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Samet H. — The design and analysis of spatial data structures
Samet H. — The design and analysis of spatial data structures

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Название: The design and analysis of spatial data structures

Автор: Samet H.


Spatial data consist of points, lines, rectangles, regions, surfaces, and volumes. The representation of such data is becoming increasingly important in applications in computer graphics, computer vision, database management systems, computer-aided design, solid modeling, robotics, geographic information systems (GIS), image processing, computational geometry, pattern recognition, and other areas. Once an application has been specified, it is common for the spatial data types to be more precise. For example, consider a geographic information system (GIS). In such a case, line data are differentiated on the basis of whether the lines are isolated (e.g., earthquake faults), elements of tree-like structures (e.g., rivers and their tributaries), or elements of networks (e.g., rail and highway systems). Similarly region data are often in the form of polygons that are isolated (e.g., lakes), adjacent (e.g., nations), or nested (e.g., contours). Clearly the variations are large.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Алгоритмы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1990

Количество страниц: 493

Добавлена в каталог: 22.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Cohen, Y.      25 423 457
Cole, A.J.      359 423
Colinear edges      257
Collapsing, CSG tree      344
Collapsing, MX quadtree      90
Collapsing, MX-CIF quadtree      206
Collapsing, PR quadtree      97 246
Collections of small rectangles      153—225
Comer, D.      106 219 277 423
Compaction      157
Comparative search      155
Compatible q-fragments      273
Complete binary tree      166
Complete k-d tree      80 381
Complete MX quadtree      383
Complete point quadtree      53 63
Complete quadtree      13
Complete sector tree      31
Complete solid modeling representation      403
Complete tree      53
Component      2
Component counting      32
Compound section      232
Computational geometry      viii ix 276 286
Computed tomography      320
Computer graphics      vii 315
Computer vision      vii 11 315
Computer-aided design      vii
Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM)      315
cond      412
Cone tree      374—376
Cone tree, rotation      376
Cone tree, scaling      376
Cone tree, set-theoretic operations      376
Cone tree, translation      376
Connected component labeling      2 32 319 334 337
Connolly, C.I.      325 423 457
Constant of a halfspace      340
Constructive solid geometry (CSG)      186 577 317—318 329—330 338—365
Constructive solid geometry (CSG), evaluation by bintree conversion      340—360
Contact point      27 374
Containment query      191
Containment set      7 75
contour      vii 227
Convex      29
Convex polygon      65 67
Cook, B.G.      423
Cook, H.      xi
Cook, R.L.      423
Cooper, C.N.      446
Core      43 45 105 111 136
Corner stitching      795 198
Cottingham, M.S.      423
COUNT      178
Cover      760
Coverage, R-tree      220
Coxeter, H.S.M.      10 423
CQUAD      59
Crack      369
create      412
Creutzburg, E.      423
Cross-hairs      775
Cross-sectional images      320
CROSS_AXIS      210
Crow, F.C.      423
CSG      see “Constructive solid geometry”
CSG classification      339
CSG tree      317 329 338—340 340—341 341—365 403
csgnode      341
Curve intersection, strip tree      230
Curved halfspace      339
Curvilinear data      227—313
Cutlip, M.W.      424
Cutpoint      269
cylinders      330
Cyrus, M.      424
Dadoun, N.      424
DAG—CSG tree      360 360—362 364
Dandamudi, S.P.      101 384 424
Darbari, H.      435
DATA      243
Database Management Systems      vii ix
Davis, E.      424
Davis, L.S.      13 21 367 416 424 428 435
Davis, W.A.      330 424 430
de Coulon, F.      91 424
de Floriani, L.      xii 332 366—367 416 424
De Morgan's laws      341 407
Degree      3
Delaunay triangulation      292 366
Delaunay, B.      366 424
Deletion, $PM_1$ quadtree      246—249
Deletion, $PM_2$ quadtree      260
Deletion, $PM_3$ quadtree      263
Deletion, k-d tree      73—77
Deletion, MX quadtree      89—91
Deletion, MX-CIF quadtree      206—209
Deletion, point quadtree      54—64
Deletion, PR quadtree      97—99
DeMenthon, D.      xii
DeMillo, R.A.      424
Denlinger, J.L.      442
Deo, N.      109 449
Depth      4
DeRose, T.D.      456
Dew, P.M.      424
DeWitt, D.J.      444
DF-expression      10 52 336 338 340—341 343—344 348
Diaz, B.M.      17 20 418
Diebel, H.      461
Diehl, R.      416
Digital searching      44
Digital tree      8
Dijkstra, E.W.      10
Dillencourt, M.B.      xi—xii 377 425 461
Dinstein, I.      425
Dippe, M.      425
Directional code      32
Directory merging, EXCELL      145
Directory merging, grid file      140
Disc      66
Discriminator zone expression (DZE)      101 384
Disk, access      48 117 123 135—136 141 146 196
