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Boyer R. — Modern Experimental Biochemistry |
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Nucleic acids, ethidium bromide binding 46—48 123 135 162 399—414
Nucleic acids, isolation from bacteria 399—414 415—429
Nucleic acids, nuclear magnetic resonance 165 167
Nucleic acids, pulsed field gel electrophoresis 126—127
Nucleic acids, purification 206 399—414
Nucleic acids, sequencing 121—122 211 219 420 434
Nucleic acids, spectrophotometric assay 46 404
Nutmeg, lipid extract 303—319
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 4
Osmotic lysis 259
Oxidative phosphorylation 346—348 358
Oxygen electrode 37—39
Paper chromatography see also Chromatography Planar
Paper chromatography, analysis of ammo acids 64 227—242
Paper chromatography, analysis of photosynthetic pigments 333—343 348
Paper chromatography, principles of 61—65
Partition Chromatography see Chromatography
Partition coefficient (KD) 61
pBR322 419 433 435 see
Pellet 194
Peptides, sequence analysis 227—242
Perfusion chromatography 106—107 see
Peroxidase 323—325 374 389—397
Peroxisomes 202 206 359
pH, control with buffers 32—37 261
pH, effect on DNA structure 400—401
pH, effect on enzyme activity 288—289 390 433
pH, measurement of 30—32
Phenazine methosulfate 349 351—353
Phenol red 243—256
Phenol, safe use 392
Phenyhsothiocyanate (Edman reagent) 231—233
Phenylhydantoin 92
Phenylthiohydantoins (PTH) 229 232—233
Phosphotungstate reagent 43 375 382
Photomultipher tube (PMT) 149 176 177 178 182 183
Photophosphorylation 345—348
Photosynthesis 333—335 345—355
Photosynthetic pigments 333—343 345—349
Pipets, automatic 16—18
Pipets, cleaning 18
Pipets, filling 13—18
Pipets, graduated 14—16
Pipets, mechanical 14
Pipets, Pasteur 14
Pipets, safe use 13—18
Pipets, types of 13—17
Planar chromatography 61—65 227—242 305—307 333—343 see Thin-layer
Plasmids as cloning vehicles 259 416—419
Plasmids, cleavage by enzymes 124 416 418 419 431—442
Plasmids, ColEl 419
Plasmids, isolation 415—429
Plasmids, mapping 124—125 431—442
Plasmids, microscale isolation 421—429
Plasmids, pBR322 419 433 435
Plasmids, purification 206 415—429
Plasmids, relaxed replicated 418
Plasmids, stringent replicated 418
Plasmids, ultracentrifugation 206
Polyacrylamide electrophoresis see Electrophoresis
Polyacrylamide, gel-exclusion chromatography 81 82 83
Polyacrylamide, immobilized enzyme 389—397
Polyamines 399 403 406—407 411 412—413
Polyethylene glycol 263
Proteins, affinity chromatography 99—106 264—265
Proteins, ammo terminal analysis 230—233
Proteins, assay 41—45 258 364—365
Proteins, blotting 136—138 321—331
Proteins, capillary electrophoresis 130—131
Proteins, carboxyl terminal analysis 233
Proteins, column chromatography 70—75
Proteins, computer data banks 214—215
Proteins, crystallization 264—265
Proteins, electrophoresis 113—121 130 257—267 321—331
Proteins, gel-exclusion chromatography 79—87 243—256 257—267
Proteins, glyco 321—331
Proteins, high-performance liquid chromatography 87—99
Proteins, hydrolysis 228
Proteins, ion-exchange chromatography 74—79 263—264
Proteins, isoelectric focusing 127—132 258 264
Proteins, ligand interactions 243—256
Proteins, lmmunoelectrophoresis 132 321—331
Proteins, mass spectrometry 167 204
Proteins, microsequencing 230—233
Proteins, molecular weights 204 446
Proteins, nuclear magnetic resonance 165 167
Proteins, primary structure 215 219 221—222 227—242
Proteins, purification 257—277
Proteins, spectrophotometnc assay 42 44—45 152—153
Proteins, stabilization 261—262
Proteins, two-dimensional electrophoresis 130
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) 126—127
Quantum yield (Q) 158—159 161
Quartz cuvettes, cleaning 11
Quartz cuvettes, UV measurements 148—149
Quenching fluorescence 159
Quenching scintillation counting 179—180
Quinoneimine 374—375 391—392
Radioactivity see also Autoradiography
Radioactivity, and particles 172—173 174
Radioactivity, detection 176—184
Radioactivity, disintegration constant 172—173
Radioactivity, gamma rays 172 182
Radioactivity, Geiger — Mueller counting 181—182
Radioactivity, half-life 173
Radioactivity, isotopes 171
Radioactivity, liquid scintillation counting 176—181
Radioactivity, measurement 176—184
Radioactivity, origin and properties 171—176
Radioactivity, safety rules 184—186
Radioactivity, shields for 185
Radioactivity, statistical analysis 20—23 184
Radioactivity, units 175—176
Rayleigh scattering 143
Reagent solutions, concentration 11—13
Reagent solutions, labeling 12
Reagent solutions,preparation and storage 11—13
Recombinant DNA 124 136 259 415—429 431—442 see
Relative mobility 64 240 307 314 341
Report see Laboratory notebook
Restriction endonucleases see also specific names
Restriction endonucleases for PFGE analysis 126—127
Restriction endonucleases, analysis of DNA fragments 124 127 416 431—442
