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Loukides M., Oram A. — Programming with GNU software |
Предметный указатель |
logout command 17
Long int datatype 222
Loops 40
LPF (League for Programming Freedom) 14
Machine language and gdb 151
Macros, makefile 174
Make and gcc compiler 91
make utility 167 — 183
Make utility, default compilation rules 175 — 179
Make utility, error messages 181 — 182
Make utility, options for 179 — 180
Make utility, RCS and 181
Makefiles, creating 169 — 179
Makefiles, macros for 174
Makefiles, null 178
Makefiles, system differences among 216
man command 28
manual pages 28
Marking a region (Emacs) 64
Marks in Emacs 64 67
Memory, inspecting with gdb 151
Memory, printing in gdb 136
Memory, storage layout 221 — 222
Menus, Emacs 55
messages, error see Error messages
Messages, gdb startup 131
Messages, of the day 16
Messages, warning (gcc) 91
Meta key in Emacs 61; see also Individual ESC commands
Microsoft Windows NT 11
Minibuffer, Emacs 54
mkdir command 24
Mode bit 221
Modes, Emacs 83
Modification locks on files see RCS
more command 50
moving around see navigating
Multiple buffers, in Emacs 72
Multiple windows in Emacs 73 — 75
Must be a separator... message 169
mv command 23
Names, command aliases 48 — 49
names, of files see Filenames
Names, of gdb variables 149
Names, path see Pathnames
Names, standard registers 153
Names, symbolic, for RCS 194
NaN (not-a-number) (value) 224
Navigating within Emacs 58 — 61
Navigating, gdb call stack 150 — 159
Negative infinity 224
Nested lines in Emacs 58
Nested quotation marks 48
Newsgroups, GNU information via 13
Next command (gdb) 144 — 145
Nexti command (gdb) 151
No such file or directory message 25
Noclobber shell variable 24 47
Not a directory message 25
Not-a-number (NaN) (value) 224
Null makefile 178
Numbers (cont’d) numbers, process IDs 33
Numbers, breakpoint identification 138
Numbers, data representation of 222 — 224
Numbers, display (gdb) 148
Numbers, file generations 193
numbers, floating-point 222 — 224
Numbers, indexed routines 208
Numbers, integers 222
Numbers, job 34
Numbers, RCS revision 186
Numbers, value history 136
Online documentation 28; see also Help resources
Open-access mode (RCS) 192
Operating systems, cross-compilation and 107
Operating systems, source file differences among 215
Optimization, debugging and 130 143
Optimization, gcc and 95 — 96
Optimization, link-order 102
Optimization, program timing 199_210
Options, command 18
Output 30 — 32
Output, as input for new command 32
Output, files from gcc 90
output, redirecting 18 22 24 30
Ownership, file 27
Ownership, software 5
Paging up/down (Emacs) 60
Parallelism of make 180
parent directory 19 21
Parentheses () in Emacs 58
Parentheses () in shell 31
Parsing call graphs 210
passwd program 16
Passwords 16
pasting text 64
PATH environment variable 21 38 44
pathnames 20 — 22
Pathnames, Emacs and 71
Pathnames, for commands 21
pattern rules 175
Patterns, searching for with grep 49
pausing see Suspending
Percent sign (%), %% in Emacs status line 72
Percent sign (%), as shell prompt 17
Percent sign (%), for job numbers 34
Performance, program timing and 199 — 210
period (.) see Dot (.)
