Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Loukides M., Oram A. — Programming with GNU software |
Предметный указатель |
!(bang) for gdb command history 163
!(bang) in filenames 19
" (double quotes) 48
#(hash mark) in Bourne shell scripts 38
#(hash mark) in makefiles 216
#define directive 87
#ifdef directive 133 214
#ifndef directive 214
#include directive 133
#undef directive 87
$ (dollar sign), * with makefiles 174
$ (dollar sign), @ with makefiles 174
$ (dollar sign), as shell prompt 17
$ (dollar sign), for command-line arguments 39
$ (dollar sign), for gdb convenience variables 155
$ (dollar sign), in makefiles 174
$ (dollar sign), in regular expressions 124
$ (dollar sign), RCS identification strings 190
% (percent sign), %% in Emacs status line 72
% (percent sign), as shell prompt 17
% (percent sign), for job numbers 34
& (ampersand), background processes 34
() (parentheses) in Emacs 58
() (parentheses) in shell 31
*(asterisk), in commands, to represent filenames 26
*(asterisk), in Emacs filenames 70
*(asterisk), on Emacs status line 57
+ (plus), in regular expressions 124
+ (plus), job control and 35
,v file extension 187
- (hyphen) in protection status 27
. (dot), (dot-dot), for parent directory 21
. (dot), filenames that start with 25
. (dot), for working directory 21
.bashrc file 43
.bash_profile file 43
.cshrc file 43
.emacs file 56
.gdbinit file 131 156
.login file 43
.profile file 43
/ (slash), for root directory 19
/**/ (comment markers) 76
// (comment markers) 76
/etc/termcap file 45
< (left angle bracket) redirecting output 31
= (equal sign) 40
> (right angle bracket), >& for redirecting standard error 30
> (right angle bracket), >> for redirecting output 23
> (right angle bracket), >>& for redirecting standard error 31
> (right angle bracket), for redirecting output 18 22 30
? (question mark) 19 26
@(#) marker 191
a.out file 87
Abbrev-mode (Emacs) 84
Abbreviations, command 161 — 164
Access lists 196
Access, RCS and see RCS
Active variables 149 — 150
alias command 48
Aliases 48 — 49 157
ALT key in Emacs 61
Ampersand (&), background processes 34
ANSI C standard 92 109
apropos command 29
ar command 99 102
Archives see Libraries
arguments, command-line 18 39
arrow keys 58
Artificial arrays 136
As assembler 97 — 98
Asctime library call 115
Asterisk (*) at command 36
Asterisk (*) in commands, to represent filenames 26
Asterisk (*) in Emacs filenames 70
Asterisk (*) on Emacs status line 57
Attach command (gdb) 165
Auto-fill mode (Emacs) 76
Auto-save files (Emacs) 72
Automatic compilation see make utility
background processes 34
backslash (\) 48
Backslash (\), in makefiles 170
Backtrace command (gdb) 134
Backups, Emacs and 71
Bang () for gdb command history 163
Bang () in filenames 19
bash (Bourne-Again shell) 17
Batch mode, gdb 131
bg command 35
Bias 222
Biased exponent 222
Big-endian systems 221
Binaries, installing 11
binutils package 214
bison utility 9
Bourne shell 17 31
Braces {} in Emacs 58
Brackets [] in commands, to represent filenames 26
Brackets [] in Emacs 58
Brackets [] in regular expressions 124
Break command (gdb) 138
Break if command (gdb) 139
breakpoints 137 — 142
Breakpoints, attaching commands to 146 — 148
Breakpoints, conditional 139
Breakpoints, temporary 140
Bss segment 98
buffers, Emacs 54 57 72
Bugs in free software 7
building software 213 — 220
Byacc package 9 — 10 214
byte order 221
C and C++ languages, ANSI standardization 109
C and C++ languages, programs in see Programs
C command (gdb) 140
C shell 17
C shell, command history 47
C shell, redirecting standard error 31
C- Emacs commands see Under specific CTRL- command
Call command (gdb) 145
call graphs 200 — 202 204
Call graphs, extensive profiles 207 — 209
Call graphs, flat profiles 205 — 207
Call stack, gdb 150 — 159
Calling functions from gdb 145
Case sensitivity, Emacs search 65
case sensitivity, filenames 19
case sensitivity, passwords 16
Case statement 42
cat command 22
cd command 25 169
CD distribution 2
CHAR datatype 222
Checking in/out files 187 192
Checking in/out files, older revisions 194
chgrp command 27
chmod command 28
Chunks of memory, viewing 136
ci command (RCS) 187 192
Ci command (RCS), -l option 193
Ci command (RCS), -n option 195
Ci command (RCS), -r option 193
Ci command (RCS), -t option 196
Ci command (RCS), -u option 188
Clean command 48
Clear command (gdb) 141
clock 36
cmp command 41 50
| co command (RCS) 187
Code see Programs
Command name comments in Emacs 76