Disk, memory device      1 43 45 110—111 135
Disk, pages      219
Disk, physical object      337
Divide and conquer      vii
Divided-leaf octal tree      328
Dmax      252
Dobkin, D.      421 425
Doctor, L.J.      425
dodecahedron      23
Dodsworth, J.      424
Dominance merge problem      195
Dominance relation      195
Dorst, L.      425
Double balance, point quadtree      380
Double rotation, balancing a binary tree      72
Down      304
Drafting system      316
Drilling      317
Driscoll, J.R.      176 425
Du, H.C.      427
Du, W.H.      368 454
Dubitzki, T.      425
Duda, R.O.      425
Duff, T.      425 448
Duin, R.P.W.      425
Durst, M.J.      425
Dutton, G.      21—23 367 369 425
Dyer, C.R.      xi 8 10 32 379 425 437
dynamic data      43
Dynamic interference detection      355 355—356
Dynamic programming      377
Dynamically Quantized Pyramid (DQP)      114—115 75 149
Dynamically Quantized Space (DQS)      114 114—115 149
DZE      see “Discriminator zone expression”
Earth's curvature      21
Earthquake faults      vii
Eastman, C.M.      10.332 426
Eastman, R.D.      xii 416
Edahiro, M.      426
Edelman, S.      426
Edelsbrunner, H.      ix—x xii 83—84 158 163 166 175 184 228 276 286—287 293 297 299 391 393 401—402 420 426—427
EDGE      304
Edge node      527
Edge quadtree      255 235—237 239 279 282—283
Edge view      321—322
Edge-based PM quadtree      259
Edge-EXCELL      264—265 328
Edge-EXCELL, grid directory      265
Edge-ordering property      295
Edgelist      243
Egenhofer, M.J.      427
Eight-connected      2
Eisenstat, S.C.      424
Elber, G.      427
Elcock, E.W.      427
Electrical connectedness      157
Electrical connectedness, RR quadtree      217
ellipse      231—232
Elliptic integral      231
Elmes, G.A.      427
else      412
Embedding space      44
Emmer, M.      10 423
Emmerman, P.J.      xi 417
Empty node      567
Enbody, R.J.      427
ENCCW      333
Enclosure query      191
Enclosure set      775
ENCW      333
END      412
Endo, T.      8 10—11 32 336 436
EPCCW      333
EPCW      333
Equator      21 23
Escher staircase      10
Escher, M.C.      10
Esperanca, C.      xii
Esterling, D.M.      427
Estrin, G.      xii
Euclidean distance      15
Euclidean matching problem      750 213
Euler operators      332
Euler's formula      263 294 402
Evaluation in constructive solid geometry (CSG)      318
Evens, M.W.      418
EXCELL      107 112 139 141—147 149 264 328 387
EXCELL, bucket merging      145
EXCELL, directory merging      145
EXCELL, grid directory      141
EXCELL, grid refinement      142
EXHASH      107 141
Expanded MX-CIF quadtree      275 215—217
Expanded MX-CIF quadtree, rectangle intersection problem      215
Extended binary tree      382—383
Extended octree      328
Extendible hashing      112 117 141
Extension parameters      757
Exterior node      55 336
Fabbrini, F.      427
Face adjacency graph      332—333
Face node      327
Face view      321—322
Facsimile      91
Faddeeva, V.N.      383 427
Fagin, R.      107 112 117 139 141 427
Falcidieno, B.      332 367 416 424
Faloutsos, C.      xii 109 222—224 384 427—428 455
Fan, N.P.      428
Faugeras, O.      231 319 367 370 409 428 448
Faverjon, B.      11 428
FCCW      333
FCW      333
Feature detection      13
Feature extraction      13
Fekete, G.      xii 21 367 428
Feynman, R.P.      428
Fibonacci numbers      24 26
FILE      44
Finding nearest neighbors      194
Findpath problem      11
Finite element analysis      11
Finkel, R.A.      8 11 23 31 44 48 52 54 62—63 65 70 380 428—429
Five-dimensional space      45
Fixed-grid method      46 46—48 87 106 149
Flajolet, P.      112 384 428
Flickner, M.D.      425
Floating point arithmetic      16
Foley, J.D.      321 428
Fong, A.C      428
Fontdecaba, J.      329 403 444
Forest      153
Forgash, D.      436
Forrest, A.R.      428
four-connected      2
Four-dimensional space      45 175 187 189—192 196 198 355
Fractional cascading      166 297
Fragment      269 269—275
Fragment quadtree      277
Franco, J.      91 462
Frank, A.      427 428
Franklin, W.R.      47 319 403 428—429
Fredkin, E.      8 44 85 429
Fredman, M.L.      392 429
Freeman, H.      viii 227 312 395 429
Freeston, M.      101
Frieder, G.      417
Friedman, J.H.      ix 31 45—46 70 380 418 429
Fu, K.S.      421 462
Fuchs, H.      25 67 429
Fuhrmann, D.R.      429
Fujimoto, A.      330 429
Fujimura, K.      xii 8 11 20 278 322 324 328 330 429 452—453 463
Fujishiro, I.      438 441
Fukuda, S.      321 445
Full node      5 361
Gannon, J.D.      xii
Gao, P.      429 443
Gap      297
Gap tree      297
Gap tree, point location problem      298—299
Garcia, G.      430
Garey, M.R.      7 15 430
Gargantini, I.      32 100 380 417 421 427 430
Gaston, P.C      231
Gating, H.      141 432
Gaussian distribution      111 268
Gautier, N.K.      430
GBF/DIME (Geographic Base File/Dual Independent Map Encoding)      312
GBT      see “Generalized balanced ternary”
Generalized balanced ternary (GBT)      27
Generalized octree      321
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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