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Attwood T.K., Parry-Smith D.J. — Introduction to bioinformatics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
-Lactalbumin xii—xiii
-barrel xii 9 12 64 209
Adrenergic recepter 138—140
Algorithm 109—110 119—131 134 154 199
Alignment, absolute position 133—134
Alignment, automatic 60 136—141 194
Alignment, colour 135—136 147 194—195
Alignment, format 137—138
Alignment, global 119—122
Alignment, local 53 56 119 122—124 126
Alignment, manual 132 135—136 194—195
Alignment, multiple 46—49 53 58 88 132—143 155 160 175 194—197 205
Alignment, Needleman and Wunsch 104 119—122
Alignment, optimal 110 125 135
Alignment, pairwise 108—131 134 137 142
Alignment, parameters 60 88 110 115 119 124—126 158
Alignment, progressive 136—137
Alignment, progressive, Clustal 136—138 193—194
Alignment, pseudo-sequence 134 201
Alignment, relative position 133—134
Alignment, seed 60 140 160
Alignment, simultaneous 136
Alignment, Smith and Waterman 122—124
Alignment, widow 140 194 210
Alphabet, amino acid 7 109—110
Alphabet, complexity 109—110 115
Alphabet, EST 89 109
Alphabet, hydropathy 187
Alphabet, nucleic acid 59 109
Alternatively spliced form see “Splice variants”
Amino acids 1 199
Amino acids, physicochemical properties 42 61 112—113 136 150 187
Amphipathic helices 185—186 188 199
Analogue 12 199
ANGIS 27 32 34
Annotation, error xix
Basepair 94 199
Binding site 51—53 87
Bioinformatics 2—3 6 8 23 25—28 163 165 200
Biological significance 50 77 111 146
Catalytic triad 12
Central dogma 84 200
Chaperone 10 200
Chromosome 94 200
Chymotrypsin 12
Client 21 75 200
Clone 6 78 85 87—88 95—96 200
Cloning, vector 88 98 200
Coding sequence (CDS) 82—85 87 89 92 95 98 100 200
Codon, start 82 85 206
Codon, stop 82 84—86 206
Codon, third base wobble 86
Codon, usage 85—87
Collagen 128
command line 190 200
Common object request broker architecture (CORBA) 65 193
Communication protocol, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 21 202
Communication protocol, Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) 24 204
Communication protocol, Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (HOP) 193 204
Communication protocol, Telnet protocol 21 209
Communication protocol, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 19 209
Complexity, alphabet 109—110 115
Complexity, computational 134—135
Conceptual translation 37 83—85 94 201
Conserved, motif 36 46—49 53—58 61 146—155 169 179 183 195—196
Conserved, residue xii 52 135 158 160 175 177 179
Conserved, sequence 7 56 201
Conserved, structure xiii 12 16 160 183
Contig. 98 191—192 199 201
Cyclooxygenase (COX) 72—74 103—106
Dansylation 2 201
Database format, accession (AC) number 38—40 49 53 55—57 60 72—75 126—129 174 199
Database format, crosslink 54—55
Database format, FASTA 72 137 171
Database format, feature table 40 72—74
Database format, identifier, GSDBID 75—76
Database format, identifier, ID 38 49 51 54—56 59—60 126 166—167
Database format, identifier, NID 74
Database format, identifier, PID 74
Database format, keywords 40 72—74
Database searching, ACEDB 78—79
Database searching, BLAST 100 116 119 126—131 167—169
Database searching, FASTA 38 125—127 167
Database searching, probe 101 108 207
Database searching, protocol 163—184
Database searching, PSI-BLAST 142—143
Database searching, subject 108 209
Database searching, text query 104 108
