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Chvatal V. — Linear programming
Chvatal V. — Linear programming

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Название: Linear programming

Автор: Chvatal V.


Linear Programming was written primarily for upper-division and graduate courses in operations research/management science, mathematics, and computer science. It may serve not only as an introduction to the subject but also as a reference and guide to applications. When I taught in the Operations Research Department at Stanford University, I found that none of the available texts quite fit my presentation, so I wrote lecture notes and distributed them in class. The students' enthusiasm encouraged me to rework the notes into a manuscript.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1983

Количество страниц: 478

Добавлена в каталог: 10.06.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Tableau transportation      xi 346
Tail of an arc      292
Tarjan, R. E.      xiii 91
Tchebycheff approximation      see "$L_{\infty}$-approximation under $L_{p}$-approximation"
Techonological coefficients      see "Entry of the matrix"
Tewarson, R. P.      83
Theory of games      228—239 see
Thread      314
Todd, M. J.      451
Tolerances, zero      115
Tomlin, J. A.      xiii 406 409 410—411
Toward a node      307
Training personnel      11—12 168
Transformation, affine      446
Transportation problem      345 352
Transportation simplex method      see "Network simplex method"
Transportation tableau      xi 346
Transpose of a matrix      84
Transshipment node      see "Intermediate node"
Transshipment problem      295
Transshipment problem with inequality constraints      320—322 see
Transshipment problem,      see "Upper-bounded"
Transshipment problem, decomposition of      305—306
TREE      296 319
Tree, balanced      282
Tree, computer representation of      312—314
Tree, enumeration      201—202
Tree, feasible tree solution      296 354
Tree, spanning      296
Tree, strongly feasible      308—309 319 362
Triangular factorization      xii 88
Triangular factorization of the basis      405—406
Triangular matrix      83
Triangularity of basis matrix in transshipment problems      296—297 319
Trim problem      see "Cutting-stock problem"
Truemper, K.      xiii
Truncated incidence matrix      295
Tsikopoulos, N.      xiii
Tucker, A. M.      57 228 248 249
Turing, A. M.      75
Two-person game      see "Game"
Two-phase simplex method      42 125—129
Two-phase simplex method without artificial variables      129
Ullman, J. D.      282
Unbounded linear programming problems      7 29
Unbounded transshipment problems      300 362
Underbidding      235
Underground, P.      3—4 6 182—184
Uniqueness of optimal solutions      22—23
Unit sphere      446
Unrestricted variable      see "Free variable"
Unsolvable system of linear inequalities      143—144 146
Upper bounding      119
Upper triangular matrix      83
Upper-bounded transshipment problems      353 372
Upper-bounded transshipment problems, infeasible      364
Upper-bounded transshipment problems, reduction to transshipment problems      366
Value of a game      233
Value, marginal      66
Value, optimal      7
Van Slyke, R. M.      416
Variable, artificial      125—126 130—132
Variable, basic      20
Variable, bounded      see "Variable restricted"
Variable, constrained      see "Variable restricted"
Variable, decision      14
Variable, entering      21 28 121 124
Variable, free      119 132—133 138
Variable, incoming      see "Variable entering"
Variable, leaving      21 29 123 124
Variable, logical      see "Variable slack"; artificial"
Variable, nonbasic      20
Variable, outgoing      see "Variable leaving"
Variable, restricted      119—120 138
Variable, slack      14
Variable, structural      see "Variable decision"
Variable, unrestricted      see "Variable free"
Variations of data      see "Sensitivity analysis"
Vector      82
Vector, component of      82
Vector, distance between      269
Vector, dot product      see "Vector scalar
Vector, inequality      248
Vector, inner product      see "Vector scalar
Vector, length of      82
Vector, null      see "Vector zero"
Vector, scalar product      269
Vector, score      366
Vector, stochastic      230
Vector, zero      93
Vertex of a graph or network      see "Node"
Vertices of a polyhedron      253 271—272 287 331
Vertices of a polyhedron, absence of      275—277
Vertices of a polyhedron, number of      272—273 287—288
Vertices of a polyhedron, relationship with basic feasible solutions      253 274
Ville, J. A.      248
von Neumann, J.      57 75 228 330
Wagner, H. M.      227
Walras, L.      8
Wardle, P. A.      171
Watt, В. K.      184
Weak duality theorem      140
Well-scaled systems of linear equations      76
Wet node      393
White, W. C.      221
Whitesides, S. H.      xiii
Wielandt, H. W.      330
Wilkinson, J. H.      75
Wilson, J.      xii
Wolfe, P.      33 34 37 435
Woolsey, R. E. D.      xiii 171 179 198
Working basis      417
Working network      399
x-alterable path      375
x-augmenting path      375
Yamnitsky, B.      xiii 452
Young, V. R.      183
Zadeh, N.      311
Zero arc      310
Zero tolerances      115
Zero vector      93
Zero-one matrix      366
Zero-sum game      see "Game"
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