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Ballard D.H., Brown C.M. — Computer vision |
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A Algorithm 132
A priori probabilities in plan scoring 449
Abstraction in knowledge representation 320
Acting and planning cycle 315 347
Action, frame problem 444
Action, plans 441 446
Active, imaging 14
Active, knowledge 384 430—434
Algorithm, A 132
Algorithm, boundary evaluation for solids 288—291
Algorithm, correlation by binary search 108
Algorithm, directed graph isomorphism by backtrack search 364
Algorithm, discrete labeling 410—492
Algorithm, edge detection by dynamic programming 140
Algorithm, edge detection, hierarchical 109
Algorithm, edge relaxation 85
Algorithm, ellipse detection with Hough algorithm 127
Algorithm, fast Fourier transform 490—492
Algorithm, generalized Hough algorithm 129
Algorithm, heuristic search 132
Algorithm, line detection with Hough algorithm 123
Algorithm, mass properties of solids 285—286
Algorithm, medial axis transformation 252
Algorithm, multiframc optical flow calculation 105
Algorithm, nondeterministic for graphs 359
Algorithm, optical Row by relaxation 104
Algorithm, piecewise linear curve segmentation 234
Algorithm, quad tree generation 250
Algorithm, region boundary melting 159
Algorithm, region growing by blob coloring 151
Algorithm, region growing, semantic 162
Algorithm, region merging with adjacency graph 160
Algorithm, region splitting and merging 157
Algorithm, region splitting, recursive 153
Algorithm, set membership classification 284
Algorithm, shape from shading 100
Algorithm, shape number calculation 260
Algorithm, solid to surface representation conversion 290
Algorithm, stereopsis 91
Algorithm, strip tree curve-region intersection 247
Algorithm, strip tree generation 244
Algorithm, strip tree intersection 245
Algorithm, tumor detection 34
Aliasing 41
Ambiguity in grammars 172
Analogical models (see Knowledge representation analogical
And-or trees as plans 453—459
Aperiodic correlation 67
Applications of computer vision 12
Arcs in semantic nets 324
Area in location networks 336
Area, chain code 235—236
Area, cross section of generalized cone 278
Area, polygon 235
Area, quad trees 251
Area, region 254
Array grammar 178—181
Association graph 358 365—369
Associative recall 334
Asynchronous relaxation 412
Atomic formula in logic 384
Attention, control of 340
Automated inference systems 396
B-spline 239—243
Background subtraction, low-pass filtering 72
Background subtraction, spline surface 72
Backtrack search 363—365 372—375
Backtrack search, automatic 499
Backtrack search, variations and improvements 364—365
Backward chaining 342 399
Bandlimited signal 41
Basis for color space 33—35
Bayesian decisions and region growing 162
Bayes’ rule 449 (see also Decision ttieory
Belief maintenance 319 346
Bending energy of curve 256
Binary search correlation 108
Binary tree 244
Binocular imaging 20—22 (see also Stereo vision)
Binormal of space curve 276
BlackBoard 505
Blob finding 143—146 151
Block stacking 322 438—443
Blocks world, structure matching 370—372
Blocks world, vision 291
Bottom-up (see Control Inference)
Boundary 75 265
Boundary as graph 131
Boundary in binary images 143
Boundary, conditions for B-splines 241
Boundary, detection 119—148
Boundary, divide and conquer 122
Boundary, dynamic programming 137—143
Boundary, evaluation 288—291
Boundary, Hough algorithm 123—131
Boundary, representations 232—247 265—274
Branch and bound search for boundaries 136
Branch and bound search, backtracking improvement 364
Breakpoints in linear segmentation 232
Calculus, predicate (see Predicate logic)
Camera model and calibration 481—484
Cartesian coordinate system 465
CAT imagery 1 56—59
Cell decomposition volume representation 281
Centroid of volume 285
Chain code 235 237 256 258
Chain code, area calculation 236
Chain code, derivative 236
Chain code, merging 236
Chain code, normalized 236
Chamfer matching 354
Charge transfer devices 49
Chessboard metric 39
Chest radiograph understanding 321 344—346
Chromaticity diagram 37
Chunks of knowledge 334
Circular arcs 237
City block metric 38
Classification in pattern recognition 181—184
Classification set membership 284
Classification tree for regions 163
Clause form of predicate logic 384
Clique, and use in matching 358 366—369 375
Closed curves 246
Closure operator for sets 282
Clustering, motion detection 217
Clustering, parametric and non-parametric for pattern recognition 181—183
Co-routining 498 (see also Control)
Coherence of knowledge representation 320
Coherence rule for line-drawing interpretation 297
Collision detection with optic flow 201
COLOR 31—35
Color, bases 33—34
Color-space histograms 153—155
Comb, dirac 19 40
Combining operators for volumes 282
Compactness of region 256
Completeness of inference system 389
Complexity of graph algorithms 359
Component, r-connected 369 380
Computer as research tool 9
Concave line label 296
Concavity tree of region 258
Cone, generalized (see Generalized cone)
Confidence, planning 415 (see also Supposition value in relaxation)
