Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Loukides M., Oram A. — Programming with GNU software |
Предметный указатель |
Dollar sign ($), RCS identification strings 190
Dot (.), dot-dot (..), for parent directory 21
Dot (.), filenames that start with 25
Dot (.), for working directory 21
double datatype 223
double quotes (") 48
Double-precision numbers 223
Down command (gdb) 150
dynamic arrays 136
echo command 22
Editing commands in gdb 163
Editing commands on command line 18 26 79
EDITOR environment variable 46
Editors, text 46
Editors, text, Emacs 53 — 84
Editors, text, TECO 53
else statement see if statements
Emacs text editor 53 — 84
Emacs text editor, C mode 57
Emacs text editor, commands for see specific ESC or CTRL- commands
Emacs text editor, customization 54 56
Emacs text editor, formatting text in 75
Emacs text editor, gdb interface 160
Emacs text editor, managing files 70 — 73
Emacs text editor, manual pages 30
Emacs text editor, menus 55
Emacs text editor, modes of 83
Emacs text editor, multiple windows 73 — 75
Emacs text editor, on X Window System 55
Emacs text editor, repeating commands 58
Emacs text editor, shell mode 79
Emacs text editor, tags 81 — 83
Embedded quotation marks 48
Enable command (gdb) 142
Environment variables 43 — 46
equal sign (=) 40
errno variable 111 224
Error messages, Directory not empty 25
Error messages, Failing I-search (in Emacs) 67
Error messages, from make utility 181 — 182
Error messages, gcc warning messages 91
Error messages, Must be a separator on line... 169
Error messages, No such file or directory 25
Error messages, Not a directory 25
Error messages, redirecting 30
Error messages, Stopped (tty input) 35
Error messages, Undefined symbol 99
Errors 110 — 115
Errors, floating-point representation 224
Errors, standard 30 — 32
ESC % (Emacs) 68
ESC , (Emacs) 83
ESC . (Emacs) 81
ESC ; (Emacs) 76
ESC < (Emacs) 60
ESC > (Emacs) 60
ESC a (Emacs) 58 61
ESC b (Emacs) 58
ESC CTRL-a (Emacs) 61
ESC CTRL-e (Emacs) 61
ESC CTRL-h (Emacs) 64
ESC d (Emacs) 63
ESC DEL (Emacs) 63
ESC e (Emacs) 58 61
ESC f (Emacs) 58
ESC v (Emacs) 60
ESC w (Emacs) 64
ESC x (Emacs) 72
ESC x (Emacs), compile 77
ESC x (Emacs), gdb (Emacs) 160
ESC x (Emacs), spell-buffer 84
ESC x (Emacs), tags-search 83
ESC x (Emacs), visit-tags-table 82
etags command 81
Exclamation point () see Bang
EXECUTE permission 27
Executing programs (gdb) 133
execution time 199 — 210
exit function 41
Exit status code 110 134
Exiting Emacs 55
Exiting gdb debugger 134
Exiting Programs 33 — 34
extensions, filename 19
Extensive profiles 207 — 209
Failing I-search message (Emacs) 67
fg command 34
filenames 19 21
filenames, extensions 19
Filenames, starting with . 25
Filenames, wildcards for 26
Files 19
Files, comparing against library files 103
Files, comparing with cmp command 41 50
Files, comparing with diff command 50
files, deleting 24
Files, descriptions, RCS 196
Files, Emacs and 70 — 73
Files, extracting from library 103
Files, gcc and 89 — 90
Files, generations of 193
Files, identification strings in 190
Files, include 88
Files, listing in gdb 132
Files, making executable 37
files, ownership of 27
files, permissions 23 26
files, read-only 72 188
Files, recovering auto-saved (Emacs) 72
Files, redirecting to/from 18 22 24 30
files, renaming 23
Files, revisions of see RCS
Files, saving in Emacs 55
Files, searching with grep 49
Filesystem, UNIX 19 — 28
Filters 32
Find-file-other-window command (Emacs) 74
Finish command (gdb) 146
Flags, command 18
Flat call graph profiles 202 205
Flex package 10 214
float datatype 223
floating-point numbers 222 — 224
for loops 40
foreground processes 34
Formatting text in Emacs window 75
frames 75
Free software 4 — 10
Free Software Foundation (FSF) 5 — 6 13
Free software, CD distribution of 2
Free software, culture of 13 — 14
Freely distributable software 5
FTP, obtaining software via 12
Functions, calling from gdb 145
g++ compiler 159 — 160
gcc (GNU C Compiler) 8 85 211
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -alh option 96
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -ansi option 92
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -C option 93
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -D option 87
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -DDEBUG option 172
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -E option 90 93
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -ffast-math option 95
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -finline-functions option 95
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -fno-inline option 95
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -funroll-loops option 96
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -g option 94 96 130 169
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -gcoff option 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -gdwarf option 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -gstabs option 94
| Gcc (GNU C compiler), -gxcoff option 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -I option 88
