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Содержимое каталога
1. Attwood T.K. Parry-Smith D.J. Introduction to bioinformatics1999
2. Barnes M.R. Gray I.C. Bioinformatics for geneticists2003
3. Baxevanis A.D. Ouelette B.F.F. (eds.) Bioinformatics (2nd edition)2001
4. Bergeron B. Bioinformatics computing2002
5. Berrar D.P. Dubitzky W. Granzow M. Practical approach to microarray data analysis2003
6. Bock G. Goode J. Immunoinformatics2003
7. Bourne P.E. Weissig H. Structural bioinformatics2003
8. Hochreiter S.(ed.) Wagner R.(ed.) Bioinformatics Research and Development: First International Conference, BIRD 2007, Berlin, Germany, March 12-14, 2007, Proceedings2007
9. Hunter L. (ed.) Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology1993
10. Kambhampati D. (ed.) Protein Microarray Technology2004
11. Kohane I.S. Kho A.T. Butte A.J. Microarrays for an Integrative Genomics2003
12. Le C.T. Introductory biostatistics2003
13. Lengauer T. Bioinformatics: from genomes to drugs2002
14. Lesk A.M. Introduction to bioinformatics2002
15. Mitra S. Acharya T. Data mining. Multimedia, soft computing, and bioinformatics2003
16. Mount D.W. Bioinformatics. Sequence and genome analysis2001
17. Newman S.C. Biostatistical methods in epidemiology2001
18. Norman G.R. Streiner D. Biostatistics: the bare essentials1998
19. Percus J.K. Mathematics of genome analysis2004
20. Rampal J.B. (ed.) DNA Arrays: methods and protocols2001
21. Speed T. Statistical analysis of gene expression microarray data2003
22. van Belle G. Fisher L.D. Heagerty P.J. Biostatistics. A methodology for the health sciences (2nd edition)2004

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