Databases, ACeDB 78
Databases, ATCC 98
Databases, bibliographic 29—31
Databases, BLOCKS 46—47 56—58 68 150 154 174 176—177
Databases, boutique 29 75
Databases, CATH 29 64 68 180—181
Databases, composite 43—45 62 200
Databases, DDBJ 28 31 37 68—70 80
Databases, dhEST 74 80 96—97
Databases, EGAD 98
Databases, EMBL 28 31 37 41 45 68—70 80
Databases, flat-file 29 36 41 75 202
Databases, fold templates 8 163
Databases, GenBank 28 31 43—45 68—74 80
Databases, GenBank, divisions 70 98 145
Databases, GenPept 43—45 72
Databases, GSDB 75—76 80
Databases, IDENTIFY 46—47 61 68 174 178
Databases, LifeSeq 96
Databases, MEDLINE 42 70 72 74
Databases, MIPS 37—38 44—45 68
Databases, MIPSX 44—45
Databases, non-identical 43 200
Databases, non-redundant 3 43—45 200
Databases, NRDB 43—44 167 200
Databases, NRL-3D 37 41—44 68
Databases, object-oriented 36 193 206
Databases, OWL 44—46 68 165—168 200
Databases, pattern 8 29 45—62 140 160 163—164 206
Databases, PDB 3 29 41—44 65 180—182
Databases, PDBsum 29 31 68 181—182
Databases, Pfam 46—47 59—62 68 138—140 160 171
Databases, PIR 31 37—38 43—44 68
Databases, primary 36—45 50 74—75 145 154 164—169 206
Databases, PRINTS 29 46—47 53—58 61—62 68 140—141 150—152 156 171—174 179—183 209
Databases, PRO SITE 40 46—53 56—62 68 149 158—160 169—171 174 179—183 209
Databases, REBASE 189
databases, relational 36 75 207
Databases, SBASE 26
Databases, SCOP 63—64 68 180
Databases, secondary 36 45—62 137 140 145—161 163 169—179 208
Databases, sequence 4—5 13 26 29 36—45 69—75 82 100 163
Databases, SGD 75 77 80
Databases, SMART 160
databases, structure 29 36 62—65 163 180—182
Databases, SWISS-PROT 28 31 37—41 43—46 49 53 57 60 68 126—128 137
Databases, TDB 77 80
Databases, tertiary 55—56 61 209
Databases, TFD 189
Databases, TrEMBL 37—38 41 44—45
Databases, TrEMBL, REM-TrEMBL 41
Databases, TrEMBL, SP-TrEMBL 41 53
Databases, UniGene 77 80
Deletion 91 123 158 160 204
Dendrogram 83
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 2 84—85 201
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), complementary (cDNA) 82—85 95—96 98 200
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), GC-rich 89—90
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), secondary structure 89—90
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), sequence analysis 81—107
Dideoxynucleotide 88
Discriminator 51 56 58—59 201
| Documentation 49 52—53 57 59 62 179
Dopamine receptor 138 140
Dotplot 116—117 119
Dotted-decimal format 20
Down 19 201
Drug discovery 93 103
Drug target 93 96 104
Dumb display 22 201
Dynamic programming 104 125—126 130 135—137
Dystrophin 205
EBI 26—28 34 38 45 69 70
Edit distance 110
Edman degradation 2 202
EMBnet 25—30 34
Entrez 31 34 72
enzyme 1 202
Enzyme, classification (EC) system 64 201—202
Eukaryote 87 202
Evolution, common ancestor 12 64 83 204
Evolution, convergent xi—xii 12 83 199
Evolution, divergent xi—xii 12 83 139 150 158 204
Exon 78 82 84 87 92 94 202
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) 3 70—74 76 89—93 96—106 109 202
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST), assembly 98 100—101
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST), clustering 85 100—102
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST), similarity 85 100 105
Expression profile 94—97 202
FHCRC 56—57
FireWall 189 202
Folding problem 8—10 202
