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Arvo J. — Graphics gems (vol. 2) |
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Line, intersections, space-filling curve 27—28
Line, intersections, transversal 26—27
Linear transformations 335—337
Look-up table color 139
LU decomposition 349
Luminaires, power from 307
Luminance meter 159—160
Lumninance-color difference space 147
M2 154
Mach band effect 235—236
Magic square, as outer product 74
Magic square, dither 60—62
Mailbox 264
Mailbox, algorithm 268
Manhattan distance 258—259
Mapping, RGB triples 143—146
Matrix groups 344
Matrix groups, affine 345
Matrix groups, angle-preserving 345
Matrix groups, inverse 348—349
Matrix groups, length-preserving 344—345
Matrix groups, membership and privileges 346—347
Matrix groups, nonsingular 345
Matrix groups, nonsingular, inverse 350
Matrix groups, window-to-viewport 344
Matrix groups, window-to-viewport, inverse 348
Matrix inversion 342—350
Matrix inversion, elementary 347
Matrix inversion, evaluation strategy 347—348
Matrix inversion, problem statement 342
Matrix techniques 319
Matrix techniques, matrices 351—354
Matrix techniques, cross product 333—334
Matrix techniques, data recovery from transformation matrix 324—331
Matrix techniques, linear transformations 335—337
Matrix techniques, notation 338
Matrix techniques, pseudo-perspective 340—341
Matrix techniques, quaternions 351—354
Matrix techniques, random rotation matrices 355—356
Matrix techniques, shear 339—340
Matrix techniques, small sparse matrix classification 357—361
Matrix techniques, tensor product 333—334
Matrix techniques, transformations as exponentials 332—337
Matrix, decomposition into simple transformations 320—323
Matrix, exponential 332—333
Matrix-vector 360—361
Menelaus's theorem 424—427
Mirror image, data recovery from transformation matrix 327
Modified facet shading 236—237
Monitor, white point, setting 159—162
Monochromatic triples 146
Multi-indices 412
Multiple output levels, halftoning to 64—65
Multivariate approximation, Bezier curves and surfaces 409
Narrow domains, aliasing 123—124
National Television Systems Committee, encoding basics 148—152
NextFaceAroundVertex 195—196
Noise thresholding, edge images 105—106
Nonlocality tension 238
Nonsingular matrix group 345
Nonsingular matrix group, inverse 350
NTSC encoding basics 148—152
Numerical and programming techniques 365
Numerical and programming techniques, arctangent, approximation 389—391
Numerical and programming techniques, bit picking 366—367
Numerical and programming techniques, Fourier transform 368—370
Numerical and programming techniques, half-angle identity 381—386
Numerical and programming techniques, integer square root algorithm 387—388
Numerical and programming techniques, interval sampling 394—395
Numerical and programming techniques, Perlin noise function, recursive implementation 396—401
Numerical and programming techniques, sign of cross product calculation 392—393
Numerical and programming techniques, using geometric constructions to interpolate orientation with quaternions 377—380
Object area 26—27
Object-space rendering 26
Octahedron, dihedrals 174—175
Octree-to-Boundary conversion 214—218
Octree-to-PCS 214—215
Offsetprints 165
Opcode 36
Ordered dithering, color 73—75
Ordered dithering, matrix 58—60
PAL encoding 153—154
Parallel connected stripes representation 203—204
Parametric continuity 430—431
Patch visibility index 313
Pattern mask 57
PCS-to-boundary conversion 205
PCS-to-Chain procedure 205—206
Peano curve 27—28
Peano curve, coherence of transversal sequences 28—30
Peano curve, generation algorithm 25—26
Perlin noise function, recursive implementation 396—401
PHIGS PLUS 138—142 420
PHIGS PLUS, implementation 141—142
PHIGS PLUS, pseudo color interpolation 140—141
PHIGS PLUS, pseudo color mapping 138—140
Phosphors, chromaticity 151
Phosphors, coordinates 161
Phosphors, spectral emission curve 160—161
pixels 80—83
Pixels, band, anti—aliasing 445—446
Pixels, components 109—110
Pixels, gamma-corrected byte storage 80
Pixels, locations 33—34
Pixels, remapping 78