Restriction endonucleases, cleavage of plasmids and viral DNA 124 127 416 419 431—442
| Restriction endonucleases, reactions 416—418 431—434
Restriction endonucleases, units 434
Restriction endonucleases, use of 434—435
Restriction maps 124 420 435
Reverse phase HPLC 94 99 106—107 240
Ribonuclease 404 406 411 412
Ribonucleic acid see also Nucleic acids
Ribonucleic acid in DNA isolation 399—414
Ribonucleic acid, blotting 136—137
Ribonucleic acid, centrifugation 206
Ribonucleic acid, measurement by spectrophotometry 46
Ribosomes 201 206
rotors see also Centrifugation
Rotors, care and maintenance 206—207
Rotors, types of 195—198
S see Sedimentation coefficient
Safety, acrylamide 116 133 272 327 392
Safety, azide 381
Safety, bacterial cells 409 425
Safety, blood 379 381
Safety, centrifuges 206—207
Safety, contact lenses 7
Safety, dansyl chloride 238
Safety, electrophoresis 272 327 427 439
Safety, ethanol 409
Safety, ethidmm bromide 135 410 427 439
Safety, eye protection 7 239
Safety, flammability 311 339
Safety, laboratory disposal 6—7 381
Safety, laboratory equipment 7
Safety, Material Safety Data Sheets 4 5
Safety, phenol 392
Safety, pipetting 13—18
Safety, radioisotopes 184—186
Safety, rules 7—8
Safety, unauthorized experiments 7
Safety, UV light 239 439
Sanger reagent see Dimtrofluorobenzene
Scatchard's equation 247—248 252
Scintillation counting see Liquid scintillation counting
Sedimentation coefficient (S) 193 194 204 205 see
Sephadex see Gel-exclusion chromatography
Serum proteins, immunoanalysis 321—331
Silica gel 62 70 305—306 312—313
Silver staining 121 134 see
Sodium azide 79 84 299 380 381
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) 119—121 267—277 321—331 403 409 see
Solutions see Reagent solutions
Somcator 259 360
Southern blotting 136 329
Specific activity, enzymes 285—287 368 396
Specific activity, radioisotopes 175
Spectrophotometry see also Absorption coefficient; Fluorescence spectrophotometry Mass
Spectrophotometry of photosynthetic pigments 333—343 348—349
Spectrophotometry, applications of fluorescence 161—163 399—414
Spectrophotometry, applications of UV/VIS absorption 150—157 373 391—392
Spectrophotometry, difference 155—156
Spectrophotometry, instrumentation for fluorescence 160—161
Spectrophotometry, instrumentation for UV/VIS absorption 146—150
Spectrophotometry, mass 167—168
Spectrophotometry, measurement of ligand binding 155—156 162 243—256 399—414
Spectrophotometry, measurement of nucleic acids 46 399—414
Spectrophotometry, measurement of proteins 44—45 152—153 266—267
Spectrophotometry, nuclear magnetic resonance 163—167
Spectrophotometry, photodiode array 147 149
Spectrophotometry, principles of fluorescence 157—161
Spectrophotometry, principles of UV/VIS absorption 142—150
Sphingohpids 304 306
Staining 134—136 273 328 see Electrophoresis
Standard deviation see Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis, accuracy 19
Statistical analysis, applications 23—25
Statistical analysis, confidence limits 23—25
Statistical analysis, error 19 21 22
Statistical analysis, mean 20—25
Statistical analysis, precision 19
Statistical analysis, principles of 18—25
Statistical analysis, radioactivity counting 20—23 184
Statistical analysis, standard deviation 20—25
Statistical analysis, t values 23—25 453
Stereochemistry, amino acids 228
Stereochemistry, dopa 280 298
Stereochemistry, tnacylglycerols 306—307
Steroids 304 306 373—374 see
Stroma 347
Submitochondnal particles see Mitochondria
Sucrose 166 205 261 348 359
Supercoiled DNA see Deoxynbonucleic acid
Supernatant 194
Svedberg equation 202—204
t values 23—25 453 see
TaqI 433 435 437 438 see
Thermal denaturation curve 404—405 see
Thin-layer chromatography see also Chromatography; Planar chromatography
Thin-layer chromatography of amino acids 64 227—242
Thin-layer chromatography of dansyl ammo acids 231—242
Thin-layer chromatography of lipids 64 303—319
Thin-layer chromatography of photosynthetic pigments 333—343
Thin-layer chromatography, principles 61—65
Thymine 155 401 404
Topoisomerases 126
Toxic reagents see Safety
Transformation 416
Transition temperature 404—405 see melting
Triacylglycerols, isolation and characterization 303—319
Triacylglycerols, structure 304 306—307
Turbidity 49 50 156—157 163 381
Turnover number 282—283 see kinetics
Turnover number, concentration measurement 152 292 295—296
Turnover number, inhibition 291—301
Turnover number, kinetic analysis 279—301
Turnover number, properties 289—291
Ultracentrifugation see Centnfugation
Ultrafiltration 49—52 264
Units of measurements 449—450
Uracil 151
Vectors 416 417 418—419 433 see
Violaxanthin 334 335 337
Vitamin Ñ see Ascorbic acid
Water, purification 11 261
Western blotting 132 136 321—331
X-ray 142
Xanthophylls 334 335 337
Zwittenons 35—37 118—119 228
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