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Arvo J. — Graphics gems (vol. 2) |
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matrix, zero structures for 358—359
matrices 351—354
joint, between cubic Bezier curves 432
joint, between cubic Bezier curves 432
Absorption coefficient 279—280
Absorption index 280
Adaptive meshing 311—315
Adaptive prediction-correction coders 94—95
Adaptive radiosity 311—315
Adaptive shadow boundary detection 311—315
Adjacent facets, normals 239
Affine matrix, group 345
Affine matrix, inverse 348—349
Aggregate objects 264
Aliasing, narrow domains 123—124
Angle-preserving matrix group 345
Anti-aliased circle generation 445—449
Apple patent 31—32
Appolonius's 10th problem 19—24
Archimedean solids, semi-regular 177
Archival media 165
Arctangent, approximation 389—391
Area, computing, binary digital image 107—111
Area, polygon 5—6
Area-to-differential-area form factor 313
Asymmetric filter 52—53
Autumn terminator 440—441
B-splines 377—378
B-splines, cubic, knot insertion 425—427
Bernstein basis 406 409
Bernstein polynomials 407 409—410 428
Betacam 154
Bezier control points, derivation 377
Bezier cubic 428—429
Bezier cubic, geometrically continuous 428—434
Bezier curves and surfaces 412—416
Bezier simplices 412
Bezier, derivative formulas 429
Bezier, least-squares approximations 406
Bezier, multivariate approximation 409—411
Bezier, parametric versus geometric continuity 430—431
Bezier, univariate approximation 406—408
Binary computing area, algorithm 109—111
Binary computing area, circumference, and genus 107—111
Binary computing area, method 107—109
Binary digital image 107
Binary recursive subdivision, ray-triangle, intersection 257—263
Bit picking 366—367
Bit-tallying 373—376
Bitmap rotator, 90-degree 84—85
Bits, under mask, counting through 372—373
Blue scanlines, adjusting minimum and maximum 122—123
Blue-green plane, domain 120—122
Body color model 277—282
Body theoretical basis 277—278
Bottom-up 206 208—209
Bounding box, radiosity 304—305
Bounding method, torus 254—255
Bounding volumes, sorting 272
Box filter 51—52
Bresenham's circles 448—449
Bump Mapping 106
Butz's algorithm 25
C-Print 164—165
Cache performance, increasing 87
Caching 268
Chain rule 184
Chrominance 150
Cibachrome 164—165
Cibatrans 164—165
Circle with radials 383
Circle, anti-aliased generation 445—449
Circle, bounding 14—16
Circle, containing intersection of two circles 17—18
Circle, touching three given circles 19—24
Circular arc, straight-line approximation 435—439
Circumference, computing, binary digital image 107—111
Clipping 3D homogeneous, triangle strips 219—231
Clipping complex 44
Clustered-dot dither 63
Coherence 26
Coherence, measure 28 30
Color conventions 72
Color descriptor table 144
Color dithering 72—77
Color error-propagation dithering 75—77
Color gamma correction 72—73
Color hardcopy, frame buffer 163—165
Color mapping, animation, random algorithm 134—137
Color mapping, pseudo, PHIGS PLUS 138—140
Color ordered dithering 73—75
Color quantization, algorithm details and analysis 131—132
Color quantization, based on variance minimization 127
Color quantization, color statistic computations 128—131
Color quantization, error 126—128
Color quantization, experimental results 133
Color quantization, optimal, statistical computations 126—133
Color reference frame 148
Color statistics, computations 128—131
Color television monitor, calibration 159—162
Colorprinters 165
Combinatorics, inclusion-exclusion 129—130
Compaction algorithm 89
Complex clipping 44
Compression 49
compression ratios 97 100
Compression techniques 89
Compression, image file 93—100
Conducting medium, light reflection 286
Convolution kernel 50—51
Crack prevention, space packing lattices 174
Cross product 333—334
Cross sign calculation 392—393
Cube, dihedral 174—175
Cubic curve 413
Cubic tetrahedron, adaptation of hemi-cube algorithm 299—302
Cubic triangle 413
Current object area 28
Curves and surfaces 405
Curves and surfaces, anti-aliased circle generation 445—449
Curves and surfaces, Bezier 440—444
Curves and surfaces, interpolation with variable control point approximation 417—419
Curves and surfaces, Menelaus's theorem 424—427
Curves and surfaces, number of segments 435—436
Curves and surfaces, Peano 25—26
Curves and surfaces, polynomials, symmetric evaluation 420—423
Curves and surfaces, straight-line approximation of circular arc 435—439
Data structures, scanline coherent shape algebra 32—34
Delta form factor 313
Dielectric materials, fresnel formulas 287—289
Difference, scanline coherent shape algebra 39—40
Diffuse reflection 233
Digital computation, half-angle identity 381—386
Digital halftoning 57—71
Digital halftoning, clustered-dot dither 63
Digital halftoning, contrast adjustment during 63—64
Digital halftoning, error diffusion dithering 65—71
Digital halftoning, horizontal lines 60—61
Digital halftoning, magic-square dither 60—62
Digital halftoning, ordered dither matrix 58—60
Digital halftoning, threshold dithering 58—63
Digital halftoning, to multiple output levels 64—65
Digital images, color hardcopy 163—165
Discrete convolution, image smoothing and sharpening 50—56
Discrete laplacian filter 53—54
dodecahedron 176
Dodecahedron, dihedrals 175 177
Dodecahedron, transformation of sphere 241
Duff's formulation 418
Duratrans 164—165
| Edge detectors 105
Edge images, noise thresholding 105—106
Edge structure 86—87
Edge-sharpening convolutions 55
Edge-sharpening convolutions, applied before halftoning 70—71
Eigenvalues 324—325