Perl language 39
PERMISSIONS 23 26 188;
perror 111
Picture-mode (Emacs) 84
PID (process identification number) 33
Pipes 32 133
Plus (+), in regular expressions 124
Plus (+), job control and 35
Point, Emacs 57
Positive infinity 224
Postponing jobs 36
Preprocessor, C 85 92
Print command (gdb) 135 143
printenv command 44
PRINTER environment variable 46
Printing 135 — 137
Processes, attaching gdb to 164
Processes, controlling 32 — 37
Processes, foreground/background 34
Processes, PID 33
Prof program 200
Profilers 94 201
Programs, assembling 97~98
Programs, breakpoints 137 — 142
Programs, C++ 159 — 160
Programs, compiling 85 — 107
Programs, controlling 32 — 37
Programs, linking 98 — 102
Programs, loops in 40
Programs, optimizing 95 — 96 130 143
Programs, segments of 98
Programs, shell 37 — 43
Programs, timing of 199 — 210
Prompt, login 16
Prompt, shell (% or $) 17
Protection status 23 26
ps command 33
Public domain software 5
pwd command 20
Quality of free software 7
Query-replace command (Emacs) 68
question mark (?) 19 26
| Quit command (gdb) 134
Quiting see Exiting
Quotation marks 40 48
Raise library call 113
ranlib command 99
RCS (Revision Control System) 185 — 198
RCS (Revision Control System), checking in/out files 187 192 194
RCS (Revision Control System), configuring 217
RCS (Revision Control System), file descriptions 196
RCS (Revision Control System), make and 181
RCS (Revision Control System), RCS directory 189
RCS (Revision Control System), retrieving older revisions 194
RCS (Revision Control System), symbolic names 194
Rcs command, -a option 197
Rcs command, -e option 197
Rcs command, -L option 192
Rcs command, -n option 195
Rcs command, -o option 189
Rcs command, -s 194
Rcs command, -s option 190
Rcs command, -t option 196
Rcs command, -U option 192
rcsmerge command (RCS) 186
read permission 27
read-only files 72 188
Read.me file (on CD) 11
Readline package 214
Recalling deleted text (Emacs) 64
Recover-file command (Emacs) 72
Redirecting input/output 18 22 24 30
Redistribution of software 2 5
Registers, gdb and 153
Regular expressions 50 124
rehash command 38
relative pathnames 21
renaming files 23
Replace-string command (Emacs) 68
Replacing text in Emacs 65 — 70 82
Representation 222
Reserve incremental search 68
Resources, Bourne shell 37
Resources, Emacs 54
Resources, gdb quick reference 165
Resources, GNU 13 — 14
Resources, UNIX 15 28
Return command (gdb) 146
Reverse-search command (gdb) 155
Revision Control System see RCS
Revision log 189
Revision trees 186
Right angle bracket (>), >& for redirecting standard error 30
Right angle bracket (>), >> for redirecting output 23
Right angle bracket (>), >>& for redirecting standard error 31
Right angle bracket (>), redirecting output 18 22 30
Rlog command (RCS) 190
rm command 24
rmdir command 24
Root Directory 19
Rpegen command 178
Run command (gdb) 133
Saving files in Emacs 55 70
SCCS (Source Code Control System) 185
Scripts, for configuring 217
Scripts, gdb 158
Scripts, ld linker 101
Sdb debugger 129
Search and replace, grep command for 49
Search and replace, in Emacs 65 — 70
Search and replace, search command (gdb) 155
Search and replace, search directories in linker 100
Search and replace, search directories in make 175
Security, command aliases for 49
Security, free software and 7
security, passwords 16
Security, RCS see RCS
Segments, program 98
Set args command (gdb) 134
set command 47 155
Set environment (gdb) 133
Set history expansion on command (gdb) 163
Set print array command (gdb) 137
Set variable command (gdb) 143
setenv command 44
Shell command (gdb) 159
SHELL environment variable 159
shell variables 40 46
shells 17
Shells, customizing 43 — 49
Shells, Emacs windows for 79 — 80
Shells, gdb and 158; see also gdb debugger
Shells, killing 33
Shells, programs in 37 — 43
Shells, prompt for (% or $) 17
Short int datatype 222
Signal command (gdb) 154
Signal library call 114
Signals 112 153
Signals, basic set 113
Signals, handled in gdb 154
Signals, raise call 113
Signals, system call 113
Silent command (gdb) 148
Single quotes (‘) 40 48
Single-precision numbers 222
Single-step execution 144 — 145
Slash (/), for root directory 19
Software, building from sources 213 — 220
Software, free 4 — 10
Software, obtaining via FTP 12
Software, ownership of 5
software, updating 11
Sort command 50
Source Code Control System (SCCS) 185
source files 155
Spell program 31 51
Spell-buffer mode (Emacs) 84
Stack, in gdb 150 — 159
Standard error 30 — 32
Standard I/O 30 — 32
Standard registers 153
Start-up files 25 49
State, revision 190 194
Status line, Emacs 54
Step command (gdb) 144 — 145
Stepi command (gdb) 151
Stopped (tty input) message 35
stopping see Exiting
Storage layout 221 — 222
Strftime library call 115
Strict-access mode, RCS 192
strip command 51
Strptime library call 115
subdirectories see Directories
Subscripts in C 137
suffix rules 175
Support, technical 7 11
Suppressing warnings (gcc) 92
Suspending, Emacs 56
Suspending, jobs 35
symbols 87
System versus library calls 109
TAB character/key 58 76 162
TAB character/key, in makefiles 169
TAGS file 81
Tags, Emacs 81 — 83
Tags-search command (Emacs) 83
Targets 168 — 169
Targets, default rules for making 175 — 179
Targets, dependency between 170 — 173
Tbreak command 140
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