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Arvo J. — Graphics gems (vol. 2) |
Предметный указатель |
Transformation matrix, data recovery 324—331
Transformation matrix, mirror image 327
Transformation matrix, projection 329—331
Transformation matrix, rotation 326
Transformation matrix, scaling 327—328
Transformation matrix, shear 328—329
Transformation matrix, translation 326
Transformations, as exponentials 332—337
Translation, data recovery from transformation matrix 326
Translucent media, light absorption 277—282
Translucent objects, ray tracing, shadow attenuation 283—289
Transmission coefficient 278
Transparent objects, ray tracing, shadow attenuation 283—289
Traversal 26—27
Traversal, coherence 30
Triangle filter 51—52
Triangle strips, three-dimensional homogeneous clipping 219—231
Triangle, intersection with ray 257—263
Tristimulus values 159—160
Two-dimensional geometry 3—4
Two-dimensional geometry, area, polygon 5—6
Two-dimensional prediction 95
Two-dimensional screen point 181
Two-dimensional template, minimum 95
U, V values 261—262
Union, scanline coherent shape algebra 38—39
Univariate approximation, Bezier curves and surfaces 406—407
Utility functions, scanline coherent shape algebra 40—41
Variable control point approximation, curve interpolation 417—419
Variance minimization, color quantization based on 127
Vertex dependence 238—239
Video signal amplitudes 152
View correlation 181—190
View correlation, 2D screen point 181
View correlation, chain rule 184
| View correlation, example 188—190
View correlation, implementation details 185—188
View correlation, iteration parameters 184—185
View correlation, mathematical basis 182—185
View correlation, projection equations 182—183
View correlation, pyramid geometry, rendering with iterated parameters 186—187
Viewing geometry 179—180
Visibility index 313
Voronoi diagram 117
Voxel cache 273—274
Wavelength-dependent reflection and refraction 286—287
WEdgeData structure 192—194
White point, chromaticities 148—149
White point, monitor, setting 159—162
Whitening filter 95
Window data structure 42
Window tree 42
Window-to-viewport matrix group 344
Window-to-viewport matrix group, inverse 348
Winged-edge library, fundamental operations 191
Winged-edge models, maintaining 191—201
Winged-edge models, maintaining, Euler operators 197
Winged-edge models, maintaining, Euler operators, input Face 196
Winged-edge models, maintaining, inputVertex 196
Winged-edge models, maintaining, InsertBridge 199—201
Winged-edge models, maintaining, NextFace Around Vertex 195—196
Winged-edge models, maintaining, RemoveEdge 198
Winged-edge models, maintaining, SetWings 194—195
Winged-edge models, maintaining, SplitEdge 197—198
Winged-edge models, maintaining, WEdgeData structure 192—194
WShape 192
Wu's Algorithm 127
Wu's anti-aliased circles 448—449
Wu's anti-aliased circles, algorithm 447
Zero structures 357—358
Zero structures, for matrix 358—359
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