Elliptical torus, cross section 251—252
Elliptical torus, equation 251—252
Elliptical torus, intersection with ray 251—256
Encoded image data, rotation 86—88
Encoding, adaptive run-length 89—91
Error blue noise added 70
Error diffusion dithering 65—71
Error edge-enhanced 70—71
Error introduction of random noise 69
Error serpentine raster pattern 67 69
Error-propagation dithering 75—77
Euler number, computing, binary digital image 107—111
Euler operators, winged—edge models 197
Exponential matrix 332—333
Exponentials, transformations as 332—337
Extinction coefficient 279
Face dihedrals 174—175
Faceted shading 234 236
Fast anamorphic image scaling 78—79
Fast Fourier transform algorithms 368—370
Fat curve, generation 43
Filter, nonuniform quadratic spline 101—102
First derivative filters 105
Flipped bit count 368
Floating point pixel format 81—82
Floyd—Steinberg error propagation 75—76
Floyd—Steinberg filter 68
Fourier transform 368—370
Frame buffer 115
Frame buffer, color hardcopy 163—165
Frame buffer, color quantization statistical computations 126—133
Frame buffer, inverse color map, computation 116—125
Frame buffer, mapping RGB triples 143—146
Frame buffer, PHIGS PLUS 138—142
Frame buffer, random color map animation algorithm 134—137
Frame buffer, setting monitor white point 159—162
Frame buffer, television color encoding 147—158
Fresnel formulas, approximations for applying 287—289
Fresnel formulas, dielectric materials 287—289
Fresnel formulas, wavelength-dependent reflection and refraction 286—287
Fresnel reflectance curve 284 289
Fresnel transmission curve 284 288—289
frexp 82
Gamma correction, color dithering 72—73
Gaussian random numbers 136
Gaussian weighted filter 51—53
Gauss—Jordan elimination 349
Genus, computing, binary digital image 107—111
Geodesies 440
Geometric constructions, interpolation of orientation with quaternions 377—380
Geometric continuity 430—431
Gouraud shading 235—236
Gray ramp 163—164
Great circle plotting 440—444
Group theory 343—344
Half-angle identity, digital computation 381—386
Half-tangent 381—386
Halftoning matrix 58
HDTV 154—155
Heckbert's algorithm 127
Hemi-cube algorithm 299
Hemi-cube algorithm, cubic tetrahedral adaptation 299—302
Hermite polynomial 398—399
Hierarchy traversal 267—272
Hierarchy traversal, bottom—up method 270—271
Hierarchy traversal, caching 268
Hierarchy traversal, combining top-down and bottom-up approaches 270—271
Hierarchy traversal, top-down list formation 268—269
High coherence 28 30
Hilbert curve 27—28
Homgeneous media, light absorption 278—280
Horner's rule 420—421
Hot colors 147 152—153
Hot pixels, repairing 155—156
Hot pixels, test 155—157
Hybrid predictor 97—100
Hypercones 117
Icosahedron, dihedrals 175 177
Image file compression 93—100
Image file compression, hybrid predictor 97—100
Image file compression, prediction-correction coding 93—94
Image file compression, prediction-correction coding, adaptive 94—95
Image processing 49 see
Image processing, 90-degree bitmap rotator 84—85
Image processing, color dithering 72—77
Image processing, fast anamorphic image scaling 78—79
Image processing, image file compression 93—100
Image processing, image smoothing and sharpening by discrete convolution 50—56
Image processing, noise thresholding in edge images 105—106
Image processing, optimal filter for reconstruction 101—104
Image processing, pixels 80—83
Image processing, run-length encoded image data rotation 86—88
Image reconstruction, optimal filter 101—104
Image scaling, fast anamorphic 78—79
Image sharpening, by discrete convolution 50—56
Image smoothing, by discrete convolution 50—56
Inclusion-exclusion, combinatorics 129—130
Inhomogeneous media, light absorption 280—281
InputFace 196
InputVertex 196
Insert Bridge 199—201
Integer square root algorithm 387—388
Integers 371—372
Integers, counting through bits under mask 372—373
Integers, tallying on bits 373—376
Intensity 233 278—279
Intensity, interpolation between adjacent pixels 445
InterPhong shading 232—241
InterPhong shading, analysis of formula 238—240
InterPhong shading, applications 241
Intersection of two circles, circle containing 17—18
Intersection scanline coherent shape algebra 37
Interval sampling 394—395
Inverse color map 116
Inverse color map, adjusting blue scanlines 122—123
Inverse color map, aliasing 123—124
Inverse color map, computation 116—125
Inverse color map, convexadvantage 119—124
Inverse color map, domain in blue—green plane 120—122
Inverse color map, incremental distance calculation 117—119
Inverse color map, ordering 124—125
IRE unites 152
Jacobian matrix 184
Jarvis, Judice, and Nanke filter 68
Knot, insertion into B-splines 425—427
Kochanek—Bartels formulation 417—419
Lambert's law of absorption 279
Lambertian radiosity model 385
ldexp 82—83
Least-squares approximations, Bezier curves and surfaces 406—411
Length-preserving matrix group 344—345
Light absorption, homogeneous media 278—280
Light absorption, inhomogeneous media 280—281
Light absorption, translucent media 277—282
Light reflection 282
Light sensing device 161—162
Line, distance to point 10—13
Line, intersections, algebra Appolonius's 10th problem 19—24
Line, intersections, bounding circle 14—16
Line, intersections, circle containing intersection of two circles 17—18
Line, intersections, distance from point to line 10—13
Line, intersections, intersection of line segments 7—9
Line, intersections, Peano curve generation algorithm 25—26
Line, intersections, segments 7—9
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