Confidence, region growing 164
conic 239 488—489
Conjunctive normal form for logic 388
Connect line label 303
Connected, component of graph 369 380
| Connected, region 150 255
Connectives of logic 385
Connectivity, difference 375
Connectivity, image 36
Connectivity, matching 372—375
Consolidation 102 (see also Pyramid)
Constraint as inequality in linear programming 423 (see also Relaxation)
Constraint, inconsistency 427 (see also Relaxation)
Constraint, labeling 408—410 (see also Relaxation)
Constraint, n-ary 410 (see also Relaxation)
Constraint, propagation 299 413—415
Constraint, relaxation 408—430 (see also Relaxation)
Constraint, satisfaction for belief maintenance 347 (see also Relaxation)
Constraint, semantic, on region-growing 160—164 (see also Relaxation)
Constructive solid geometry volume representation 282 (see also Relaxation)
Context, data base 440
Context, switching 500
Continuity of knowledge representation 320
Contour, following 143—146
Contour, occluding 101
Contrast enhancement 71
Control 315 340—350 497—502
Control in knowledge representations 317
Control, bottom-up or data-driven 341 344—346
Control, hierarchical and heterarchical 341—346
Control, message passing 501
Control, mixed top-down and bottom-up 344—346
Control, structures, standard and nonstandard 497—500
Control, top-down 342 343—346
Convergence of relaxation algorithms 414 418
Conversions, logic to semantic nets 332
Convex, decomposition of region 253
Convex, line label 296
Convex, region 258
Convolution 25 68
Convolution, theorem 30
Cooperative algorithms 408—430
Coordinate systems, definitions and conversions 465—468
Correctness of inference system 389
Correlation 25 30 66—70
Correlation, binary search 108
Correlation, coefficient 419
Correlation, metrics 362
Correlation, non-linear for edge linking 121
Correlation, normalized 68—70
Correlation, periodic and aperiodic 67
Correlation, texture 187
Correspondence problem 89
Cost in plans 445—459
Cost of planning 452
Crack edges 78
Curvature in evaluation function 133
Curvature, boundary 256
Curvature, space curve 276
Curve 231
Curve detection, Hough algorithm 126
Curve, fitting 487
Curve, intersection 247
Curve, segmentation techniques 233—234
Cutting planes in linear programming 428
Cylinder, generalized 274—280
Cylindrical coordinate system 466
Data, base 398 431 440
Data, fitting 239 484—488
Data, nodes in location networks 336 338
Data, structure for boundaries 158
Data-driven control 341—346
Decision, theory and planning 446—453
Decision, trees for matching 370—377
Decomposition, region 253
Decomposition, solid 287
Default values in knowledge representations 330 334—335
Delete list 440
Delta function 18—19 40
Demon 412 429 505
DeMorgan's laws 387
Densitometer 46
Density of image 44 74
Dependence, gray-level 186—188
Depth from optic flow 201
Depth-first search and variations 136 363—365 372 412
Determinant 473
Difference measurement in motion 221
Digital images 35—42
Digitizers, image 45
Dirac comb 19 40
Direction-magnitude sets 270
Discrete, images 35—42
Discrete, knowledge representation 320
Discrete, labeling algorithms 410—415
Disparity 21 89 208
Dispersion of knowledge representation 320
Distance image (see Image range)
Distance on discrete raster 36
Distortion, perspective (see Projection perspective)
Divergence theorem for mass properties 288
Divide and conquer, algorithms for CSG. 285
Divide and conquer, method for boundary detection 122
Domain-dependent and -independent motion understanding 196—199 214—219
Drum scanner 46
Dual graph 159
Dynamic programming and search 137—143
Early processlag 63—65
Eccentricity of region 255
Edge, detection from optic flow 202—206
Edge, detection in binary images 143—146
Edge, detection in pyramids 109
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 473 486—487
Element, texture 166
Elongation of region 255
Enclosing surface 265
Energy, texture 187
Engineering, drawings 291
Engineering, knowledge 407
Entropy, texture 187
ERTS imagery 46
Euclidean metric 38
Euler number of region 255 266
Evaluation, function for heuristic search 133
Evaluation, mechanism in semantic networks 337
Existential quantifiers 38
Extended inference 315 319 322 383 395—396
Extensional concepts in knowledge representation 328
Faces 271
Faces for surface representation 265 271
Feature, classification and matching 376—378
Feature, texture 184—186
Feature, vectors and space 181
Field, television 46
Figure-ground distinction 4
Filtering 25 64—75
First order predicate logic (see Predicate logic)
Fitting data (see Data fitting)
Flat-bed scanner 46
Flying spot scanner 45
Focal length 19 479
Focus of expansion in optical flow 199
following 131—146
Following as blob finding 143—146
Following as dynamic programming 137—143
Following as graph search 131—143
Following, known approximate location 121—122
Following, labels 296—297
Following, linking 119—131
Following, problems with 119—120
Formal inference system 390
Forward chaining 342 399
Fourier, descriptors 238
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