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -L option 88 96
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -lm option 88
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -M option 93
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -nostartfiles option 93
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -nostdlib option 93
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -O option 95 130 169
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -O0, -Ol, -O2 options 95
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -p option 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -pedantic option 92
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -pg option 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -S option 90
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -shared option 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -static option 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -traditional option 92
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -U option 87
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -v option 91
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -w option 92
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -W1 option 96
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -Wa option 96
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -Wall option 92
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -Werror option 92
Gcc (GNU C compiler), -Wtraditional option 92
Gcc (GNU C compiler), assembler 97 — 98
Gcc (GNU C compiler), file handling 89
Gcc (GNU C compiler), libraries and 88 93
Gcc (GNU C compiler), make and 91
Gcc (GNU C compiler), profilers and debuggers with 94
Gcc (GNU C compiler), warning messages 91
gdb debugger 129 — 166 216
Gdb debugger, -batch option 131
Gdb debugger, -d option 131 155
Gdb debugger, -help option 131
Gdb debugger, -nx option 131
Gdb debugger, -q option 131
Gdb debugger, -x option 131
Gdb debugger, => mark 16l
Gdb debugger, attaching to processes 164
Gdb debugger, breakpoints 137 — 142
Gdb debugger, calling function 145
Gdb debugger, customizing 156 — 158
Gdb debugger, Emacs interface 160
Gdb debugger, machine language facilities 151
Gdb debugger, navigating the call stack 150 — 159
Gdb debugger, output formats 152
Gdb debugger, printing data 135 — 137
Gdb debugger, quick reference for 165
Gdb debugger, working with source files 155
General Public License see GPL
Generations, file 193
Gmon.out file 202
Gmtime library call 115
GNU project, x 9
GPL (General Public License) 5 225 — 232
Gprof program 200 — 210
Gprof program, options for 203 — 204
graphical interfaces 2
Graphics and Emacs’s Picture-mode 84
Greater than see Right angle bracket
Greenwich Mean Time 18
grep command 49
groups 27
Handle command (gdb) 153
Hard drive, copying to 11
Hardware, data representations 221 — 224
Hash mark (#) in Bourne shell scripts 38
Hash mark (#) in makefiles 216
help 28
Help, Cygnus Support 211
Help, gdb debugger 131
Help, in Emacs 62
Help, UNIX manual pages 28; see also Resources
hidden files 25
history, command 47 163
History, command, gdb and 133
History, value (gdb) 136
HISTSIZE shell variable 47
home directory 21
hooks 77 157
Horizontal window split (Emacs) 75
HURD operating system, x hyphen (-) in protection status 27
Id linker 86 98
Id linker, -b option 101
Id linker, -e option 100
Id linker, -l option 100
Id linker, -M option 100
Id linker, -n option 100
Id linker, -o option 100
Id linker, -oformat option 101
Id linker, -r option 100
Id linker, -s option 100
Id linker, -x option 100
Id linker, scripts 101
Ident command 191
Identification strings, RCS 190
IEEE 754
IF statements 191
Ignoreebf shell variable 47
Imake program 217
Inactive variables 149 — 150
include files 88
Incremental search 65
Indentation in Emacs 75
Index, gprof 204 208
Inf and -Inf (values) 224
Info breakpoints command (gdb) 141
Info display command (gdb) 148
Info files 30
Info line command (gdb) 151
Info registers command (gdb) 153
Input 30 — 32
Input, sorting 50
installing binaries 11
Integer representation 222
Integration 3
Is command 18 23
Job control 32 — 37
Job control, job numbers 34
jobs command 34
K&R style 57
key bindings 3
KILL command 33 35 113
Layout, data storage 221 — 222
League for Programming Freedom (LPF) 14
Left angle bracket (<), redirecting input 31
Less than see left angle bracket
LGPL (Limited GPL) 6 9
Libg++ 214
Libraries 8
Libraries, creating 102
Libraries, for cross-compilation 107
Libraries, linking with 88 — 89 93
Libraries, versus system call 109
license 5 225
Link editor see Id linker
Link-order optimization 102
Linking programs 98 — 102
Linking with libraries 88 — 89 93
Lisp-interaction-mode (Emacs) 84
Lisp-mode (Emacs) 84
List command (gdb) 132
Little-endian systems 221
Load map 100 102
Localtime library call 115
Locking file revisions see RCS
Log message, RCS 187
Log, revision 189
Logging in/out 16 — 17
Login prompt 16
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