, URL 213 225
Computer, web site 213—214 225
Computer, WWW 213 225
Concanavalm A-HRP conjugate 324—331
Concentration, solution 11—13
Contact lenses, safety 7
Coomassie Blue dye 43 44 134 273 321 328
Cooperativity 248
Cuvettes, cleaning 11
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