command-line arguments 39
command-line editing 18 79
Command-line editing, wildcards 26
Commands 3 47
Commands, attaching to breakpoints 146 — 148
Commands, completion (gdb) 161 — 164
commands, Emacs see Emacs text editor
commands, gdb 132 — 148
Commands, gdb, abbreviations for 161 — 164
Commands, gdb, editing 163
Commands, gdb, user-defined 157
commands, history 47 133 163
Commands, job control 32 — 37
Commands, makefile abbreviations for 174
Commands, pathnames for 21
commands, Unix 17 — 19
Commands, UNIX, aliases for 48 — 49
Commands, UNIX, editing in Emacs 79
Commands, UNIX, making safe 49; see also Under specific
Comments, revision log 189
commercial software 8
Comparing files against library files 103
Comparing files with cmp command 41 50
Comparing files with diff command 50
Compile command (Emacs) 77
compiling 85 — 107 130
Compiling, C++ programs 159 — 160
Compiling, cross-compilation 103 — 107
Compiling, default rules for make 175 — 179
Compiling, with make see Make utility
Conditional breakpoints 139
conditionals 41
configuration scripts 217
Configure program 217
Constants 87
Continue command (gdb) 140 148
Controlling execution 32 — 37
Convenience variables 155
Copyleft see GPL
Core command (gdb) 131
core dumps 130 149
Cost of free software 6
Cpp (C preprocessor) 85 92
CPU time 34 201
cron utility 37
cross-compilation 103 — 107
Ctime library call 115
CTRL b (Emacs) 58
CTRL f (Emacs) 58
CTRL-@ (Emacs) 64
CTRL-a (Emacs) 58
Ctrl-C 33 153
CTRL-c, CTRL-c CTRL s (gdb) 161
CTRL-c, in Emacs 80
CTRL-c, in gdb 134
Ctrl-D 36 80
CTRL-d in Emacs 58 62
CTRL-e (Emacs) 58
CTRL-f 74
CTRL-g (Emacs) 67
CTRL-h (Emacs) 62
CTRL-j (Emacs) 75
CTRL-k (Emacs) 63
CTRL-p (Emacs) 58
CTRL-r (Emacs) 68
CTRL-s (Emacs) 66
CTRL-SPACE (Emacs) 64
CTRL-u 18
CTRL-u, in Emacs 58 63
CTRL-v (Emacs) 60
CTRL-w (Emacs) 64
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x 4
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x 0 75
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x 1 75
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x 2 73
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x 5 75
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x CTL-q 73
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x CTRL-c 55
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x CTRL-f 72
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x CTRL-r 72
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x CTRL-s 70
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x CTRL-w 71
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x CTRL-x 64
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x d 84
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x o 73
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x u 64
CTRL-x (Emacs), CTRL-x ‘ 78
CTRL-y (Emacs) 64
Ctrl-Z 35 56
CTRL-\ (Emacs) 62
Culture of free software 13 — 14
Curly braces {} in Emacs 58
Current directory 20 — 21
cursor, Emacs 54 57
Customization files 25
Customizing Emacs 56 — 57
Customizing gdb debugger 156 — 158
Customizing shells 43 — 49
Cutting and pasting (Emacs) 64
Cyclic Software 12
Cygnus Support, Inc. 9 211
Data representations 221 — 224
Data segment 98
date command 17
Debugging 129 — 166
Debugging, gcc options for 94 — 95
Debugging, makefile and 172
Debugging, optimizing and 130 143
Default make compilation rules 175 — 179
Defining symbols 87
delete command (gdb) 141
Delete key 18 62
Deleting breakpoints and watchpoints 141
deleting files 24 103
Deleting text in Emacs 62 — 65
Dependency, target 168 170
diff command 50
Diffutils package 214
Directives, command 18
directories 19 — 22 24
Directories, cd command 25
directories, permissions 27
Directories, pwd command 20
Directories, RCS 189
Directories, search, linker 100
Directories, search, makefile 175
Directory command (gdb) 156
Directory not empty message 25
Dired-mode (Emacs) 84
Disable command (gdb) 142
Disabling breakpoints 142
DisablingEmacs customization 56 — 57
Disassemble command (gdb) 151
Display command (gdb) 148
DISPLAY environment variable 45
Distribution of software 2 5 8
Do loops 41
Documentation info files 30
Documentation, manual pages 28
Dollar sign ( * with makefiles 174
Dollar sign ( @ with makefiles 174
Dollar sign ($), as shell prompt 17
Dollar sign ($), for command-line arguments 39
Dollar sign ($), for gdb convenience variables 155
Dollar sign ($), in makefiles 174
Dollar sign ($), in regular expressions 124
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