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Ballard D.H., Brown C.M. — Computer vision
Ballard D.H., Brown C.M. — Computer vision

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Название: Computer vision

Авторы: Ballard D.H., Brown C.M.


The book is organized into four parts, based on descriptions of objects at four different levels of abstraction.
1. Generalized images—images and image-likeentities.
2. Segmented images—images organized into subimagcs that are likely to
correspond to "interesting objects."
3. Geometric structures—quantitative models of imageand world structures.
4. Relational structures—complex symbolic descriptions of image and world

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Обработка изображений/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1982

Количество страниц: 523

Добавлена в каталог: 09.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Parametric, clustering      183
Parametric, edge models      80—81
Parametric, line representation      476
Parseval-* theorem      256
Partial, knowledge in location networks      339
Partial, matches      360—362
Partition, feature space in pattern recognition      181
Partition, Fourier space      185
Partition, semantic nets      331 391
Partition, space      150
Pattern, matching data base      (see Data base)
Pattern, matching in production systems      399—400
Pattern, recognition      2 181—184
Pattern, texture      166
Pattern-directed invocation      321 504
Performance, edge operators      77 83—84
Periodic, correlation      67
Periodic, function      237
Perspective      (see Projection)
photography      44—45
Photometric stereo vision      98
Picture element (pixel)      36
Piecewise polynomial      240
Plane, curves and regions      231
Plane, cutting in linear programming      428
Plane, representation      476
Plane, transformation      480
PLANNER      322
Planning      314—319 347 43
Point at infinity      20
Point, membership      246
Point, projection      (see Projection perspective)
Point, spread function      28
Polar and polar spaoe coordinate systems      465
Polygon, area calculation      235
Polygon, images for motion      220—222
Polyhedra      291
polylines      232—235
Pre- and postconditions in plans      441
Predicate logic      383—395
Predicate logic, clauses and semantic nets      390—392
Predicate logic, decidability      388
Predicate logic, extensions      (see Extended inference)
Predicate logic, inference      315
Predicate logic, knowledge representation      392—395
Predicate logic, proof      388
Predicate logic, regions      294
Predicate logic, strengths and weaknesses      393—394
Predicate logic, syntax and semantics      384—387
Predicate logic, truth table      386
Predicates in location networks      336
Primitive, solids in volume representation      290 282
Primitive, volumes for line drawing undemanding      293
Principal axes for fitting data      473 486
Principal axes of inertia of region      255
Procedural embedding of knowledge      321 322 406 430—434 knowledge)
Processing, image      17
Product of inertia of solid      286
Production systems      315 383 396—408
Production systems, example      401—406
Production systems, rule matching      399
Production systems, strengths and weaknesses      406—408
Projection, inverse perspective      481—484
Projection, orthographic      20 212
Projection, perspective      19—20 214 479
Proof of logic      388—390
Propagation of constraints      (see Constraint)
Property inheritance      (see Inheritance of properties in knowledge representation)
Propositional model      (see Representation)
Prototype situations      334
Pruning for backtracking improvement      364
Pseudo-inverse for fitting      485 487
Pyramid      15 (see also Quad tree Strip
Pyramid, area      251
Pyramid, edge detection      109
Pyramid, generation      250
Pyramid, grammars      179
Pyramid, multi-resolution      65 106 249 281
Pyramid, Quad tree      249—252
Pyramid, Quantifier, logical      385
Pyramid, thresholding      155
Radiance and gray levels      22—23
Radiograph understanding      321 344—346 502—504
Range image      (see Image)
Ray casting      280
Reciprocity failure of film      44
Reconstruction, two-dimensional image      56—59
Recursive procedure      244 498
Reflectance      93—95
Reflectance, calculation      73—75
Reflectance, functions, common      23 94
Reflectance, map      96—98
Reflectance, models      22—24
Region      149—150 231
Region by boundary      232—247
Region, data structures for      158
Region, decompositions      253
Region, finding, by thresholding      152—155
Region, finding, local techniques      151
Region, growing and heuristic search      157
Region, growing and semantics      160—164
Region, homogeneous, ISO partition      150
Region, medial axis transform      252
Region, non-boundary      247—254
Region, properties      254—261 376—377
Region, quad trees      249
Region, representation      232—254
Region, spatial occupancy array      247
Region, splitting and merging      155—160
Region, y-axis      248
Regular, sets and set operators      231 282—283
Regular, tesselation      170
Relational as linear programming      420—430
Relational for optic fiow      208
Relational, algorithms, convergence properties      414
Relational, asynchronous      412
Relational, convergence      414
Relational, edge operators      85—88
Relational, functions and dynamic programming      142
Relational, labelling      408—430
Relational, line labeling      416—421 428
Relational, linear and non-linear operator example      415—420
Relational, models      9 314 317
Relational, optical Row      103
Relational, semantic nets      325 330 408
Relational, serial and parallel iterative      412
Relational, shape from shading      99—102
Relational, stereo      89
Relational, structures and matching      353 355 365—372
Relaxation      64 (see also Constraint)
Representation, actions in symbolic planning      441
Representation, analogical and propositional      9 314 319—322
Representation, conversion      289
Representation, knowledge      317—347 (see Knowledge)
Representation, matching      352—355
Representation, predicate logic      392—395
Representation, range of      6—9