Pixels, replication 79
Pixels, sub-sampling 79
Pixels, unportable bits 81
Planar polygon, area 170
Point, distance to line 10—13
Point, generation equation 179
Point-triangle intersection 259—261
Polygon, area 5—6
Polygon, user-provided display routines, radiosity 295—298
Polyhedron, convex, ray intersection 247—250
Polyhedron, exact dihedral metrics 174—178
Polyhedron, regular 174—175
Polyhedron, volume 170—171
Polyline, circular arc 435—437
Polynomials, Horner's rule 420—421
Polynomials, symmetric evaluation 420—423
Prediction-correction coding 93—94
programming techniques 329—331
Programming techniques, equations, view correlation 182—183
Pseudo color, interpolation, PHIGS PLUS 140—141
Pseudo color, mapping, PHIGS PLUS 138—140
Pseudo-perspective 340—341
Pyramid geometry, rendering with iterated parameters 186—187
Quadratic spline, nonuniform 101—102
Quadtree-to-PCS 211—213
Quadtree/octree-to-bound.-conv. (Cont'd), PCS-to-boundary conversion 205
Quadtree/octree-to-bound.-conv. (Cont'd), PCS-to-Chain procedure 205—206
Quadtree/octree-to-bound.-conv. (Cont'd), quadtree-to-boundary conversion 211—213
Quadtree/octree-to-bound.-conv. (Cont'd), Quusdtree-o-PCS 211—213
Quadtree/octree-to-bound.-conv. (Cont'd), Top-Down 206—208 210
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion 202—218
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, Bottom-Up 206 208—209
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, Octree-to-Boundary conversion 214—218
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, Octree-to-PCS 214—215
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, parallel connected stripes representation 203—204
Quadtrees 31
Quaternions 351—354
Quaternions, geometric construction interpolation of orientation 377—380
Radiosity 293—294
Radiosity, adaptive meshing, shadow boundary detection 311—315
Radiosity, advantage 295
Radiosity, by ray tracing 306—310
Radiosity, extensions 308—309
Radiosity, fast vertex update 303—305
Radiosity, form factors 295
| Radiosity, hemi-cube algorithm, cubic tetrahedral adaptation 299—302
Radiosity, implementation 297—298
Radiosity, progressive 296—297
Radiosity, progressive refinement 306—307
Radiosity, ray-traced form factors 312—313
Radiosity, sending power with rays 307—308
Radiosity, user-provided polygon display routines 295—298
Random color map animation algorithm 134—137
Random rotation matrices 355—356
Random-number generator 136
Raster image, 90-degree rotation 86
Raster representation 111
Ray equation 180
Ray tagging, voxel-based ray tracing 264—266
Ray tracing 245—246
Ray tracing, avoiding incorrect shadow intersections 275—276
Ray tracing, body color model 277—282
Ray tracing, hierarchy traversal 267—272
Ray tracing, radiosity by 306—310
Ray tracing, ray-convex polyhedron intersection 247—250
Ray tracing, recursive shadow voxel cache 273—274
Ray tracing, shadow attenuation 283—289
Ray tracing, voxel-based 264—266
Ray, definition 248
Ray, intersection with elliptical torus 251—256
Ray-convex polyhedron intersection 247—250
Ray-object intersection tags 264—266
Ray-plane intersection 258—259
Ray-polyhedron test 247—250
Ray-triangle intersection, binary recursive subdivision 257—263
Ray-triangle intersection, constraints 257
Ray-triangle intersection, point-triangle intersection 259—261
Ray-triangle intersection, ray-plane intersection 258—259
Ray-triangle intersection, U, V computation 261—262
Rayleigh probability density function 106
Rayshade 186 188—190
Recursive shadow voxel cache 273—274
Reflection, wavelength-dependent 286—287
Refraction, wavelength-dependent 286—287
Remove Edge 198
Representative color 116
RGB triples, mapping 143—146
RGB values, gamma-corrected 157
RGB values, unencodable 147
RGB-to-YIO encoding 151
RMS error 104
Roberts's method 96
Rotation matrix, homogeneous 352
Rotation matrix, random 355—356
Rotation, data recovery from transformation matrix 326
Rotation, run-length encoded image data 86—88
Run-length encoding, adaptive 89—91
Scaling, data recovery from transformation matrix 327—328
Scanline coherent shape algebra 31—45