Frameshift 89 91 166 202—203
Functional site xi 8 49—52 63 119 149 155 164 208
G-protein-coupled recepters (GPCRs) 40 137—141 154 156
gaps 6 110—111 115 133 137—140 194 210
Gene 4 203
Gene, cloning 2 87 200
Gene, cluster 77
Gene, discovery 77 93
Gene, duplication 13 203
Gene, expression 77 95—96 98 203
Gene, family 103 106 108—109 132 137 141—142 146 203
Gene, identification 93
Gene, locus 93 205
Gene, mapping 77
Gene, product 74—75 87 97 203
Gene, structure 78 82—85
Gene, testing 4
genetic code 81—83 85 203
Genetic code, degeneracy 81 203
Genome 203
Genome Annotation Consortium (GAC) 4
Genome projects xii 4—6 41 71—72 94 203
Genome projects, A. thaliana 5 29 78
Genome projects, C. elegans 5 78
Genome projects, eukaryotic 5 77
Genome projects, human 4—6 28 78 100
Genome projects, human, finished sequence 6
Genome projects, human, rough draft 6
Genome projects, mouse 5 28
Genome projects, prokaryotic 5
Genome projects, S. cerevisiae 5 29 78
Genome, analysis xi 3
Genome, chromosomal 94
Genome, data xiii
Genome, expressed 94—96
Genomic sequence 71 82 100
Genomic sequence, Sequence Tag Site (STS) 70—72 208
Haemoglobin 7
Helical periodicity 188
Helical wheel 185—186 188 203
Heuristics 119 135 137
HGMP-RC 26—28 34
High-scoring pairs (HSPs) 125—126 128
Holy grail 8
Homology 12 15 47 64 108 142 146 204
Human Gene Index (HGI) 97—99
Human transcript (HT) 98
Hybridisation 204
Hybridise 88
Hydropathy 11 185—188 204
Hydropathy, profile 185—188 204
Hydrophobicity 9 42 136 149 185—188 199 203—204
Indel 58 158—159 204
INDEL, phantom 89 91 206
Information deficit 3
Information deficit, sequence/structure 3 6 35
Information retrieval, ATLAS 42
Information retrieval, Entrez 31 72 34
Information retrieval, Sequence Retrieval System (SRS) 26 29—30 34
insertion 46 111 119—121 137—141 147 158 160 170
Insulin 1
Internet 19—21 204
Internet Protocol (IP) Address 19—20 204
Internet, domain name 20
Internet, packages 194—197
Internet, World Wide Web (WWW) 21 210
Intranet 204
Intranet, packages 193—194
Intron 82 84 87 204
ISREC 58—59 170
Java 23 65 193—194 197 204
Java, applet 22 194 199
k-tuple 125
Kilobase 71 205
Kozak sequence 85
Language 6—7 10
Latrotoxin receptor 205
Library, cDNA 85 95—96 98 200
Library, EST 101—102
Library, normalised 96 205
Low-complexity regions 128 142 145
Lysozyme xii—xiii
Matrix 59 116
Matrix, 2D 119—125 134 136—137
Matrix, BLOSUM 112 114—115 126 154
Matrix, cells 116 119—120 122—123
Matrix, Dayhoff Mutation Data (MD) 112—114
Matrix, frequency 48 151—153 156
Matrix, identity 120
Matrix, log odds 113
Matrix, mutation 151
Matrix, PAM 113—115 153—154
Matrix, PSSM 134 154 175
Matrix, similarity 118
Matrix, sparse 111 118 151—153 208
Matrix, substitution 151
Matrix, unitary 111—112 118
Matrix, unweighted 134
Matrix, weighted 46—48 58 134 154 210
Megabase 93 205
Merck Gene Index 96
Midnight Zone 11 16 205
mips 27—28 34
Model organism 28 38 75 87
Model system 5 69 205
Molecular genetics 4
Motif xii 7 36 46—49 53—59 146—156 169 173—174 183 196 205
Motif, seed 53 55
Mutation 83 113 119 135 151 205
Mutation, silent 83 208
NCBI 27 30—31 34
Node 19—20
Noise 61 100 111 116—118 142 146 148 151 153—154
Nucleotide 2 4 71 74 83 87—88 98 205
Octopamine receptor 138 140
Open reading frame (ORF) 82 85—86 206
Operating System 22—23 206
Opsin 13 39—40 51—52 54—55 57—58
Orthologue 12—14 146 161 206
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