Representation, solids      264
Representation, world in symbolic planning      439
Resolution, exture      169
Resolution, gray levels      35
Resolution, multiple in thresholding      155
Resolution, pyramids      15 106—110
Resolution, rule of inferenoe      389
Resolution, spatial      36—37
Resolution, theorem proving      388—390
Response, human spectral      31
Rewriting rule      (see Rule Grammar Production
Rib-finding      321 502—504
Rigidity assumption in motion understanding      210
Root finding      493
Rotation rigid transformation      477
Rotational sweep      274
Rule-based systems      397 (see also Production systems)
Rule-based systems for texture generation      172—181
Rule-based systems, inference      388
Rule-based systems, production system      398
Rule-based systems, rewriting      172 383 398
Sampling, image      18 35
Sampling, tesselation      35
Sampling, theorem      39
Scaling matrix      478
Scanner, digitizing      45
Scene, irradiance      73
Scene, labeling      408—430
Scope of quantifier      385
Scoring plans      445—459
Search graph, and region growing      157
Search heuristic and variations      132—136
Search tree, for labeling      412
Search, backtrack      363—365 372—375
Search, depth-first      412
Segmentation      7 116
Semantic nets      315—317 323—340 390 396
Semantic nets, arcs      324
Semantic nets, conversion with other representations      332
Semantic nets, examples      334
Semantic nets, indexing property      324
Semantic nets, inference      327
Semantic nets, node      324 328
Semantic nets, partitions      331
Semantic nets, predicate logic      390—392
Semantic nets, relations in      325 330
Semantic nets, semantics and partitions      331
Semantics of images and region growing      160—164
Semantics of logic      385
Semi-decidability of logic      388
Semi-decidability of logic, regular tesselation      171
Sentence of logic      384
Serial, computation      341
Serial, relaxation      412
Set, membership classification      284
Set, operations in location networks      336
Set, operations in three dimensions      284
Shadow line label      296
SHAPE      228 (see oho Three dimensional)
Shape from shading      65 93 99—102
Shape from texture      189—193
Shape, grammar      173—174
Shape, properties of region      254—261 376—377
Shape, recognition      228—229
Shift theorem      30
Short-term memory      400
Signature of region      257
Silhouette detection. Hough algorithm      128—131
Similarity, analysis in motion      221
Similarity, tree for regions      261
Simplex algorithm      423
Simulation with knowledge representation      320
Skeleton      (see Medial axis transform)
Skew, symmetry      306
Skew, transformation      479
Skilled vision      347
Skolem function      387
Slope density function of boundary      256
Slots in frames      334
Smoothing image      (see Consolidation)
Spaces, color      (see Color)
Spatial, representations      (see Three dimensional)
Spatial, resolution      36 37
Spectral response, human eye      31
Specular reflectivity      23 (see also Reflectance functions common)
Spherical, coordinate system      270 466
Spherical, function      270
Spherical, harmonic surfaces      271—274 355
Spherical, trigonometry      469
Spherical, volume representation      279
Splines      (see B-spline)
Splitting, curve segmentation      233—234
Splitting, regions      155—160
Statistical, pattern recognition      2 181—184
Statistical, texture model      168
Stereo vision      20—22
Stochastic grammars      172 (see also Grammar)
Streaks and strokes      134
Strip trees      244—247
STRIPS      396
Structural, matching      3
Structural, models of texture      170—181
Structured light      52—54
Subgoals      343 438 5
Subgraph Isomorphism      357—359 375
Supposition value in relaxation      415 419
Surface from volume calculation      288—291
Surface, direction-magnitude set      270
Surface, functions on Gaussian sphere      270
Surface, geometry and line-drawings      301—307
Surface, orientation calculation      64 93—102 189—193 202-206
Surface, patches      269
Surface, representations      265—274
Surface, set of faces      265
Surface, spherical harmonic      271—274
Sweep representations of solids      274—280 (see also Three dimensional)
Syllogistic inference      321
Symbolic planning      (see Planning)
Symmetry, skew      306
Synchronization      341
T vertices      294
Tables, dynamic programming      137—139
Tangent to space curve      276
Television cameras      46—52
Template and Springs for matching      360—362
Template, matching      65
Term in logic      384
Tesselation, geodesic      492
Tesselation, regular and semiregular for texture      170—172
Tesselation, sampling      35
Texture      166—168 404
Texture, correlation      187
Texture, element (texel)      166 169 188
Texture, element placement tesselations      170—172
Texture, energy, frequency and spatial domain      184—185
Texture, features      187—188
Texture, gradient and surface orientation      168 189—193
Texture, grammars      172—181
Texture, homogeneity      188
Texture, pattern recognition      181—184
Texture, resolution issues      169
Texture, shape and vanishing point from      189—193
Texture, statistical and structural models      168 170—181
Theorem proving by resolution      388—390 (see also Predicate logic)
Theorem, convolution      25
Theorem, divergence      288
Theorem, Parseval's      26 256
Theorem, sampling      39
Theorem, shift      30
Thinning algorithms      253 (see also Medial axis transform)
Three dimensional, contour following in      146
Three dimensional, decomposition      287
Three dimensional, edge operators      81—83
Three dimensional, image      88—93
Three dimensional, model      320
Three dimensional, objects, several representation      264 274—283
Three dimensional, primitives for line drawing understanding      293
Three dimensional, shapes      228
Three dimensional, structure from image sequence      210—214
Three dimensional, volume algorithms      284
Threshold for region finding      152—155
Threshold, determination from histogram      152
Threshold, multi-dimensional space      153
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