Scanline coherent shape algebra, algorithm 34—37
Scanline coherent shape algebra, applications 41—44
Scanline coherent shape algebra, background 31—32
Scanline coherent shape algebra, data structures 32—34
Scanline coherent shape algebra, difference 39—40
Scanline coherent shape algebra, improvements 44—45
Scanline coherent shape algebra, intersection 37
Scanline coherent shape algebra, union 38—39
Scanline coherent shape algebra, utility functions 40—41
Segment data structures 33—34
Serpentine raster pattern 67 69
SetWings 194—195
Shading rays, caching 268
Shading techniques, incremental and empirical 233—236
Shading tension 238
Shadow algorithm 284—285
Shadow attenuation 283—289
Shadow attenuation, naive scheme 283—284
Shadow attenuation, wavelength-dependent reflection and refraction 286—287
Shadow boundaries, detection, adaptive meshing in radiosity 311—315
Shadow boundaries, subdivision criteria 313—315
Shadow boundaries, visibility index 313
Shadow cache 273
Shadow generation, approximations 283
Shadow intersections, avoiding incorrect 275—276
Shadow object caching 268
Shadow voxel cache 273—274
Shape representations, stored as linked lists 32
Shape, algebra opcodes 36
Shape, decomposition 32
Shape, parameters 431 433
Shape-box routine 40—41
Sharpening filter 53—55
Shear 339—340
Shear, data recovery from transformation matrix 328—329
Shear, geometry 339
Small sparse matrix, classification 357—361
Smoothing 53—54
Snub disphenoid 178
Snub figures 177—178
Sobel and Prewitt operators 105
Solids, quasi-regular 174—175
Space packing lattices, crack prevention 174
Space-filling curves 3—4 27—28
Span, data structure 33
Span, processing 342—35
Sparse matrix, classification 357—361
Sparse matrix, classification, zero structures 357—358
Sparse matrix, multiplying a vector 360—361
Specular reflection 234
Sphere, moving on 172—173
SplitEdge 197—198
Square root algorithm 387—388
State, code generation 35
Stucki filter 69
Surface normal, torus, determination 256
Surface shading 234
Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm 220 231
Symmetric evaluation, polynomials 420—423
Synthetic actor 241
Television color encoding 147—158
Television color encoding, chrominance 150
Television color encoding, color reference frame 148
Television color encoding, component systems 154
Television color encoding, HDTV 154—155
Television color encoding, hot-pixel test 155—157
Television color encoding, IRE unites 152
Television color encoding, luminance-color difference space 147
Television color encoding, NTSC encoding basics 148—152
Television color encoding, PAL encoding 153—154
Television color encoding, unencodable RGB values 147
Tensor product 333—334
Tent filter 51—52
Tetrahedron, dihedrals 174—175
Three-dimensional geometry 169
Three-dimensional geometry, homogeneous clipping, triangle strips 219—231
Three-dimensional geometry, InterPhong shading 232—241
Three-dimensional geometry, moving on a sphere 172—173
Three-dimensional geometry, planar polygon, area 170
Three-dimensional geometry, polyhedra, exact dihedral metrics 174—178
Three-dimensional geometry, polyhedra, volume 170—171
Three-dimensional geometry, quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion 202—218
Three-dimensional geometry, view correlation 181—190
Three-dimensional geometry, viewing geometry 179—180
Three-dimensional geometry, winged-edge model maintenance 191—201
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, against non-normalized clipping volume 224—225
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, algorithm study 220—223
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, data study 219—220
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, implementation 225—229
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, memory considerations 223—224
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, triangle strips 219—231
Threshold dithering 58—63
Thresholding matrix 57
Top-down 206—208 210
Torus, determining surface normal 256
Torus, efficient bounding 254—255
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